September Stars

Thanks for your kind words about my dog ladies. When we had him we never intended to stay in London, we thought we were going to move back to the countryside and obviously a Basset Hound is a country not a town dog. Unfortunately, situations change and we are now committed for a minimum of another year, probably two. Dangerous dog's are such a problem here that we are becoming the first borough in Hounslow to get an enforcement officer - the Police trying to sort the problem out but it's so widespread I don't know how they are going to regain control. I was talking to a friend the other day whose dog actually got attacked in the waiting room of the vets?! What amazes me is that these "people" don't socialise their dog's, teach them to attack and are totally convinced they will never turn on their children.

Jellycat - I don't have anything against Staffie's or any other bull breeds as I blame the owners not the dog's. I think it's unfortunate for the breed that they have been given a bad reputation by idiot owners and overbred by irresponsible people breeding them for the wrong reasons.

On the subject of poo - Scarlett's are mustard yellow as she is BF. When she "goes" it tends to be noisy - lol! Some days she doesn't go at all - I was a bit worried about it but the HV said it was one of the benefit's of BF and anything up to 10 days without one is completely normal. I think I'd be worried if she went that long but she regularly only does one every two days.

I was wondering whether anyone else that had a c-section is still bleeding? I'll be 7 weeks post-natal on Thursday and I'm still bleeding although it's not a lot now. The other day I had fresh blood but it was like jelly - almost what I would have expected my plug to have been like. DH wants me to go back to the doc - but I was only there last Thurs and I'm on antibiotics for the infection anyway so I don't see the point. I did wonder whether I might be getting a period but it was literally just fresh blood for one day and then stopped. Sorry if TMI?!

I'm still undecided on the contraception front - I was thinking of the coil but I made the mistake of Googling it and wish I hadn't.

Mrs Jo8 - i cant believe the amount of dangerous dogs out there. and agree with you that its not the breed its the owner.. rotweillers have a bad reputation but my brother has one and he is such a softie....

Jay has a poo explosion every other day and some days twice and they are all yellow - orange - mustard colour. I was told when he was having green poos to use infacol to sort it out and it seemed to work.

Amy if you read this i am SOOO happy for you.

and what horrible news for lily allen... i honestly cant imagine....

anyone else migraine sufferers? ive been getting them ALL the time and i was on medication for it before i got pregnant and havent been able to get back onto it because of BFing but Jay is just over 5 weeks and i have had about 25 migraines since he was born, anyone got any tricks to help? im at the end of my tether...
A bit of a grim question but do you babies poo with force? Every time Harry goes it's like an explosion and I want to know if this is normal as he always seems to be suffering with gas. x
Rosie seems to suffer from lots of wind and strains loads even though her poo is watery, she sounds so uncomfortable i have bought some gripe water today to try and see if it helps the windy situation, i also watch what i eat and keep away from fizzy drinks they seem to affect my milk.:hugs:x

and what horrible news for lily allen... i honestly cant imagine....

anyone else migraine sufferers? ive been getting them ALL the time and i was on medication for it before i got pregnant and havent been able to get back onto it because of BFing but Jay is just over 5 weeks and i have had about 25 migraines since he was born, anyone got any tricks to help? im at the end of my tether...

What happened with Lilly Allen?....Just seen it in news, how awful, poor couple.

Yes i had migraines really badly, effects my vision, hearing, i get dead arm, pins and needles goes through my whole body, up one side including my tongue which is very weird! I took stuff b4 and was told when i had finished bf'ing i could take the meds, but i started getting panic attacks when i thought i was getting one and so on the onset of flashing lights in my vision i took 2 paracetamol, and it knocked it on the head, I couldn't believe it! Now every time i get one coming i take 2 paracetamol and it seriously reduces the symptoms, and shortens the migraine drastically.
I have grown out of them more now, i think you do, but get one every now and again, had 2 the week Rosie was born but none since.
You could try paracetamol, it worked for me and i never thought it would:shrug:
On the subject of poo, Riley has mustard yellow poos which are quite runny and never hard, but he poo's about 3-4 times every day! :wacko: He is breastfed so I'm not sure if that makes a difference.
MrsJ, sorry to hear about your dog. :hugs: When our Rosie was a puppy she was attacked and the old lady whose dog attacked her didn't even apologise. Some people shouldn't be allowed to own animals.

A huge congratulations to Amy, does anyone jnow how far along she is now?

Yesterday we went to my SIL and my DS went trick or treating for the first time and loved it. I dressed Riley up as a pumpkin and he looked so cute! Here are a few pics:




Wow...its been long since I've been on here!! Sorry guys!!!

Must write more on this thread...

Well, Kimi is beginning to get the hang of sleeping in her own bed...but she's got eczema and thrush which wasnt very nice although the medicine is helping her :)

MrsJ - Sorry to hear about your dogs. My mum and step-dad bred GSD's and they were beautiful friendly dogs...then they got a Greyhound (retired and prev owned) and it was vicious as just depends on the owner.

Teeny - What a little cutie :) Very gorgeous!!

Cant remember anymore sorry!!!

Just a quick question...Kimi is still on 4oz bottles and shes a month old this alright?? I see so many of you already on 5oz ....she isnt screaming for more yet...and isnt finishing a 4oz bottle so im not putting her up....does this sound alright??


Vikki and Kimi x
hey ladies!!! long time no post............SORRY!

Tonights the first night I actually feel Ive done most things and have time to sit and have a wee browse, most nights I just manage to get on fb on my phone! Im so sorry but dont have quite enough time to read all 107 pages but i really hope you are all doing well!! Im doing ok, been back in hosp for a blood transfusion but today had to get bloods done again as im just so bloomin weak and look like casper, really thought id be picking up by now! It is hard with 2 kids mind you but dh's job finnished just as I had Cooper, was only temp and I think the fact he wanted time off kinna finnished it:( now its not what we need money wise but boy am I glad he is here just now, he has been an absolute diamond, cant praise him enough. finally got mason into a council run nursery so saving a fortune with that and he is loving it!

From what I can gather Amy is pregnant that is soooo fantastic, if you read this - YAY honey:)

Mrs j i am also still bleeding after c-section, Im 5 weeks postnatal and also still in some pain nown there, i had an awful time with pain below before Cooper came but is still sore:-(

Anyway im hoping to get back on here more often now that things are getting more settled, need some other mums about and some girlie chat;)

Yay good to see you Drea and Vikki! Drea, sorry to hear you've not been so good. Time is so short isn't it? There are never enough hours in the day!
Vikki, Kimi sounds as though she's doing good with her sleeping. Sorry to hear about her eczema and thrush. :hugs:

Teeny, lovely pics of Riley. I love all his hair! Such a cutie pie!

I have to say, all our lovely September Stars (including the August and October ones too!!) are gorgeous. We bred well!! :kiss:

Sam's had a good evening again. He's had an awake day, fed well. Lots of smiles. Nice bath, good feeds after bath. I took him up to his bed half awake and put the music on the baby monitor, and he's gone off. Anyone would think that with a day like this, we should be in for a good night, but you never know with him!!!

Anyone I'm friends with on FB will see how I've put tons of pics on the last few days. I needed to put most recent ones on and clear out my phone as I'm getting another new one tomorrow. But I actually think I may be obsessed with taking and looking at pics of my boys!

I had a moment before when I went up with Sam to put him to bed. I put him in the carrycot and gave him a kiss, then I went into Archie and Jack's room and checked they were okay. I couldn't believe my luck that the three of them are mine. "my 3 boys"!! Sounds weird! The big ones fight like cat and dog, and Sam is hard work, but they are the bees knees. :kiss:

Soppy moment over, I'm enjoying a glass of fruity cider, then I'm off for (hopefully) a good kip!!
We've not decided yet if we're having more, a few weeks ago i would have said yes but i really like our little family right now :lol:

Hmmm anyone got presents for christmas sorted? Tab seems to be getting loads and Rosalie nothing :cry:

Its so fab about Amy and Ian :wohoo:

Sorry about your dog mrs J :hugs:

Rosalie seems to really fight when shes feeding its really annoying she pulls back, shouts and kicks :nope:
I agree Asher, all our babies are just lovely!!! I noticed your new pics, your boys are gorgeous:)

I so know what you mean, I love going up to bed, Cooper all swaddled give him a wee kiss pop him in basket, then go into Mason's room while he is sleeping and kiss him, then walk out with a massive grin on my face no matter how knackered I am and I have such a feeling of acheivment and thanks!!

Hope you get a good night, infact hope we all get a good night:).xx
Jellycat - I don't have anything against Staffie's or any other bull breeds as I blame the owners not the dog's. I think it's unfortunate for the breed that they have been given a bad reputation by idiot owners and overbred by irresponsible people breeding them for the wrong
I couldn't of said it better myself xx

anyone else migraine sufferers?
very rarely hope you manage to sort them out soon

Youngmummy JJ is still only on 4oz at the moment but is a hefty 9lb 13oz at 3 weeks old. As long as he's not looking for more food and finishing a bottle I'm not upping the volume he's put on a pound in a week aswell so know he's ok

Hmmm anyone got presents for christmas sorted? Tab seems to be getting loads and Rosalie little
I've started thinking of this at the weekend I'd prefer money to put in jja account but know family will Want to buy him loads of toys he doesn't need nor will play with......... What does a 3 month old need?
LadyKara I think your microwave is broke, we have a 700watt microwave and it takes 25 seconds to warm a 5oz bottle straight from fridge.

So pleased for Amy, she deserves this.

cheers honey... ordered a new microwave.. we new something wasnt right when we heated up a bottle in 20 sec at a friends house on saturday and theirs was less than 900watt..

I see we are both on the i support london firefighters group on FB, are you a firefighter or a FF's wife too ? have you been reading whats been going on with the strikes and what they have been saying on there?? crazy !!
whilst reading these latest post i had to stop poor Amelia had a huge projectile vomit all over me the bed and worst of all her whole face her poor little eyes couldnt open, so we have both changed and changed the bed and hoping she will now settle she been up and down since 8.30.

i remember a few questions being asked......

im not bleeding anymore from c section
Amelia sometimes has green poos Layla is usually yellow colour
I feed the cow and gate and they have 4ozs every 3 hours

Blob, Layla fights when being fed she gets so angry and clenches her fists i sometimes think its because she cant breath too well when feeding.

Right here goes going to try for sleep xx
Hi there about the bleeding thing I was still bleeding up until Ben was 4.5 weeks old but I was also anaemic and bled quite a bit on one day and then nothing. Turned out I had an infection which has now cleared up with antibiotics.

Ben is now having between 4-5ozs but he does love his food and poohs only about 1-2 times a day which is normal for a formula fed baby as I understand that BF'd babies go more often.

Ben has also been sleeping through the night since 5 weeks but is awake most of the day as he is too nosy to sleep and likes looking at what his sister's up to but I don't mind that as the night feeds killed me as I was doing them on my own as my DH had to get up early for work each day.
Morning ladies!

First of all, thank you all so much for the birthday wishes on facebook :flower:

I had a lovely day, although it was dampened by OH's gift. I really don't want to sound ungrateful, but he bought me a sexy babydoll from ann summers, complete with stockings to match :wacko:

I honestly can't think of anything worse to buy someone who is paranoid about their post-baby body. I'm still a stone heavier than I was pre-preg, and I really don't want to look at myself in sexy underwear! Plus, I have a drawer full of the stuff that I can't bring myself to wear. I see why he did it... I really don't think that it was a present for him as such, he just knows that I've been feeling low about myself lately and wanted me to feel sexy again. He couldn't have got it more wrong! :dohh:

Plus, I'd been hinting for months about a desperate housewives set I really wanted - and the box was the same shape! I'm sure there's irony in that somewhere...

He's said he'll take it back. I tried, but I couldn't hide my disappointment. Plus, I had to tell him because he'd have expected me to wear it that night, and I couldn't bring myself to.

Anywhoo, Izzy is still ill. She had 4oz and slept nearly all of last night, only waking up at 4am for 1oz and going back to sleep again. I'm pretty worried about her and hardly slept at all last night myself for checking that she wasn't too hot etc. She had another 2oz this morning, but i'm gonna wake her up in a min and try her again.

As for her poos, they are bright green, explosive and v.stinky! Health visitor says that it's because she is on cow & gate comfort milk which is reduced lactose, and is completely normal. She has 1 every day or so, but hasn't had one for a couple of days because of her being ill. If she doesn't have a good feed soon, i'm gonna take her to the hospital to check she's not dehydrated.

:happydance: Yey for Amy!!!!!! :happydance: Wishing her all the luck in the world :happydance:

:hugs: Mrsj... I'm pretty down too because I'm missing my horse now. I cried buckets when she left, and then it kinda hit me again last night when I said 'I'm just walking the dog down to the horse' and realised that she wasn't there anymore. I keep thinking of the better life she'll have too now, but it's still so hard when they are part of your family :hugs:
:hi: ladies

Optical - :hugs: I know how you are feeling, my stretchmarks are horrendous and my hair is a mess and it's making me feel really un-attractive. DH on the other hand seems to permanently have the horn - I think it's my huge boobs that are doing it. Obviously to him they look great, but to me they are filled with milk and feel like bowling balls most of the time. I really want to feel sexy for him but that combined with the fact that I didn't get signed off at my post-natal last week isn't exactly a good recipe for romance. It's our Wedding Anniversary in 3 weeks - I really hope I feel better by then.

Blob/Genies - Scarlett also fights sometime's when she is feeding. It drives me insane, she pulls back and shrieks. I've discovered that she tends to do it for two reasons - either she has wind so I get out the Gripe Water or she is over-tired so I take her off the boob and rock her in my arms until she calms down.

Blondie/Drea - I still have an infection, I am on my second lot of antibiotics and they are the high dose ones this time. The bleeding seems to be tailing off again but it was so heavy the other day I thought it was a period. From what I have read, your first period after birth is long and heavy so I'm assuming it wasn't a period and was just bleeding caused by the infection again. I really hope the antibiotics get rid of it for good this time :cry:

Ladykara - my DH's best-friend is a fire-fighter and it's a disgrace the way the "powers that be" are trying to smear them with lies. I was watching London Tonight yesterday and the big boss was playing down the contract changes and saying there was no real threat of sackings because they would sign the contracts. However, when asked the direct question by the Union boss whether he was saying they wouldn't sack anyone - he wouldn't answer it. The bloke is obviously a complete arsehole and I'm supporting the Fire-fighter's right to strike. I'll get off my soap box now :blush:

Jelly and Blob - I've started to think about presents but have only bought one - a set of 3 "That's Not My" books from Tesco on offer at £7. I think I'm going to buy her some sort of 1st Christmas Keepsake as I've seen a nice Money Box but other than that I don't plan to buy much. My family have been on my back and will probably go mad so I'm going to do an Amazon Wish List for her including a few things for the future like a Baby Walker and she also doesn't have a Cot Mobile yet so we thought that would be a good idea. My Dad keeps asking if there is anything she needs and offering to buy everything regardless of Christmas (1st Grandchild so going slightly OTT) so he is going to buy her Highchair. We have chosen this one in Rose - a bit extravagant but almost everything we have bought is second hand so as my Dad was so keen we thought we would go for it.

I am waiting in for a delivery today - Scarlett's Cot. We thought the Crib would last a few months but she is very mobile in her sleep and has banged her head against the bars a couple of times and woken herself up. I found her diagonal the other morning with an arm out one side and a leg out of the other. I'm hoping it arrives soon as I'd like to go to the Supermarket this afternoon. I've ordered some sheets too so I hope they come with the Postman. DH will probably moan about having to assemble it when he get's home from work but I want her in it asap. I'm going to sell the Crib, Mattress and Crib Set on Netmums - it seems such a waste that it's only been used for 6 weeks. I'm hoping I'll get enough money to buy some nice bedding for the new Cot. Actually I think I'll go and list it now.

Hope everyone is having a good day

hi guys

Its ages since i have been on here as i have been keeping up to date with most people on facebook the problem is i dont remember who is who on here as I have got used to 'real names' now lol. The reason i have come on here is for some advice actually. I noticed a lump right inside my breast last week and two days ago noticed that it hurt when i lay on my front in bed. I checked it again yesterday and it is much more prominant and seems closer to skin and is a hard lump about the size of a 10p coin.

Now, at first i thought shit its a lump...and obv thought the worst but now it seems to be sore and bruised to touch and although then skin around it isnt red it is hot to touch so im kinda thinking that it might be something like an infection/mastitus etc.

I havent breastfed for about four weeks, but still leak a little bit when baby cries or when i go to bottle feed her at night. I tried to express some milk yesterday to see if i could clear it in case it was just a blockage etc, and i have tried massaging it, having a hot shower and also putting a hot water bottle on it to see if it helps.

I have a 6 week postnatal check on Friday so i am going to mention it then and get it checked. Im pretty sure now that it is hot and bruised that it isnt 'serious lump' IYKWIM but would like to know if anyone else had this at all. Its been a while since i breastfed but think maybe something is stuck in there...he he
Emz, I have no idea what it could be, but best to get it checked xxx

Mrs J, so nice to see you posting back here again xx Hope the cot arrived!!

Optical, I am so with you on the not feeling sexy, I had a right wobble at Ian last night, I feel so unsexy and unattractive, I just feel like I have lost sight of 'me'.

Genies, Hope loves her morrck!!! They are fab!

I have done loads today, Hope has been a little star. Waiting on the plasterer to arrive to fix my bathroom wall!! The knobs that lived here before us put all their fixtures up with no more nails!! Finally got round to booking my 6 week check up, got to wait another 2 weeks to see the Dr!!
We got Hope a jumperoo for christmas, I don't think we shall be buying anything else just put some money in her bank account!
I got talking to a lady on my street this morning and she has a little girl that 6 days older than Hope, we are going to start going to some baby groups together!!
what time should i be putting paige down for the night?

I woke up with the flu !! joy !! and hubby then decides he is going out to fix the car.. i was fine because it needed fixing but then he tells me he is going out with a mate to look at tattoo’s..i was sooo pissed off with him as i really needed him, he then tells his mate he aint going, which makes me feel bad which then makes me even more angry towards him for making me feel bad !!!! hormones dont cha just love em !!!

optical- sorry to hear about your disappointment and to be honest i would be the same.... i have 2 stone to lose and even then i dont think my belly is going to get any better.xx

MrsJ- They are treating them really bad, i know the fire fighters are not getting that much support from members of the public and i can see why some may not understand why they are making so much fuss.. but that small change in hours has a huge effect on us.. he wont see the kids for 5 days out of 8.. they will be asleep when he gets in and will leave before they wake up.. he will then have to sleep during the day on his night shifts... one reason for joining the LFB was so we could have a family and i could work.. god knows what we would do.. they are being bullied and they are trying to fix something that isnt broken. Everyone is going on about them striking on bon fire but when do royal mail go on strike, xmas time... if you were a icecream van when would they strike, summer or in the winter... but what members of the public dont realise is that if something bad does happen they would go off and work... they wouldnt risk peoples lives. I work for the emergency services but we are not allowed to strike.. if i have the right to strike i would use it, government reckon they have the proper cover in place any way so no one would be at risk, cats may have to stay longer in trees but nothing major. we are lucky paige was 15 days over due, means his paternity leave is during the strikes....but hasnt stopped him being outside with them of him on the mails web site. check me out and my soap xx

Emzdreamgirl- i get confused whos who on here and facebook.. and the ones i do know from FB i still call them by their BnB user name on here.... but hope people recognise the name Kara and i think i have kept the same photo to make it easier. xx

I had a lump near my nipple it hurt alot but it was because it was blocked, i wonder if they have blockages more internally.. but could be a gland...... worth seeing the doctor xx
lady kara i put jayden down to sleep when we go to bed which is about 11.30 - 12.00 which i know is quite late but it works for us.... he then sleeps through till 8am. the only routine we have is that at about 8-9pm we wake him up (if asleep) with a nappy change or nice bath then keep him awake and busy till i feed him at 10.30 - he'll feed for an hour then goes down easily.

Dont know if that helps!!
We put Hope down when we go to bed as thats when she normally has her 10-11ish bottle then she sleeps a good 6 hours!!

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