September Stars

Lol ^^^

Thanks, yes dh does have a weird attitude to things, but i think men do in general, they seem to have different ideas of what is important to us!
I am a rubbish nurse though, not with the children but with dh, so i went out today! :thumbup:

Ladyk, yes he left me high and dry literally, i was young and stupid:haha:

Right, posting ss Monday, best find something to send it in:xmas10:

Emzy, yay for little kicks! :thumbup:

Well went out to see Santa today, it was fun, met up with my mum who got the kids all lunch, not a cheap outing! Santa was great Rosie screamed the place down as soon as Santa said hello! :xmas6:

Oh and as for taking sick kids everywhere it drives me nuts, it is up there with not nit combing your child in my books! The amount of people that still send their kids to the child minders or nursery or school ill makes me hopping mad, and just because it messes their day up to look after their own child themselves, Rosie has been to playgroup once, and Sophie just started nursery and they have both had stinking colds, poor Rosie has a rash all over her face and body, she is coughing, cant sleep, snuffly etc and Sophie has been awful, just because kids were at nursery ill, that clearly should have been at home in the warm being looked after, i have a huge high horses about it, so Emzy I am afraid I would have said something, because i am a gobby moo! I have had friends like it, and i always say sre we still on for tomorrow, all fit and well and no coughs and colds! If mine had anything I always text in advance to say what it is and see if they still want to meet, and sometimes they do sometimes they dont but at least I have given them the choice! :hugs:

Right, best go and check fb before i burn tea!

Louise, shame about the witch, mother nature is like that! Loving the advice! lol xx

Had a good night out dh has been suffering today though! :) girls were very good for my friend !

I had 5 Pages to catch up on so I'll do that now x
I LOVE Lily :cloud9:

I saw YM things om fb kind of worried for her.

Rosalie can say wee and poo :lol: but she also tells me if she needs to pee when she has no nappy on and also leaves the room to poo :rofl: but I'm not even going to think about it until she's nearly 2. Tabs at 1 a d a bitwas looking pretty much like she was ready but I waited for a while until she was 22 months and she trained the same day I took the nappies off :shrug: it's much easier on everyone if they are really really ready. Potty training I quite stressful :lol:

:rofl: @ Jelly that is so funny!!!!
Evening girlies! Wow there's been some chat this last couple of days!

I was wondering about YM too, with her FB statuses, I wondered if something's happened with her and Luke. Lots of love to you Vikki if you read this! x

Love to all with lazy/"not my job" hubbies!! I think they all have their moments. Mine is really quite good, especially as he is the cook in our house (only because he enjoys it though...), but one whiff of a stinky nappy and he runs a mile!!

Yay for kicking baby Emzy! I think you will have another little girly, I did think boy but now I think little Evie or Lily! I wanted Evie if Sam had been a girl, I love that name!! I know a couple who've got a Holly and an Izzy, and their in laws have got a Lily and a Daisy! I think whatever names you choose will go together, like your name for your baby grows on them as they get older. xx

Ooooh, Louise, Mother Nature really doesn't time things well!! x

Love to all, hope you're ok. I have got my SS pressie, but not wrapped it yet... I will do my best to get it sent tomorrow!

Well, I now have my Coil. Had my appointment Friday morning to have it fitted, not the most joyous thing ever, but hey ho, it's done now. Another few days and we can have sex without a condom! You can imagine the excitement in DH's mind!! I feel slightly sad it's been done now as it's kind of the unsaid thing that there are maybe no more babies here...... but we'll see. Maybe, maybe not. I did have the last one in for a year and then we decided to have a Sam. :kiss:

No work for me tomorrow, it feels odd getting all the kids' stuff ready for school and not having to go to work!! It must have felt like this all the time when I was on mat leave, I just can't remember now, it's all fuzzy! :cry: I'm working Tues, Weds, Fri this week, on a course Friday. It's all good hey!

Right, am off. Enjoying a Sunday night wine. Very tasty. Lots of love to all. xx
Just while I think about it I just wrapped my secret Santa and will do my vest to post tommorow , what was the general feeling on opening? Id vote we wait until everyone has received and then open ? but I'm happy to go with the majority?

Just to re cap involved is blob, emzy, genies, lady k, teeny, Louise, Laura, Asher, btp, youngmummy
I'm happy to open when received, but the Christmassy woman in me wants to wait until Xmas day to open!!! Argh! I'll go with the majority. xx
Hi ladies...

Jelly - Glad you're feeling better, and little JJ too.

FB - Congratulations! LOVE the pic! I think :pink: too :cloud9:

Talking about Izzy's sleep - she's a complete nightmare at the mo. Last night, she woke up at least 5 times before 12. I gave her calpol, changed her, gave her a bottle, covers on-off-on-off and at 3am I gave in and brought her downstairs to watch a Winnie the Pooh dvd. I don't know if it's her teeth, or a cold, or the fact she's on antibiotics at the moment for a chest infection (which seems to have gone) but she's never really been very good at sleeping. Emma didn't sleep through till she was 4 though, so I guess I expected it a little. At least she's never slept in our bed, whereas that was the main problem with Emma.

What is sex? I forget lol. I just have absolutely no desire whatsoever atm. I'm always too tired, or just can't be bothered. Hoping it'll sort itself.

God i'm so morngy this aft. It was our work's do on Friday night. I had a great time - don't think I embarrassed myself too much but got very drunk. I guess we'll see tomorrow! Anyway, i'm still slightly hungover and shattered from staying up with Izzy last night. And I've had housework to do all day today. Witch has got me too... I could just go on one :gun:

AND OH has bugged me. He's bought tickets to see Bruce spingsteen at £70 a pop, and we're skint. Not only that, but he promised me that if we used the £1000 my dad gave me for a horse on the new boiler, i'd get it back. Well, we borrowed some off his mum too - which has been paid back, but still no contribution to my horse fund. Not even a tenner. It bugs me cos if i'd have just borrowed it from my dad then we'd have at least begun to pay it back by now, but cos he gave it to me for a horse then it's kinda like it doesn't count. BUT A NEW BOILER ISN'T WHAT HE GAVE IT TO ME FOR!!!! :gun:

Sorry ladies, I have just really got it on me tonight. I don't wanna go to work. I don't wanna talk to my husband. I don't wanna look after kids. I want to go on holiday on my own. For a week. To a spa. Or a horsey trekking centre. but most of all ON MY OWN! That's what bugs me most about living with other people. ALL OF THE OTHER PEOPLE!

Sorry. Rant over. :blush:
Oh Opti :hugs:
:hugs: hope you both manage to sort it soon, I move money from our joint account into savings without dh knowing, otherwise all our money would be gone as he loves the latest gadgets etc.

Eg he told me tonight he was thinking of buying me an iPad for Xmas but has decided to wait until a new something or rather comes out...... I've bought him m&s pants :rofl:
Opti hope you feel better after your rant ! :)

Jelly that made ne laugh about the pants , and so nice of dh to want to get you a gift that's obviously for himself :)

Emzy lily is a pretty name ! Yay for the kicks and I've been looking through your selling photos on Facebook !

Asher I've completely forgotten what I was about to say :) er hi !

Ym hope everything's ok x

Blob your mince pies sound amazing on Facebook ! If I could bake like you I'd be even fatter ! :)

I'm sorry my brain is going x
Haha jelly! Loving the pants vs iPad!!

Are you sure ym is still wanting to be involved in the secret santa? In amongst everything that's been going on for her the last few weeks it may have completely slipped her kind? She hasn't been on here in a while?

Opti bless you, we all have those days!! Hope you feel better tomorrow!

I had more to say but forgotten again!
Optical :hugs: :hugs: I'm so sorry I would be flipping gutted if my horse had been taken away from me :cry: I hope you get your horse. If you want one you can have mine for a while :rofl: he went to burghley for the 4yr event horse finals :rofl:

I hope vikki is ok :(

Jelly :haha: that's awesome...iPads are fricken amazing :lol: (fricken is my word today)

GG I made 10 and I've even 6 :shock: plus chocolate cupcakes in the oven :dohh:
Blob bet your place smells lush all the time.

We did have a work iPad for couple of months and loved it as so much easier to surf the web, banking, food orders vs using my laptop switching on having plugged in because battery life sucks, screen in the way etc etc I used it all the time until had to take it back to the boss as he wanted it boo hiss

If I'd never had one I wouldn't be bothered but now I have I really want one but to be honest I'd rather the money be used to help us move house :-(

If I worked in marketing I'd let people borrow one for one month for a trial. I'm sure they would have an increase in sales by 200% with people buying after the trial finished
FB - I think boy!!

Emzy - Yay for kicks!!

SS - I'm still waiting for mine to be delivered so I can send it on!!! FFS!!! I'm such a bad threadmate :(

Sorry I haven't been here... things kicked off between me and Luke and me and the girls went to stay with my mum but everythings sorted now!!!

Pippa is doing fabulous...but she is soooo blooming hungry.....we're feeding her every 2 hours approx and as she is on Neocate, I can't even put her on hungry baby....nightmare!!!

Kimi took her first step on Wednesday :cloud9: but has since done nothing lol!!! She is such a little person now!! Its crazy!!!

Will keep up to date now i promise!!!

Aww well done Kimi :) Rosalie did her first steps then took 2-3 weeks to then go more often :dohh: her first steps was walking across a room think she enjoyed annoying me :lol:

Aww would be awful if she wasn't eating much though ;) got to be good!!

Glad you guys worked things out must have been a huge stress :hugs:
YM glad things are ok. And excellent news pippas got an appetite !

Grrrr time just got email from boss saying he's not happy that last week I was having to work from home ..... Ummm baby sick husband sick me sick. He's asked me to come in the office today as he doesn't think I'm a team player ???? Even though I fell asleep at my laptop last week working late and worked until 1 in the morning, offer to help others out as I know they are busy etc. Picked the email up and just burst into tears I really don't think he understands how hard it's been for me this week.

Also moaned that initially at month end I would be in the office but as dad has been Ill my mum wasn't able to look after JJ so I've had to work from home due to not getting a full time childcare space until January.

When I had the vomit bug couple of weeks ago I emailed them at 1.30 in the morning in between vomiting and pooping to say a report was needed to be done and I was unable to work , dh had to take the day off to look after us.

What more does he want from me blood. I'm now on my way into the office 45min journey instead if actually getting on with some work

Sorry I'm just really mad and upset
Aww ym after all you've been through together the past few weeks with pippa I'm not surprised tensions were high and tempers frayed, possibly a mixture between relief and delayed shock!

Very excited for Wayne coming home today :)
Jelly we crossed posts, what a nob! You've worked the same from home as you would in the office, there's nothing you or he can do about it if you're all ill! Don't forget I'm here if you need help anytime x
Jelly I know how you feel ! What a knob ! Bosses are twats ! Hope he doesn't make you feel any worse , you have given the company your time but now jj needs your time and they have to poke up with it !

Louise hooray for Wayne ! :)

Ym hugs xx
Eg he told me tonight he was thinking of buying me an iPad for Xmas but has decided to wait until a new something or rather comes out...... I've bought him m&s pants :rofl:

Grrrr time just got email from boss saying he's not happy that last week I was having to work from home ..... Ummm baby sick husband sick me sick. He's asked me to come in the office today as he doesn't think I'm a team player ???? Even though I fell asleep at my laptop last week working late and worked until 1 in the morning, offer to help others out as I know they are busy etc. Picked the email up and just burst into tears I really don't think he understands how hard it's been for me this week.

Also moaned that initially at month end I would be in the office but as dad has been Ill my mum wasn't able to look after JJ so I've had to work from home due to not getting a full time childcare space until January.

When I had the vomit bug couple of weeks ago I emailed them at 1.30 in the morning in between vomiting and pooping to say a report was needed to be done and I was unable to work , dh had to take the day off to look after us.

What more does he want from me blood. I'm now on my way into the office 45min journey instead if actually getting on with some work

Sorry I'm just really mad and upset
I think you need to say this to your boss, It gets on my nerves people that don't get how hard it all is, totally hats off to you working mummies, how you get paid work in there amongst the daily grind i really don't know:shrug::hugs:

Aww ym after all you've been through together the past few weeks with pippa I'm not surprised tensions were high and tempers frayed, possibly a mixture between relief and delayed shock!

Very excited for Wayne coming home today :)

Ym I totally say what Louise said!^^^^And well done Kimi on your first steps:hugs:

And Louise, Yay for your Hubbys return! :xmas12:

I will try and get ss in post today but Rosie still poorly, i rang nhs direct last night as she was suddenly covered in a rash, it was not anything i was too worried about other than it came up so fast, it was legs, arms and face, she was peppered, some raised mainly red and real blotchy spots, but this morning it seems much reduced. The nhs lady said she was reacting to the virus but they don't give anti histamine to under 2's unless its perscribed but as its settled today i will leave it, It is freezing cold and we have had hail so i think i will keep her in today as much as possible, and a trip to the doctors is taking her out!

Asher, I know exactly what you mean about the coil, I feel sad its there but then I know after 5 I am over the hill baby making wise! I risk not having a healthy baby at my age with 5 previous babies, I do deep down feel I know this is enough, the sleepless nights, the poorly babies and sick toddlers, the school plays and stuff, I couldn't do any more!
I have thought loads about fostering and adoption, but I think when the children are older I would like to provide rest bite care or full time care for parents with young children with illness or conditions that require rest bite, or they simply cant cope with or have given a baby up because the condition was undiognosed in pregnancy, so i think that is where fostering comes into it.
I feel like I have more to give and always will feel like that!:hugs:

Well, pretty bad night, Rosie point blank refused the cot so was in with us all night, again! :xmas15:

Back later, have a great day all, :hugs::xmas3:

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