September Stars

everyone busy ? :) thought I'd bump the thread up

I'm just eating my breakfast 10 am is my usual time if I don't get it at 6 am !
Girls are having afternoon with my friend who is a nanny but she comes to your house I wish I could afford her all the time !

right better get on need to leave shortly x
Its been very quiet in here lately. Me and Ollie are going to have lazy day today pj's on and watch xmas films and try and wrap OH's presents if Ollie will allow. Its too cold to be going out today.
Its a busy time for all!

Hope everyone has a great day, I am heading off to post Christmas cards, and see about getting some pictures framed!

Its a count my blessings time of year, My friend lost her baby this day a few years back, I try not to be sad but appreciate all I have.

Have a great day all, Back soon xx:kiss::hugs:

Also sending love, hope and hugs to Amy who is in hospital, hoping Connie stay put as long as possible and the infection clears quickly xx:hugs:
Morning girls

The postman has just been with my secret santa! Yay! It's from someone with very neat handwriting! My post has been shocking lately, I've also just received some ebay bits I've been waiting for for ages and still waiting for more! When are we opening Secret Santas? Has everyone had theirs now?

Bit of a day with Holly yesterday, she screamed, cried and whinged the whole day. She's got 2 molars coming through bless her and has had the nappies to go with it. Even calpol and nurofen together weren't helping! She seems much better today but I'm letting her be permanently attached to her dummy whilst she's teething! I had taken it away except for naps and meltdowns but I let her have it when she's teething too, she likes chewing it I think!

Got a nice lie in from Holly this morning and we didn't get up til 9.45, which was much needed! Being back at work has knackered me! We had our work christmas do on friday and we went to Red hot world buffet in Manchester. It was lovely and I absolutely stuffed my face, but I was sick as it was the first time in weeks I had eaten that much! Ha ha what a pig!! It was lovely but I went home at 10pm and they all stayed out partying til the small hours I believe!

Got a busy week this week. It's payday on Thursday so we can finally finish the christmas shopping, then my parents and siser are coming on Friday for the weekend, so I have to rush about Thursday to get their presents then wrap them in the afternoon. Today I'm doing mountains of laundry, tomorrow Holly's got a christmas party at the children's centre, so that leaves wednesday to clean the house suitable for parents! Saturday we are going to the Christmas markets and then having a fake christmas dinner with my parents Saturday night, so looking forward to that! Sunday we are going to our old street and delivering some cards. And working every evening too, so a busy old week ahead! Before we know it it will be christmas then it will all be over!

Holly has seen Santa twice now and will see him again on Christmas eve when we take her to see him at the trafford centre!

Right, better go do something productive (not that I can be bothered!)

Hi all, I received my secret santa this morning too!
When are we opening them?....I can't wait until Christmas! lol x
I think we should open Xmas eve - not sure what everyone else wants to do? I'd also like to apologise to my ss recipitent as last night whilst wrapping I found the gift tag so must of left it off. Sorry ! Xxx
Well someone will know who got Laura as their secret Santa lol

Im crap at doing cards, I hate writing them and cheat and write to whoever and family from kara and family... How lazy is that.

Paige is starting to say more words I understand.. But sometimes only says it once
She can count to 3 and say Xmas tree ( well she tried ) but can't say mum's actually really starting to upset me, u would think it would be one of the first words : ( xx
Can I open it now?? Can I, can I?!? I'm sooo impatent! I want to open it!!!

Kara Holly doesn't say much at all. Funny though as of yesterday she has been saying "Mummy" properly and says it ALL the time now. She made me crack up yesterday. She was crying and Matt picked her up and said "what's the matter? Are you thirsty? Do you want a drink?" and she said in no uncertain terms "IM HUNGRY" clear as day. That's the first time she's said anything like that and she's said it twice since! I'm not sure where she got "I'm" from as we always say "Mummy's hungry" or "is Holly hungry" but she must have heard me say "I'm hungry" so many times over the last couple of weeks (I'm always saying it!) she's copied me ha ha

She also said "apple" the other day when she wanted an apple, but hasn't said it since. She says "cookie" for anything like a biscuit or cake. But that's really it, so she says Mummy, Cookie, Dada, Apple and I'm hungry lol
Rosie rarely says Mama, or Mummy or anything that sounds like me! She does day Daaaaaady, Daddy and Da,Da loads, and very clearly too!
She shouts out noises that sound like something but are not really anything! lol, and If i call 'tea time' she copies that in a shout too! She really says all she needs to with Ya,Ya Ya Ya, if she wants something, and can say yes as clear as day!
Jack by 18 months I could have a conversation with, but Ben didn't say any understandable words till past his 3rd birthday and that was with speech therapy, so they are all very different! :hugs:

SS is exiting, I am just as exited about who i sent to opening theirs as I am opening Rosie's with her!:xmas6: I hope it was a good choice and they don't already have it!

I went to the post office to get all my card sent but the que was mahosive so i went back out! Will try tomorrow at my local po.

My cold is better today, it was just a quick one and i am left not too bad today, still a bit coldy but better. I have been sniffing that cold shortner stuff, cold defense and I think it has worked!:thumbup:

Currently being kissed by Rosie, she is so cute:cloud9: We went to McDonalds today, and she had her first meal to herself, she had a few nuggets and a few chips and a fruit shoot which she drank half and threw the other half down her front!! But she seemed to enjoy it and fingers crossed the sicky baby seems to have finished, she copes with most foods now, still doesnt eat much but at least for now it seems to stay down!

back later xxxx:hugs:
I haven't received ours yet !

I've just got home I thought I had 5 mins but obviously not they jumping on the sofa and terrorising the cat .....
Hi ladies, sorry I've been quiet the last few days, we're busy busy! Had the kids this weekend and as usual there were issues, we went and bought them proper winter coats as they only have raincoats at their mums, new trainers as theirs are covered in holes and don't fit. not an expense we needed a few weeks before Xmas but hey ho! Also we found out that when she gets married ( now in June) they are getting posted, and they have requested posting to either Germany or ripon (north Yorkshire) which will be lovely... Not! Alex the eldest said that when they move he'd like to come and live with us. She told Wayne that if he even thinks about taking her to court when they have their posting order she will.. And I quote.. 'rip you a new arsehole' - which I presume she means she doesn't want him to!! But of course he wil speak to the court so she doesn't take his children miles from him! Argh it never ends!
Oh Louise how upsetting especially as you have only just moved closer to the boys. Take her to court I can't see her winning if I'm honest as you have so much evidence against her now. Hope the boys are ok

I think Xmas eve is a lovely time for you all to do your secret santas but then I'm not in it so I should mind my own.

JJ still has no interest in walking and is still only babbling. I try talking with him but he just babbles back..... I know everyone develops at a different pace but I feel like he's getting left behind :-(. He's really taken to his night time beaker so at least that's something.

Also agreed with work to go to Paris next week so won't hear from me for couple of days. I'm so annoyed as I really don't want to have to go. I've got such tight deadlines too, hey ho not much I can do about it all now.
Lbb - :hugs: so sorry to hear about your relatives passing away :hugs:

FB - Kasabian were AMAZING!!!!!! Even though I was really very ill. I dosed myself up MAJORLY with all the different types of painkillers I could take together before I went, and the adrenaline carried me the rest. Tom is GORGEOUS! *I SO would* :flasher:

LadyK - I know exactly what you mean. I'd stick to 3, so i'm in no rush to get on with it cos then i'll want 4 lol. I'd have liked mine closer in age too, but there's no way that we could afford 2 in nursery at the same time anyway!

Blob - That's still impressive! I was just happy if I didn't get thrown off, or got a 'special' rosette in bonny pony. When I was little, I used to go around the clear round course at my local show about 50 times, and always pick a red rosette. That way, when I cantered past on my little welsh pony, all everyone would see was a load of red rosettes on her cheek pieces :haha:

Happy belated birthday BTP. I really am pants with the entire getting online daily thing. Sorry! :blush:

Emzy, your bump pic is gorgeous. You look fab!

Jelly - I'd love a trip to paris! do they put you up in nice places?

Louise - Sorry to hear the cow is being a pain in the arse again. Exes are such dicks! :growlmad: and especially her :growlmad: :hugs: to you all :hugs:

As for me, my mouth is STILL killing me, and my cold is out full force. Has anyone had a tooth out before and knows how long it will hurt for? I'm on painkillers every few hours now just to get to work etc. Plus I wanna rip my nose off it's running so much!!! Argh!!!

Not seen kids much tonight, been too busy listing on ebay. And OH doesn't understand that I don't ENJOY doing it, i'm just trying to make us some more money before xmas. It's like i'm working, and he's whining that he has to get kids to bed. :growlmad:

Anywhoo, best dash as he'll have a fit if he sees me on this and will think that i've been on it all night instead of ebay. Tw*t. God, i'm always so angry. Sorry! xxxx
Opti :hugs: :hugs:
Also :rofl: we got into horses too late for that, did the open champs for pony club but that's it :dohh:

Louise I'm sorry luv that must be awful :hugs: she is such a bitch!!!
Ah Louise what a lovely turn of phrase she has :)

Opti sorry you been poorly , I love ebaying too ! I've been selling stuff on Facebook recently too !

btp glad Rosie enjoyed her mcdonalds ! The girls go crazy for a fruit shoot now after trying them there !

Jelly will you get much of a break over Xmas ?
I've never given JJ fruit juice or anything might try it over crimbo.

Opti - glad you managed to enjoy yourself at kasabian to be honest I don't remember who they are ..... Are they the band with the singer in really tight jeans? Sorry I'm rubbish. Unfortunately I'm travelling on my own Monday, staying in an plush hotel (some are absolutely awful that I've stayed in at expensive prices) luckily I'm booked into a home favourite of mine, then Tuesday will be in a meeting from 8.30 to 5.00 with lots if disorganised Europeans , then in rush hour have to race to get the train home with suitcase. Unfortunately I doubt I'll go anywhere on the Monday as on my own and don't like walking on my own in the dark and champs élysées is about 20 mins away. Still think it's alot of effort to go to a meeting I know nothing about as parts of it don't relate to anything I do at the moment....... Sorry I just really don't want to go but feel forced by work :-(

Lady K - any change of heart regarding TTC in new year? I'm still not convinced dh and I had another discussion tonight but I'm still sure as I really want to move house and can't see how we can afford two at nursery plus a bigger mortgage.

Anyone else got bad weather tonight? It's really windy that I can hear stones and our chimney crumbling...... Oh well garden fence will be coming down again tonight!

Louise - how's Lillias walking now has she started to let go of your hands yet or is she still holding on?
Louise- Sorry to hear the ex is been a witch again. As Jelly says if it does go to court you have so much evidence against her.
Opti- Yes they were amazing I have been quite a few times we try to go everytime the tour and they just get better and better. And Tom is Lush but Serge is the one for me :haha: me and my friend who is also pregnant were just staring at the both of them all night they are amazing. Hope your mouth and cold gets better soon. I need to go the dentist to get my touth out it is causing me loads of pain but am a wuss when it comes to the dentist.
Jelly- Ollie has just started doing a few steps here and there in the past week I am sure JJ will be away soon. Yes the wind is terrible here its really windy and rainy/hail its awful.
Louise :dohh: What can I say, just :ignore: what you can and do what you have to do for the children to be safe and happy xx

Jelly, I have a 3yr old addicted to Ribena, it is all she would touch so with Rosie i am giving her fruit juices, just watered down a tad, she loved the fruit shoot, and mainly still has boob milk, she hates cows milk still wont touch it!:shrug::hugs:

Weather awful, I don't mind most weathers but i really am uncomfortable with high winds, they make me feel nervous as they are destructive, I am looking out onto the garden thinking i need to put another fitting in the roof on the chicken enclosure and worry the trees will come down in the garden.

Omg, Last night it was bucketing down, freezing cold and i noticed the water barrel was just overflowing into the chicken run, so i went out there, and got the spare guttering and emptied the water but into the drain, it took ages and i was totally soaked to the skin, and freezing, so i got in from wading through the mud bath that is our garden and went upstairs, opened the bedroom door to which dh looked up from his xbox and said, ''oh, is it raining?'' Classic dh material!!!!:dohh:

Back later, hope everyone has a safe, warm cozy day! :hugs::kiss:
OMG - I am an emotional wreck today - Just opened my secret santa card and envelope and found not only presents for Olivia but a present for our baby boy as well. Arghhhh I admit it - I cried. THANK YOU SECRET SANTA !!!! Our prezzies are now stashed under the tree. xxxxxxx

Will be back later to catch up with everyone. xx
Oh Laura, your SS sounds ace! x
Louise, as I have said before, what a cow bag. That woman is MENTAL! x
BTP, you are superwoman...I would kick my DH butt if he was like that! x I know what you mean about the high winds though, all my recycling was strewn across the garden this morning and it sounded horrific last night.

Riley had now come down with a cough and cold just in time for Christmas...he is never ill and now of all times...AArggh!

Well, I had a lovely tea morning with my lovely friend and it was great to catch up. She is mega broody but I told of my news and she was thrilled...I walked in with leggings and a tight top and she didn't even notice...I guess my bump is small! :winkwink:
Just waiting in for british gas as the boiler is leaking so a boring afternoon for me.
Dh has said we may wrap some presens later so this gives me a great excuse to open up a tin of chocolates...I just have to decide which ones. :haha:

Laura, when you talk about your little man I am so wanting to find out the sex...NOW! If I thought there was any chance this one is a girl I would pay for a scan but I feel I'd be wasting my money when they tell me what I already know.
I have my first MW appointment tomorrow and so I may finally get to hear bubbas heartbeat. I am so excited.

Enough of my ramblings, I hope you are all well. Enjoy your afternoons. x

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