September Stars

Young mummy becs is right !
To be honest I don't think it's very fair on the kids they have had a lot of upheaval already and they just need stability.
if you love him and can make it work then go for it if not then split permanently ! I too am sorry if that's harsh but you need the support and happiness you deserve do what you think is best xx
LBB, what a couple of tw@ts, people like that really piss me off, they knew what was involved so why take him on!!!
LBB- oh honey I am so sorry. I really don't have any advice, we are thinking of re homing our dogs at the moment.... I'm very depressed about it but my problem is not as important as yours... Could you not see if anyone else you know can have him ? Xx

YM I'm sorry to hear things are going bad again, I have been where you are now. It's so hard to forgive and you will never forget... No one can tell you what to do, some people can sort these things out and the cheating will stop, but alas it can also go the other way.i would just hate to think you will be in a unhappy relationship because you hope things would have changed every time. You know what ever you decide to do we will support you.xx

BTP- Jason never used to hide his drinking... He just lied how much he had drunk.. Bloody ex's !!!! Hope you guess can sort it out xx
Just a quick one as on my phone, but just wanted to say ym you are such a lovely, wonderful, kind hearted person and you deserve better. I hate to think of you in an unhappy relationship when you deserve so much more. If I'm honest, I don't think he deserves any more chances but no one can make that decision but you. You and the girls deserve a good, stable life and its just whether you think Luke can give that to you. If not then you're better off by yourself! You don't need the stress in your life hun x

Lbb I'm sorry about your dog :( I'd so have him if my house was bigger, I'd love a dog but we don't have room x
Hey Ladies,

Hope you all had an amazing christmas! Personals while I remember:

:hi: SisterR :hi:

:hugs: to all the poorly babies and mummies :hugs:

LBB - I agree with everyone else, god knows why you'd take on a big dog like that if you weren't prepared or knowledgeable. :hugs:

BTP - :hugs: honey.. hope things get better soon. I too can't just 'leave' something and forget it if it's not been resolved!

YM - :hugs: I'm not sure if I could cope with knowing that my OH had tried to get it on with other women so quickly. But, I guess at least you weren't together this time, and some people just need the attention rather than the sex. Maybe he wouldn't have actually gone through with it if the barmaid or whoever had taken him up on it; I know that when I suddenly find myself single I just like to feel wanted, and to know that I've still got it. As for when you were pregnant with kimi though, no excuse. :growlmad:

Emzy - I have bump envy too :blush: you look fab.

Hugs and prayers to Amy and little Connie.. she's gorgeous.

Errrm... that's about all I can remember.. sorry to anyone I forgot :blush:

AFM, I had a great christmas, even though I still can't taste, smell or hear. I got THE most gorgeous necklace EVER from Ann; it's got both my girl's handprints on. I love it! OH also made me a photo book with special poems in and pictures of the girls.. I can't read it without ending up sobbing! It's so nice.
I went out with my friends last night round town, and today I feel uber pants. I can vaguely remember getting in the taxi at around 3am, and getting out at my friend's house cos I was convinced I was home - I could see my car because I had left it at hers when I went round to get ready! So she had to get back in the taxi and take me home lol. I then staggered in and straight into Emma's bed, fully clothed (inc. shoes). Needless to say, I have the hangover from hell! I blame my sinuses for not letting me taste the shots, they were going down like pop!
Worse thing is though, I must have gone over on my hideously high heels, as today i can't put weight on my right foot. I've been putting it off all day, but it looks like tomorrow i've gotta make a trip to a&e.

Anyway, i hope you've all had an amazing crimbo. What were your favourite presents? Izzy LOVES her new plastic quad type thing, and won't get out of it for meals. Emma has bought a rabbit with her christmas money, and we're going to pick it up tomorrow. Thing is, it will have to live in her bedroom in a cage because they don't sell them with hutches at this time of year. Honestly, it is easier to adopt a child than it is to buy an animal from Pets at Home.I can remember going for some fish when I was pregnant and they wouldn't sell me them and I got really hormonal and cried. The rabbit might end up in the shed though, as chris gets itchy hands. Or I could just buy a hutch from a different store now.. we'll see.

I'm babbling, so I'm off. :hugs: to all xxx
LBB omg!!! Damn my sister was saying today that she wants a husky :lol: but seriously would be awful with another Alsatian (that is thick as shit urgh). Can't believe they would do that though it's awful!!!

Btp :hugs: you need to go before you hit that point and only then will you be able to say that YOU did everything you could to save your marriage if it comes to it :hugs:

YM :hugs: :hugs: I can't remember who posted it but it's true you are too young to be in a relationship where you are not happy. You need to seriously think about what you want what makes you happy and where and what you want for your future. If you thinks in 10yrs time where are you what is luke doing etc. nobody can make this decision it's got to be in your heart. Feel so bad for you Hun, you have both been through so so much together it must make it even worse for you. He's the only person who can fully relate to what you have been through, but dont confuse that with needing him as a partner :hugs: :kiss:

Opti aaah so nice about the necklace!!!! I love the ring that she has just uploaded!!
I am highly tempted to take the Xmas tree down Amelia just can't leave it alone she never stoped !
Is she the only one?
Genies, mine is being ripped apart on daily basis, but i feel like a bit of a kill joy taking it down now, although i have friends that have so i wouldn't be the first!

Ym, agree, you are young, and I have been there and I know you want to cling on to luke for the sake of the 'family thing' and what is 'right' or for the sake of your history and the girls, however all these things into account you don't deserve to put up with someone who has proved constantly disloyal, and he wont change, men just dont!
I agree with you needing to make a clean break for all your sakes, I enjoyed being a single mum and the only bit i could never do was find someone i liked enough to bring into my unit i had made, I did in my current dh but sadly even he has changed. I became very independent and i think that is half my problem now, I am a survivor with or without that man in my life! I am sure whatever you decide you will be fine but it is a whole lot easier without someone hurting you at every corner! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

My laptop is really playing up so before i loose all my post i will go!

Back soon in the hope my laptop stops freezing! big hugs all xx:hugs:
I'm taking mine down once tyler goes down for his nap. Not because he won't leave it alone but because its in the way now. I have one up in the living room and one in the playroom and i need space for the new toys lol.
Gg since the first day ours was up when Lilia was very interested in the tree she hasn't really looked twice at it since! On the first day she took baubles off and put them in her potty! But we moved it into the corner of the room that isn't where we sit so there's other stuff to distract her I suppose! The kittens however are a different story, the amount of times we've suddenly seen a cat run past chasing a bauble isn't even funny!! Our tree looks a lot barer than when it was put up!!

We're on our way to my parents now for a couple of days visit, very exciting :)

Had some bad news on Christmas eve, you might remember I told you all that Wayne's mum has been poorly in hospital on and off for a few weeks, well they've found that it is chrones disease, but in turn through finding that they have also found that she has bowel cancer :( it is in early stages they think so should be very treatable but still a massive shock x
Oh no poor waynes mum ! Hope your both ok such a horrid shock ! My advice listen to what the Drs say about her and don't google ! Big hugs xx

I'm off to collect my new single stroller abd then go get the girls feet measured nothing us fitting amelias giant feet but I think Layla will still be small and can have all meilys old ones :)
Louise, sorry to hear about Waynes Mum. Massive :hugs: to you all. x

GG, I was saying just 5 mins ago that I think I am taking the tree down tonight as Riley has pulled it apart. Right now there are more baubles on the floor than the tree! :dohh:

OPtical, your night out sounds fab,but I can imagine you are feeling rather crappy from it! x

YM, I am sorry to hear about you and Luke and it is one of the toughest decisions to make with kids involved. As I have mentioned before I was a single parent from when DS was 11 months and it worked just fine. As with BTP I am very independant too and right up until I met my DH I didn't want any more children or to ever get married- look at me now.
Only you know what to do, so again, big :hugs: and i hope you work out whats best. xx

Well, Riley has just fallen (5 mins ago) and cut his mouth, blood everywhere but I cannot seem to find the offending wound. At the moment we are having cuddles and he seems fine.
I seem to have pain in my sinuses so I guess it is a trip to the docs tomorrow. Paracetomol until then!
I am so tired lately and believe it to be a combination of late nights and pregnancy...i thought 2nd tri was meant to be the best one. Not for me. :nope:

Must go and get the kids out of the house. DS wants an xbox game so a trip into town for us.

Have a good day ladies. xx
Well I'm not taking mine down think we will on the 8th....not sure what the tree will look I've though :rofl:

Louise :hugs: hope it is treatable :hugs:

Oh no poor Riley :(
Louise, hope the prognosis is good for Waynes Mum, thankfully they have caught it early xxx Have a lovely time at home xx

We took our tree down yesterday and had a good sort out, very therapeutic!!! I went to the Dr's this morning, as expected I have a viral and cant get anything for it, just to carry on what I am doing!!! We popped into town after, wasnt too bad but it was manic when we left!! Got Hope some new boots, they were still £40 in the sale, why are little shoes so expensive!!! Hope has had 5 teeth through in the past couple of days, no wonder she has been so flippin grumpy!!!

I love that ring too that Ann has done, thinking about getting Ian one to go away with!!
Ym- Sorry to hear your having a bad time with Luke.
Louise- Sorry about Wayne's Mum, glad they have caught it early.
I took our tree down yesterday there is much more room for Ollies toys.
Lbb- Sorry about your dog these had to rehome our dog it's sad.
Emzy- Great bump.
I had a bad Xmas eve after sPending 4 hours in epau getting checked over for my bleeding and everything been fine at half 3 in the morning I fell down the stairs and was worried the bleeding would start again as it had stopped that morning so rang the hospital and she said come in to check heartbeat and it was strong so all fine no bleeding just very bruised arms and a damaged cocyx sp? so can't really walk and have been resting up. After all that we had a lovely Xmas Ollie loved it.
Sooo excited for my gender scan in the morning!!! Last minute guesses, pink or blue?
teeny i bet its the bit of skin between the top gum and inside the top lip its very common x

forgotten everything now, was my grandads funeral today so sad day all around. Then had a debate on Facebook with brother in law after he put his status as 'husky for sale £200 needs be gone tonight' i was raging when i read it! He then went on to say when i told him about a husky rehoming centre id contacted that he would have lost out on money then so i really let rip it him! I can understand the pressure from the nan and grandad and they dont actually want to rehome him but its just turned now to wanting money over a good home! Im so so so very angry! X
Louise my friend has had crohns for 14 years let me know if you need any info. Hope she is ok :hugs:

Lbb - sorry to hear about your dog, hope you manage to find a new home for him soon

Becs - have you tried honey and lemon in water before bed or is it a chesty cough? Maybe put a bowl of water by the radiator to stop the dry air?

Dh has looked after JJ today as I've been to work , think he's shattered and now has to do the same tomorrow. JJ seems to of had lots of fun playing with all his new toys.

I've now got a cold and have to do some work this evening when I'd actually like to curl up in bed with a good book. JJ has now learnt to climb the stairs and managed the inlaws staircase on boxing day. He's started to be brave and take a couple of steps on his own too. He's definitely getting sturdier on his legs.

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