September Stars

Kara Lilia says 'gedun' when she wants to go to bed, she's said it for months, we worked it out because when she rubbed her eyes we'd say are you tired, do you want to go to bed? And she'd say 'gedun!' no idea what it actually means, doesn't sound anything like bed or tired etc but it's definitely her wanting to go to bed... She does it at nap time as well as bedtime. Sometimes if i just say gedun to her she will say it back and then walk t the stairs!! I think jelly might have heard her say it a few months back when she was round at mine? It's very weird!!

And with the smoking, I'm ashamed if it too and I hate it, I hate people knowing I smoke and if I'm with someone who doesn't I wont have one!! I hate the thought that Lilia might associate the smell of smoke with me :(

Gg ooh sounds ominous, more details please??

Teeny lovely bump! You've popped since I saw you!

I have to tell you, but feel free to skip if you're bored of hearing things about waynes ex!!
Alex his eldest wanted to come and visit yesterday and ended up staying overnight, Nathan didn't come because his mum promised him the cinema and swimming if he stayed but that's another matter! He brought his mobile phone with him (he's 9) and he showed us a video on it. It used to be his mums phone. The video is of his nan (his mums mum) dying in her final few hours/minutes (she died a couple of years ago of cancer)... It shows her laid back on the sofa with hardly any hair, a massive scar and she was groaning and moaning in pain (or so it looks). It is awful, I can't get the image out of my head. Why the hell would she leave that video on the phone for him when she deleted everything else? And actually, how sick do you have to be to even think to take a video like that??? Wayne text her saying she needed to delete it and replace it with a nice photo of her from when she was well, that it wasnt right, it was sick and if she didnt remove it he'd report her to social services. Which I think is fair!! She went completely crazy saying he was the sick one, it was her mum and he should keep his nose out of her life and her kids lives and concentrate on his piss poor pathetic excuse for a family!! Is it just us that thinks this is disgusting?? Would you let your child have a 2 minute long video of their nan dying on their phone? What do you think we should do? Is it a social services call?

Sorry for depressing post xx
Oh Kara Lol! I just thought you moved away as I had Harry so very sweet of you. Bless you for worrying!

Louise that's mad! I saw my Grandad in the last minutes of his life and I still can't get the image out of my head. I would give anything to remember more as he was. I photo of him on his death bed would torture me let alone a video and I'm 32 years old! That poor kid. Xxx
Louise- That is awful for any of us to see never mind a 9 year old. I cant believe she would let him watch it.
Bump Pic for you Ladies. This is today 17+2


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Louise that's disgusting.... I am speechless I can't believe anyone would want to keep something like that let alone let your 9 year old see it !!! X
Louise I am shocked and saddend by that ! dispicable behaviour !

Fb fab bump and what looks like a fab kitchen !! :)
Do I have you on Facebook love? X
Lovely bump fb!!

I've had to ring in sick to work tonight. The SPD is getting bad already, I can't even climb the stairs or lift Holly properly. I got stuck half way down the stairs with Holly in my arms today and had to get Matt to come and get her!! So I rang in work and tried to get a GP appointment but I have to ring at 8am to try and get in as an extra patient tomorrow. I can't believe how much it is hurting me already! I've tried my belt thing and it doesn't make any difference. Perhaps they'll refer me for physio again. I knew it was starting to get bad last week, at work I had to keep getting up as it was hurting to sit in my chair for a while.
Oh my goodness sorry for selfish post but you remember me telling you about Alex begging to live with us? Wayne dropped him off tonight and asked for a chat, basically to say they need to address it one way or another, loooooong talk, while he was there Alex was pulling on his mums arm begging her..literally begging her to let him come and live here, he got home and she rang him to say come and pick him up.. She listened to Wayne when he said if you let him go now he will most likely come back to her, if not his resentment will just grow Nd she'll lose him. She said she is sure he'll want to go back soon enough but yes he can live here. Mixed feelings as the boys will now be split up and im not sure it should have happened just like that at 7pm the night before his first day back at school but to be honest it's what Alex needs, he is a messed up little boy who is desperate for stability.

I have to say as much as I hate the woman and the things she has done, I have some big respect for her doing this. I can't imagine many things harder to deal with (though it has mostly been brought on herself by the way she treated him) but hearing your child say he wants to live somewhere else must be horrible.

Sorry for selfish post! Not sure where my head is at! I love him dearly and I'm so glad he'll be living with us but worried for Nathan a bit xxx
You must be so happy and sad at the same time. How old is Nathan again? Is he the youngest? I would imagine that he'll want to stay with his brother and will soon also ask to stay with you. I must add that Wayne and the boys are so lucky to have you. You're so loving, patient and level headed. Xxx
Thank you Ann that's really nice of you to say. Yes Nathan is the youngest, he's 7 and Alex is 9. Nathan is overly loyal to his mum likenalex was a couple of years ago, she used to say how sad and lonely she was when they came here etc. Alex knows what she is like now but Nathan is a bit young. Also Alex remembers clearly the boyfriends shes had and things she used to say about me and his dad so his loyalties have shifted a bit!
yay louise thats fab news, it must have been very hard for her but maybe she is hoping it will make him miss her. i have to admit it takes a lot for someone to love someone else's children like their own..xx
wow louise, can't believe she finally did the right thing! How soon will you be able to get him into a local school??
Lets hope Nathan follows soon too.
That's good news for you all Louise ! So does that mean a change of schools ect ? X
Aw Louise, fab news about Alex, I hope Nathan swings the same way soon. Thank goodness she's finally listened to little Alex and let him have what he wants and needs. xx

Love to all, am totally jealous of all the gorgeous bumps!! Such a lovely time. xx

I am off to bed. Little Sammy J is not well at all. I think it's a combination of him cutting molars and a virus too. He's just moaned all day today, dribbly, been sick, high temp... the usual shenanigans, just don't need it when I'm back at work tomorrow! I foresee a night of very little sleep!!!! xx

Night all. xx
Aw Louise, fab news about Alex, I hope Nathan swings the same way soon. Thank goodness she's finally listened to little Alex and let him have what he wants and needs. xx

Love to all, am totally jealous of all the gorgeous bumps!! Such a lovely time. xx

I am off to bed. Little Sammy J is not well at all. I think it's a combination of him cutting molars and a virus too. He's just moaned all day today, dribbly, been sick, high temp... the usual shenanigans, just don't need it when I'm back at work tomorrow! I foresee a night of very little sleep!!!! xx

Night all. xx
Ladyk I love the sig :cloud9:

Louise it is sad splitting them up hopefully that won't send him back to his mum, also it must have been really hard for her to hear. But Yaay for him being with you :wohoo:

Emzy I love your bump I hated being pregnant I'm not sure hate is a strong enough word for how I feel :( so pleased you are enjoying it though!!

With smoking neither DH or I have ever smoked so I really don't get smoking :lol: I think it's funny how everything has shifted. From it being cool and not really frowned upon, to now where everyone is a bit ashamed. :shrug:

Rosalie is still up grr has been in bed for an hour now too :dohh: I'm meant to be baking etc but it's not working.
Forgot to add..... I'm so so jealous!!! I want one more baby :cry: :cry: has to be a girl though a poor boy would not be good ha ha. His daddy away and the most girly mummy and girly two sisters...he'd be screwed :rofl: plus I have my girls name :haha:

But seriously I want want want!!! Bad thing is I know robin does too :dohh:
We're going to keep him in the same school for the time being, stability is key at the moment I think, that way he keeps the teacher he knows and trusts and gets to see his brother every day, although it'll be 48 mile school runs a day which will be a pain, plus it will make things very difficult for me to do supply work! Hopefully Wayne can sort some flexi time so he can do school runs as much as possible, I have to admit I'm a but scared at the thought of facing her at school on my own, she is very threatening. We'll see how things go and how permanent it will be, he may decide the grass isn't greener and want to go back in a few months!! There is a school 5 minutes walk from here with most of the army children in which would be perfect but not just yet x

Blob go for it!!!!!!!!!

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