September Stars

Oh no teeny, I hope he hasn't caught it from Lilia! Poor Riley I feel awful now, hope he feels better soon xxx

Will continue in a minute, Wayne is supposedly packing shopping away and he's calling for back up!
Louise, what a cow !!! My ex husbands new wife has mental health issues and she is very young , my ex is a complete looney too... It always kicks off and they come out with utter shit.. It drives me mad...why can't they be normal like us !!! X

Jelly- I keep changing my mind, I really want a small age gap but worried because I like knowing I'll have another.. What if I have another and still want more !!!! But a smaller age gap is more important to me... Then there is work, it's gene really good and I have been really enjoying myself and don't want to be put in a office which is based over the other side of the borough and they would want my hours changed which I can't do... But since one of the other officers has come back it's starting to be shit again so now I'm thinking I'm doing what's best for me.. So Xmas day is when we may start trying...we will see.. Pregnancy part just gets in the way... Lol x
Right I'm back.. Nightmare day here, got back from shopping to find that the kittens had managed to jump down from the downstairs toilet window onto the tap and turn it on full blast, whilst knocking a towel into the sink which blocked the plug and our entire downstairs is flooded except the living room luckily! The hall carpet is completely sodden!!just waiting for them to cam and try to dry it!! Bloody cats!! Couldn't have planned it better if they'd tried!

Jelly, hope your meeting isn't as bad as you expect! Is dh having JJ alone? Maybe it'll help him see how much you do even if just for one night!
Laura, how sweet :)
I picked mine up today, there's a present in there for all the kids too which is so sweet thank you whoever you are!!

Are we going to tell who we bought for at any point? And hen are we opening? Lilia wants to open hers now!!!!
Did we decide when we are opening secret santa presents in the end? It's sitting on the table staring at us and we want to open it NOOOW! lol
I am the worst threadmate in the world!!!

Things have been immensely tough this past few weeks... Luke and I have decided to split up which has led to a complete move for me and the girls back to my mums!! He's not seeing the kids as he has threatened to take them and not give them back so I've applied for a residence order for both of my girls so that they remain with me!!

He's being very cold towards me and hasn't asked once how his kids are or if they need anything!!

Pippa is doing fantastic...out of hospital and is a small 8lb 9oz!! Lots of smiles and coo's!!

Kimi has cut her 10th tooth and is starting to get brave by letting go of things and standing on her own for a few seconds!!!

AFM - I'm EXHAUSTED! I dunno when the last time I slept properly was...i'm really down in the dumps about things and how Luke has treated me and the children!! They don't deserve to be ignored!!!

SS - I have mine and am SOOOO excited to open it!! I reckon as soon as everyone has theirs...then we can open!!!

Sorry no personals...just kicked the little bro off of here and he'll whinge i've been too long!!!

Much love to everyone!!!

Teeny- Hope you get to hear bubbas heartbeat. When I went to the midwife for my booking in she told me I wont hear the heartbeat until 36weeks this time as they dont think listening in to the heartbeat does any good tehy want us to keep track of movements rather than them listen in for 30 seconds. I dont understand it myself as its lovely to hear it. Hope Riley gets better soon, hopefully it is gone by xmas and he has got it out of the way.
Ladyk- I was like you and wasnt sure if I wanted a small age gap and as I only want 2 and am only 24 what when they go to school will I want more but this one came as a little bit of a surprise and the more I think about it the more I am very happy I was speaking to a firend who has a 15 month age gap and she says its the best as they are so close which I think is great as me and my sister werent close as there is a 7 year age gap.
Louise- Aw what a nightmare hope it gets all sorted for you soon.
I am not in the SS but want you to open them now :haha: I love xmas and want to know what you all got :haha:
YM- So sorry your having such a tough time with Luke. Hope you start feeling better about it soon. So glad Pippa is doing well she is a little star. Well done Kimi on standing on her own.
Awww YM :hugs: must have been a huge strain on your relationship when Pippa got ill :( do you think there is a chance of getting back together? Hope you get the residence order :hugs: sounds like the girls are doing well :flower:

FB im the same wondering if I'll want more when they are both at school :rofl: (quite a lot of us are fairly young in sepstars :lol: it's a huge oddity having children under 30 here)
YM :hugs: so sorry to hear you've been having a tough time , hope you both manage to sort things out soon

Lady k have to say I'm loving happyland too for JJ and know he's getting more for Xmas. Have you got the train? I love it :blush:

Louise - naughty kittens can't believe they did that what a nightmare. You haven't had much luck in that house with water didn't your kitchen ceiling leak too?
Fb I can't believe you won't get to gear heart beat until then ? That is what kept me going between scans !

Teeny are you defiantly sure could be a surprise? :)

Ym hope you can feel more settled soon and get things straight whatever happens , your right girls come first xx

blob I think you will have more :)

Lady k sorry work a bit rubbish roll on Xmas eh ;)

I haven't got our secret Santa yet I hope dh didn't forget to add us in ?
Sounds like some lovely things have been arriving x
Jelly we getting happyland bits at Xmas too !

Louise your not having much house luck at the mo !

Oh big fat gypsy Xmas is on :)
Ym, sorry to hear about the split, I am afraid usually it is VERY hard to keep it 'nice' for a long time it is bitter, then just difficult, then eventually polite! (although when they get with someone else it goes back to bitter as the new person gets involved in it all!)

I am trying to write, its chaos here! I gave Rosie a fruit shoot and she has gone a bit mental on it, so i am sorry baby but that's the last one of them for a while!

I had all my babies really spread out, after 1 I thought no more, then I had the next 2 when I was married the first time, then the last 2 now, I have been 21, 27, 30, 35, 37, and that is my lot! I said no more after 35 then i changed the goal to 40 when i went past 35!:haha:

Right got to go, not sure what i am saying with a baby jumping all over me!

Back tomorrow, night xx
Firstbean- I have also heard from others it's been a good thing to have them close together which means it will be great for years to come... X

YM- I am so sorry honey... Do you think you guys will get back together , do you even want to get back together ? X

I went a bit mad with the happyland stuff...I text Ange today with the entire list and almost died !!! Reading back I realised I have a major problem and may need to seek help.. Right after I buy the couple of items she doesn't have... But in my defence the zoo is now retired and the royal family are hard to find so I HAD to buy them... I promised grant no more until after Xmas when the sales come...... I need the fairy boot god dam it !!!!!! But I did take the castle back today, it's just too big and it's not as detailed and nice as all the other houses they do. I won't lie I do enjoy playing the whole town seen.... She has a few bits already and I spend ages setting it all up.. It's the only toys I can play with her... And she is banned from playing with my sylvanian families

I'm ready to unwrap the SS when GG gets hers, or wait till Xmas xxx
I saw the zoo and thought it looked excellent, I too spend ages setting it all up for hames to crawl right through it or sit right in the middle of the train track lol
I dont see any chance of us getting back together tbh... too much has happened and I and the girls need support not someone who's going to lay in bed til 11am playing facebook games whilst his daughter is in hospital!!!

I cannot see a solicitor until the 10th January and as he wont see the girls with supervision from my dad then he aint seeing them at all!!

I'm trying to keep it amicable, but he's very snidy and I'm 99% sure he's back involved with his ex girlfriend...which is fine by me but I dont want her involved in the kids lives until I've met her as I dont have a clue who she is and what she's about!!!

I promise I will try and keep up now!!

I can't wait for more scan pictures and genders to come through!!!

Blob- I know I am hoping I dont want more when they go to school. I would like to go and train to be a midwife after this baby so hoping that will take my mind of having more :haha:

GG- I know I cant believe we have to wait that long I thought they were stopping it all over but it looks like its just our area I loved hearing the heartbeat with Ollie.

BTP- I have banned Ollie from having Fruit Shoots as he goes very hyper for the rest of the day.

Ladyk- Yes I am hoping its true here and its great having them close together. I have bought Ollie Happyland for xmas he has the train, the zoo and the farm off my Mam cant wait till xmas to set it all up I will be more excited than him :haha:

AFM- I am finally over the early pregnancy tiredness I am feeling great now wouldnt think I was pregnant if I didnt have a big bump :haha:
Apologise for lack of posting but feel like I am loosing the will to live at the moment. Olivia is majorly teething and has a virus and is being an absolute nightmare at the moment. I have had about 4 hours sleep in 48 hours. The OH is being lovely and trying to help but she just screams and screams for me all the time :cry: It wouldnt be so bad if I managed to get an hour or two's sleep when she does drift off for abit but I think I have spd (the pain in my hips at night is unbearable and I need to change side nearly every hour) and a constant need for the toilet. Eurgggggh I feel rubbish !!

Teeny : Loved the elf pic - How cute does he look !! xx You may get a shock regarding the sex. I REALLY thought this was a girl. I still find it hard to believe there is going to be a boy in the family !! How did you get on at the MW ? xx

GG : That made me laugh about still wearing your maternity underwear ! :haha: Go get urself some new knickers !!! xx Has your SS turned up yet? xx

LBB : Glad James is doing well and yay for not loosing any weight !! xx And congrats to your sister xx

Sarahkka : :xmas3: xx

Louise : How are things with Wayne home ? And his ex.... Really what a piece of work she is :growlmad: And how naughty of your kitties !! I remember too well how mischevous 2 kittens can be !! xx

BTP : Hope your cold has dissapeared. Theres nothing worse than feeling ill in the run up to Xmas when there is so much to do !! xx

Optical : Yay to OHs new job !! FXd that he'll get the money that he wants aswell. My OH is the same as yours when I am listing on ebay ! I'm not bloody shopping I am trying to make us some more bloody money !!! xx

Emzy : Hope your busy week is being kind to you and not too stressful !! I hate rushing about. xx

Kara : I say go for trying now !! I'm finding it hard being pregnant right now with Olivia being such hard work but I cannot wait until he is here and at an age when him and Olivia can play together !! God I am wishing the time away !! xx

YM : I am sorry to hear about you and Luke. But you have done the right thing for you and your girls. I hope he starts to be more reasonable before xmas. If not its him that will lose out. xx

FB : Thats rubbish about the HB !! Ive only seen the midwife once and I am 24 weeks tomorrow ! I use my own doppler though every week or so just to check in ! Glad to hear you have hit the glowing stage !! xx

Right thats it - 8 pages I caught up on and don't think I missed anything or anyone !! Apologies if I did. It has been very quiet on here lately. xx

SS : What have we all decided ?

We got Olivia the happyland (fairy stuff) for her birthday so have got her a few more pieces for Xmas. She got the boot for her birthday which she loved so have added to it for Xmas. I still have a few prezzies to get but everything we have got is wrapped and under the tree !!
Aww Laura you need to speak to your midwife about the spd and get referred to a physio, I had it and it wasn't nice, I still suffer with pain in my hip from time to time so worried about my next pregnancy!

Ym sorry to hear about you and Luke, all I can advise from the other side of the fence ( as a stepmum) is try not to be brsh and let emotions rule too much, his talk of custody etc is probably emotionally led and won't go anywhere.. Trust me, Wayne has fought for custody for years and we all know how unstable his ex is and they just won't do it, he has no reason for wanting custody and the. Hidden are fine where they are. Do try to come to some sort of compromise about him seeing the girls as it will be expected from a legal point of view too if he poses no threat to them, maybe suggest together at a surest art centre while things are hard? I hope it eases soon Hun it's so hard I know x

Doorbell gotta go
Think we will start trying for another baby Christmas day, we did the same with Paige.. I wanted their birthdays close together as it will help in the future.. I am more or less 99% sure ill have a boy so Paige's clothes won't be any use.. But if I did have a girl then all the clothes would fit perfectly for the correct my maternity clothes, there is also the fact I liked being pregnant at the start of the year.. Saying baby is due next year just sounds much further

With each baby I was worried about having the next but for totally different reasons, with jake it was because I was young with no money, with Paige it was how will we cope with childcare and this time it is do we have enough room and how will my work deal with it again..

Anyone else trying start of the year ? Be nice to do a swap with baby clothes with someone who gets the opposite sex than before.. I have 6 huge black bags packed with baby girl clothes, if I have a boy I would rather do a swap than sell on eBay ....

My happyland zoo arrived today.. So worried they were going to say they sold out as only very have it in stock now... Just my royal family set to arrive then that's me done till boxing day I'm do excited !!!! I might get them out tonight just to check its all working ok ; )
Laura- is the boot worth getting ? The boot and the hedgehog are the only two fairy items I don't have and think the boot looks really good...x

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