September Stars

Xmas day changes every year for us, as both me and grant could be working Xmas eve, Xmas day and boxing day we have to play it by ear. Luckily last two years we both have had Xmas day off, I'm working Xmas eve and grants working boxing day.

Normally we spend first half of the day at my mums and second half at grants parents, both short drive away, I don't have to cook or clean and babysitters on tap, jake spends the whole day at my parents and spends the night there so it's a fun relaxing day, until jake gets spoilt brat syndrome and I get stressed out... I couldn't have Xmas day just us, it wouldn't be Christmas then, it would be like every other day.... I would miss the fun me and dad have trying to get swear words and rude joke past my grandparents and then there is drunken games on the wii and Xbox connect !!

Jelly- sorry to hear James is not well still x
i love Christmas...was gonna say df and i never bicker but i recall last year me getting in a tizz cos James had received a galt ring with babygym that attached and the polls wouldnt go together and stay together and he winged at me cos i was stressing lol! Really looking forward to this year cos James will understand so much more. We always have Christmas lunch at home so i cook turkey and all the trimmings! X
Lady k my sister works for nhs and used to have to work over Christmas. Luckily now she's part time and has family she hasn't had to work over Xmas for about 8 years. I agree having it home would just feel like any other day.

BTP the lanterns sound great you'll have to take a photo once it's done.

Teeny excellent news on the car !

Jjs nappies are better today but went back to his old formula last night so could be that ?? Went and visited our friend today after checking if it was ok. The baby is 4 weeks old and I held him for abit but I didn't feel broody at all !
Hey girls!

Having a mild freak out over poor old Tobe - he has a really bad chest cold and sounds just awful and several kids from our playgroup have had colds that progressed to pneumonia in the last little while. I'm sure he'll be fine, but of course, tomorrow is the last day of zoo shows and I won't be here to monitor him. Worry worry worry.

ladyk- my husband is a paramedic, so we have the same deal on xmas. It will be a rare thing to celebrate on the day. Both of our families are a day's travel away, so it's quite tricky. We generally do what we can together at home, and then I bring the kids home to my parents if husband's schedule is really bad.
Hope it passes soon for Tobe, it's terrible when they have bad colds as I find nothing relieves it totally for them. Doesn't help with the cold weather and central heating.
Sarah, Poor Tobe, hope he feels better soon, the colds the girls have had the cough has hung on, Sophie has long lost the cold symptoms but the cough is still making her sick:nope: :hugs:

The dreaded thing has happened this ds's pet hamster has died, :cry: the children are away so when they get back i have to break the news and they are both going to be so upset. We have already decided we can get another one but it will be everyone's not just one child, as he tended to not let anyone else near it, and if it was everyone's it would be cuddles constantly by one child or another!
I am not looking forward to telling ds, i have cleared the cage, put it out of sight in the attic and placed the hamster in a little box, I think it would be better if he see's the hamster, perhaps understand a nit more, it is the first pet they have had and lost, and this is dh's reason why we don't have pets!

Right off to fb, and cleaning and clearing, my house is a constant source of housework!

Back soon :hugs:xx
Ah btp poor ds it's a tough one isn't it when will he be home?

Sarah poor tobe and poor you and the endless guilt !

Girls have colds and amelias seems to have turned unto a chest infection I'm going to try get her a Drs apointment tomorrow .

Last night our friends came to stay and we did Xmas dinner crackers and presents it was really lovely and all the kids enjoyed it !
I'm like you btp I love having friends over and organising events and stuff x
Hope all the poorly babes are better soon. Hollys also been poorly since Tuesday, had bad cold, temp and a cough that's been making her sick. She seems a lot better yesterday and today but still doesn't want to eat much which isn't like her at all! I hope she's back to herself tomorrow as we have a party at toddler group.

Afm im feeling a bit more rested now and I've managed to get a couple of good nights sleep, but still feeling s bit run down with a cold and mouth full of ulcers again! Still at least were getting it out the way for Christmas.

Had a lovely day yesterday, my parents and sister came to visit and we went to the Manchester Christmas markets and had a delicious non alcoholic gluwein! Then last night we had a fake Christmas dinner and watched the strictly final. They're going in a bit though will miss them! We had told them we were having Christmas on our own this year so that's why they came this weekend.

Oh and 17 weeks today! Can't believe how fast its going!

Has everyone had snow? Lbb my sister said there was loads in stoke on her way through?

yes emzy we have had quite a lot of snow! I had to ring the parents to collect the children on Friday afternoon cos the traffic was so congested around the town centre and the snow was bad near nursery x

Btp dont mean to panic you but the Hamster isnt hibernating is it? One of mine did and i put her in front of the fire and she woke up Hehe x

hope all the poorly babies are better soon James isnt himself today either :( x
My 17 week bump!
Wow Emzy your bump really is showing now!

BTP - that's the same reason dh won't let me have pets .... They die. My parents are still upset that their dig was put to sleep last week

Hope everyones nasty colds pass

Lbb that's one thing I worry about is snow and nursery as I work 45 minutes away and worry I can't get to him in time or safely.

Well after changing back to his original formula milk JJ has once again stopped having runny nappies but I have also noticed a front molar cut through so could be teething. Decided to introduce back his new milk but this time gradually and see if he gets runny nappies again. I made pumpkin pie for the first time today haven't tried it yet but hoping we like it so I can make it for christmas next week!
Jelly what milk are you trying with JJ? Cows milk doesn't sit well with Holly, she gets really runny nappies whenever I give it to her! But she's fine with the toddler milk, which is also made from cows milk but is uht and has other stuff in it. It's so weird, there's something about pasteurised cows milk that doesn't suit her! I tried to switch her back to cows milk again recently and she got terrible nappies again and they've been fine since I switched her back to the toddler milk. So weird! I tried her on soya milk but she won't drink it.
Hey ladies,

Thank you so much for all the hugs and support. I know that you're all ace at listening, but sometimes I feel like I only ever whine and be mardy lol.

Louise - I'm glad you don't listen to her, it's just such a shame she has to be in your life. BTP and Sarah - well said! :thumbup: she's just hit a new low. B*TCH.

Laura - Thanks for the advice - I think we do need more time on our own, and to put more effort in. Hopefully it'll help now i'm off for crimbo. And happy V day!!!! Wow that's gone fast!

YM - Go Kimi!!! :happydance: As for Luke, there's no way that they'll give him joint custody. And as BTP said, I also enjoyed being a single parent, and there is still a fair bit of me that misses my independence now that I've moved in with OH. As much as it's hard work, when the girls get older they'll really appreciate all you have done for them :hugs:

BTP - :hugs: for being in the same boat as me re. OH. I have NO IDEA how you manage to budget for xmas - I always end up skint no matter how much I put away. Sounds like a mad house.. and here's me thinking I have lots to do!
And :hugs: for poor hamster. I'm dreading the day that the dog pegs it - although hopefully she's got a good 10 years left in her yet. Can't you get one that looks exactly the same and pretend?

Ladyk - I agree with the cards thing - they really are so expensive! Hope paige is sleeping better now too.

Sarah - thanks for the :hugs:. Here's sending some your way for poor Tobe :hugs: hope he's feeling better soon xxx

FB - wow that's amazing! I soooo need to gamble more lol. I keep saying 'if I win the lottery' and, to be fair, it'd be a bloody miracle cos I never buy a ticket!

Teeny :hugs: hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Emzy - Looking good lady :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Jelly - Izzy is on the follow on milk stuff, but she does get really runny poos when she's cutting teeth. Hope JJ feels better soon :hugs:

AFM - I'm on antibiotics now for an infection where my tooth was. So, basically, this is what happened: It didn't hurt. It broke. Dentist told me I had to have it out. It still didn't hurt. It cost £47 to have it out. Hurts like hell. Still hurts like hell. £17 for an x-ray. Infection. £8 (ish) for antibiotics. Now STILL hurts.
In a nutshell.. I've paid £72 to get toothache.

I still have cold too, not shifting. The thing I find most annoying about colds (once the nose stops running) is the fact you can't taste. Although, it is stopping me from eating cake. And I SERIOUSLY need to do that :haha:

Took Emma to a new riding school today and it was fab. They got her doing more in half hour than she had done in 3 months at the old place... I was so proud! :cloud9:

Right, best dash - let Emma have a dvd on cos it's the holidays and now she wants tucking in.
Emzy he's on follow on, but remember when I moved him to stage 2 he had issues and had to go back..... Going to do sOme trial and error and see what happens. Annoying thing is if he has runny nappies at nursery they assume it's a bug and has to stay away for 48hrs

Opti - I hated when I had a wisdom tooth put was on antibiotics and all sorts. Teeth are only small but can cause so much pain :hugs: hope it sorts itself out soon. Have you tried corsydyl (sp) mouthwash best medicated wash for your mouth and can buy off the shelf (Emzy might help with your ulcers too)
Hello my lovelies! It's been fairly quiet on here! Sorry I've been quiet, went to Wayne's parents for the weekend as his mum has been poorly and in hospital but it turned out his whole family were there and it was a surprise 30th for me a few days early! Which was very sweet!

Lilia has finally done it, something has clicked and she's walking everywhere now, barely crawling at all, it's been such a long time coming 2 1/2 months after her first steps!!!

Hope everyone is ok I'll catch up properly later :) oh any news on when we're opening SS? Gg have you received yours yet?
How sweet of Wayne and his parents...I have always wanted surprise party! Glad you enjoyed yourself. Go Lilia too with the walking. xx
I guess SS will be Christmas eve now as it is only 5 days away?? x

So busy here, I wouldn't mind but its not even Christmas related.

I'll try and pop back later. x
Just popping in to say hello, hello!:xmas3:

It would be nice to think hibernating but she was stiff and cold and dead! (I was there cuddling her and rubbing her, hearing these stories of how rubbing had started breathing again!)My ex had her because ds was with him yesterday, they did a little ceremony and burried her in his garden, and ds is feeling much better today, he said he can think about her without crying today, so it appears his recovery was in hamster years! lol:haha:

Rosie being a pain in the bum, she keeps pulling the power cable out of the laptop, and mine freezes when the plug comes out, its a pain! :dohh:

Got to go, its going to be a manic day, got a friend coming round, and dd got pre school, and got to keep going on my present mountain to wrap, made a bit of a start last night, and the thought just sends fear into me now, trying to find the end of the tape, the scissors, the tags, I cover as i go so can never find the bits i need, I have a wrap organiser, but it doesnt help much! lol

Ho ho ho :xmas6:
Just a quick one it's here ladies the postman gave it to the girls this morning :) it's come a long way ! Thanks blob xx :)
Yay for your SS Genies!

Well, I have just returned home with my double buggy!!! I have bought a second hand Icandy pear and it has everything with it....the frame, apple seat, 2 pear seats, pip coverter, fabric carrycot, cup holder, parasol, footmuff, rain covers. And it was a bargain!
I am in love, love, love!

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