Btp you poor thing you must feel torn in every direction?
When ds has his statement review at school is there anyone on the panel that can offer support? Do home needs get assessed ?
Are there any online forums that could help?
Sorry it's all questions and not answers xx
He is not statemented, I was never offered to apply for it til later then they said they were restricting who they statemented, they were telling me he needed statementing in one breath then in the next saying he was not bad enough for it! I moved his schools so he became one of the norm to that kid that stuck out, and i found that way his adhd was recognised in a flash!
I have looked online and joined a forum, I asked about help when he was marked by an assistant that restrained him, and not one person replied to my thread, so I have never looked on there since, its all crap about embracing the adhd etc which i can deal with when he is not kicking and screaming, breaking his room up and hitting himself!
BTP- it causes problems all the time, Jake has a real problem with Grant telling him what to do, which then causes them to fight and grant turns to me to back him up, which sometimes i cant because i know grants pressed his buttons and started him off. No other guy has ever put up with Jake like grant has. I get so worn down by it all. Jakes behaviour has once made me call parent line (yes they have a parent line) I just cried down the phone to this old man who was very sweet but couldnt really help. I am hoping Jake will grow out of it, i have been hoping since he was 1 !!! he has got better, now he can look after him self more or less its a lot easier. I try to not let Jake and Grant spend time together, Jake plays his games in his room and i make sure Grant stays downstairs, family events i dread and i dont let Jake any where near Grants parents because i find it too stressful, they always say they understand and its ok but i know deep down most people will just blame the parents. Grant says Jake is the way he is because of the way i brought him up !!!!! i get really angry with that. JAke gets bored very easily which makes him very annoying, grant comes out with such bollox about why jake is the way he isnt just Grant who cant deal with Jake, its Jakes real dad too..most times on his rare visit to his dads it always kicks off and i get a call saying they cant cope, they have him from 8pm -9am.... 13 hours !!!! and he cant cope.. i really wish i could give some advice but all i can tell you is your not alone, i know how you feel, your hubby knew exactly what he was getting into and to use it against you know its awful xx
Exactly how it is,(especially the pressing the buttons bit!) I say to dh he knew about it but the adhd has grown with Ben, and mutated and changed, he says i don't deal with it/him but if i said ok you do it dh would end up throwing Ben out or leaving or both!
Thank you, for not being on my own!
BTP - My brother has ADHD and my mum had to send him away for a few hours a week just to have a break from him!! He's 22 now and came off his tablets at 18 and has been great ever since... he has got a full-time job...a kid (who's 21 months)...a girlfriend and hasnt once needed to go back on his tablets!! Remember to give yourself a break from him as much as you can!!! xx
I could do with the break from him but where do i go when i need that! I will have to research but so far all the help is directed at him, and when he gets help it makes him feel different and he gets worse!
It is so good to hear your brother has come off his tablets ok, another huge worry of mine, how does he hold his temper, or react instead? Has he learnt control on his own, did he want to come of the tablets, and was there a marked difference in his behaviour/ attitude/control when he came off them? Sorry for 101 questions, but Ben wants out of the tablets, but his consultant is saying no, I can't cope with him unmedicated atm, its hard enough with the meds! She says very much like your brother, wait for school to end, for him to be happy in his life with gf and job and then come off them
Thank you
I think I need to look for help this year, or I for see a hard year ahead if I don't!, If he gets regular breaks with his dad and somewhere else hopefully home will not be the easy place to kick off.
My friends ds is worse than Ben, and he does the army cadets, now i would think that would be really hard for someone with adhd but it seems to have worked, in our area he has to be 12 and in year 8 which is April or Sept he could join, i suppose it wont harm him to tow the line! lol
Jelly, I have the monitor under Rosie but turned off the sensor part atm, she spends half the night in her cot and half co sleeping with us, she has taken to sleeping well from 5am so i lie in with her! Dh has got up to let chickens out last 3 days as i pretend to sleep! lol
I can totally understand, my eldest dd had croup at the age of 2, she suddenly couldn't breath at night, I spent the next few days after she got out of hospital in her room checking she was ok, then the monitor was turned up like you said! I also put her in bed with me, but because she wasn't used to it she went back to her own bed!
Well we were going out today but changed our minds from the looks of things! lol, will get dressed in a mo and decide
I have not bought a thing in the sales yet, I decided everything was reduced by November this year so being organised isn't worth it! lol
Back later, few things to check out first!
Thanks for the support all, If I am not back then