September Stars

Happy New Year ladies! Hope you all had a fantastic time.

Sooo much has happened on here since I was last on!

Congratulations Kara on your amazing news! Have you told Jake yet and if so how'd he take it?

Btp, I really don't what to say re your dh and d's. It sounds like such a tough situation especially as they both sound like they're at fault. Xxx

Lbb, so to hear about your husky. It must be heart breaking. I really wish I could help.

Jc, how is JJ now? It must be scary when you see them struggling to breath. I would be watching Harry closely too. How's your work situation now?

Speaking of which how is your job going GG? And how's your mum doing?

Blob, is your dh home yet? Loving the fb pics. Loved the biro one!

Opti, so pleased you like your necklace!

The story of baby Connor broke my heart. Both dh and I were in tears.

YM, sounds like dh is being a bit immature to me. Hopefully he'll grow up before he looses you and the girls.

There was way more but my mind's gone blank! Xxx
Kara I think this pregnancy is really similar to when I was pregnant with Holly. I am much bigger this time around and my bump is rounder, but that's prob because it's done it before lol I can't drink coffee at all otherwise I'm sick, with Holly it was tea but tea is fine this time! The sickness was the same and the SPD has started up again, but a bit earlier this time. I'm feeling bigger movements sooner too. Strangely, I think I'm enjoying being pregnant a bit more this time. I think that's because I didn't really enjoy it much with Holly but then really missed it as soon as I'd had her, so it's like I know it comes to an end and I will miss it! It still is freaking me out the thought of having 2 though!!

Holly is coming on leaps and bounds now. She's starting to talk now, she's always babbling away stuff that doesn't make much sense, but she's started to say lots of words just in the last week or so. She's so grown up! She can point out colours if you ask her too. I look at her sometimes and wonder where my baby went!
jelly James is doing great thanks we just have to get on with things and keep getting checked out following a alone test every 3 months or so. He has really found his appetite today and had guzzled down 500mls of his milk and he is only meant to have 300 during the day because he has 200 overnight! Im really proud of him. He has been having paddys too mainly if he is pointing at something saying "that!" and not getting it! Lol x x

i have never smoked so perhaps dont understand the need for it but Chris quit for about 6 months and then at the beginning of Dec he kept having 1 when he got in from work and yesterday he bought 20 and has gone the shop tonight for another 10 i was livid it makes me so mad as i do not buy anything at all for the money i earn...he smokes, goes the gym, goes karting, has a nice car (yes he drops me and James off in the mornings), has protein shakes every month! It makes me so angry...i borrowed yes borrowed a dress to wear for my Christmas meal he went out with his mates on the last day of work and paid £80 for a pair of jeans to wear! WTF?? Iv told him that next month we are both going to have £100 to use for luxuries his will be gone in a week mine will still be there at the end of the month! May round pathetic but i have said no to going to see westlifes farewell tour because i know the £45 will be better spent elsewhere! Argh! Oops unexpected rant their! ...i keep telling him i might start smoking! Lol x
oh and phoenix is now at Chris' mums house where his brother lives x x
:hi: fishy

JJ is alot better now, still having to give him his inhalor every so often but alot less now. Work is still manic as have been preparing for year end and I have to give my assistant an informal chat about her attitude which I'm not looking forward to. As I've been doing lots of overtime and cancelled some of my holiday my boss hasn't mentioned anything about working from home etc however I've been vigilant to show him what I'm working on.

Are you TTC yet fishy?

Lbb that's good news about James must be so good to see him have an appetite :)

Emzy I love hearing about your pregnancy as I really hope I will be the same I hated being pregnant first time around

Becs - I'm starting slimming world tomorrow again as been abit slack past couple of months. Aiming for 7lb in Jan which is completely realistic target
Oh Jelly I forgot you asked the other day if I had any pics of me at 19 weeks pregnant with Holly. The closest I have is 21 weeks which is this one:

Look how much bigger I am at 18 and 19 weeks this time around!
Wow Emzy that really is such a difference compared to last time. I really hope for a decent bump next time as I was massive at the end but majority of pregnancy just looked fat. My bump wasnt round for most of it either.
Fishy - hey honey, we have not told jake as I don't think he will take it that well...x

GG- I love digital art, so I spend a lot of time tinkering. All you need is paint shop pro or photoshop or any type of graphic software and search and download digital scrap book graphics... It's basically graphics which you can layer on top of other graphics...The trouble is they never come out as good as I hope they do so I end up getting frustrated with myself .... Lol x

Emzy- I was showing as early as 10 weeks with Paige, you do with your second.. It's like your body say " shit we are pregnant again, quick inflate that belly " I hates being pregnant with jake... Said I would never have another baby, but really enjoyed it with Paige.... But hate the first 12 weeks, everyone said my bump was more round the second time x

Jelly- really hope grant will stop smoking again, we always said we would when I got pregnant again but he doesn't have the morning sickness to help him stop. X

LBB- I think giving you both a allowance at the start of the month a great idea... It will prove a point to him... And will limit his spending. Both me and grant are bad spenders, he buys those protein shakes, he doesn't buy a lot of clothes compared to me but he buys expensive items while I'll buy from primarni.. Lol I brought a jacket £20 but he just spent £80 on a super dry jacket .... Although I'm happy with my tesco jacket I do get angry with his choice in expensive fashion. X
Hi girls!
Happy New Year!
We just got home from our lovely holiday in the Kootenays. Such a long drive! I am so tired. And so behind on all the news on the thread!
I've been reading, but barely posting.
Anyway, hope everyone is well!
JJ we agreed we'd ttc in the new year but I've still not had an AF so it's not looking likely. Harry is still such a boob monster. I've been trying to reduce his feeds but it's a fight each time. I've been getting af type pains for a few months now but no af. The have used opks and even a pregnancy test but all were negative. Gutted.

Emzy your bump is so lovely and you really do look like your glowing!

Llb, is that a permanent arrangement with your dog? X
Glad Jj is feeling a bit better jelly, but boo to your day tidying instead of shopping!! We did the same on new years day, dh did loads of sorting and clearing out, Xmas tree away etc and furniture rearranged yet again!!

Kara and ym I was/am a smoker too, I hate it, I quit when I was pregnant before Lilia but then started after I had the mc, then quit again as soon as I found I was pregnant with Lilia, I found it really easy, Wayne quit too but then when Lilia was a few weeks old he started up again as afghan was looming, I didn't start till a few weeks later on but there's nothing harder as an ex smoker than your partner smoking!! We are still smoking now but trying to slow down and stop ( this way works better for me than cold turkey - unless pregnant or something when I think it would be easier...hopefully!!) only had 5/6 yesterday and not having the first one till about lunchtime and a couple of hours I between them. Hoping to start ttc this month (although AF was due a couple of days ago and not arrived yet! ) so need to stop very very soon as would prefer to be stopped before we conceive.

Wayne was saying the other day he has never seen any of his children through from birth to one year.. With Lilia he was gone from 2-9 months, and his boys he went to Iraq twice which happened to fall on when they were within that time! I think that's so sad so the sooner we are pregnant the better as he's due to be around for a while and should hopefully be in the country for the full year if we fall in the next few months!
Emzy- I am finding this pregnancy alot more enjoyable. I dont think I think about it as much as I did with Ollie though as I spend all day running about after him so dont have much time to think about being pregnant. There is a big difference in your bump size this time to last time.
I have never full time smoked :haha: only ever had a couple when I was drinking but my Mam was a full time smoker so know how hard it was for her to stop. Good Luck to you Ladies stopping smoking.
Ladyk- Love your new sig it looks great. Hope your feeling okay today.
Louise- Hope you do fall pregnant in the next couple of months so Wayne can be around must be so hard for him and you.
I have woke up with a rubbish cold today would love a pj day but need to get me and Ollie ready as I have my 16week Midwife appt its abit late but xmas got in the way :haha: Bubba is giving some good movements just lately too I am loving it. I forgot how good it feels. :happydance:
:hi: Fishy, great to see you back. Glad you are well.
Louise, good luck on TTC...I really hope that it happens quickly for you.
FB, those little kicks are fab aren't they. x
Emzy, your bump is great, but so much bigger and defined. It is lovely. x
BTP, sorry to hear about your situation with DS and DH. I am afraid I have no advice, but :hugs: and I hope you manage to work everything out. x
Jelly, good to hear that JJ is feeling a little better. x that signature. You are so arty!
Sarah, glad to hear that you enjoyed your holiday. x
LBB, you must get frustrated with DF spending money like that. My DH is the oppposite luckily and does not spend a penny on himself. He pays all the bills and then treats us! :blush:

Whats happening with me!.....I can now feel the :baby: moving and it is lovely. Even DH felt him kick the other day. I am sure I have an anterior placenta again though as I have no movement at the front. :nope: Only 9 days until my scan, but now that Christmas is over the time has slowed down. However, it is DS 9th birthday this thursday so I am busy with final preperations this week so I will be halfway through before I know it!
The house looks lovely again now that decorations have been tidied away. We have new canvas prints (wedding ones) and photos up which gives it a lovely homely feel. DS bedroom has a new rug and tv stand so is looking like a 'proper' bedroom, so I am very happy to do the housework and keep it looking this way!

Riley has had a personality transplant these last few days and has been quite lovely! He was very highly strung and grumpy, but he has been a little treasure really....I am enjoying him again which makes everything easier.

The new car had to be taken away as it had broken down, so I am awaiting news for when it will be back. Right now I have to take DH to work (using his car!), Chance to school, pick Chance up from school, come home, then off out again to pick DH up from is a nightmare. :growlmad:

Enough of my ramblings ladies, I hope you can enjoy what seems to be a hideously rainy and windy day. Be back later. xx
Thanks for all the bump comments! I do love it, I was so annoyed with my B bump last time and thought I just looked fat til 30 weeks, so to have an actual defined bump early on is a nice change!

And thanks fishy, I do feel a bit more glowy now that the sickness has gone. I definitely feel better this pregnancy, even if just in myself if you know what I mean? I don't feel as hormonal and feel a lot more level. Like FB said, I don't think about it all the time as I've got Holly to run about after, so maybe that's why I'm enjoying it more? I'm also stressing far less about everything, like lack of movement, pains, etc.

Love your bump Teeny, it's lovely! FB we need a new one from you!

Good luck to all the TTC ladies, I hope it happens quickly for you all! I know so many second timers that have gotten pregnant really quickly. 2 of my friends from baby group are pregnant, 1 is due 2 weeks after me and the other in August. I feel for one of my friends, as she TTC with her first for 6 years and has been trying for a good few months for number 2 but is still not pregnant. She's had me and our other 2 friends fall pregnant in that time (the 2 friends were accidents and I fell within 2 cycles) and I can see the disappointment in her, although she is so excited for us all. It must be so hard, I would be gutted. Also she is 11 years older than me so she feels that time is ticking on a bit as she is approaching 40.
Aww, Lovely bump pics, scary to think in another 20 weeks we will be looking at baby pics again!
It is nice following you girls pregnancies, and not having all the sympathy pains and actual real pregnancy niggles now! lol xx

Ladyk, love the new sig, have nothing on my laptop to do anything and I am useless even if i did! :hugs:

We are off to get ds's night time meds today, he is out and he doesn't sleep as it is so we need these! I worked out I am up with him for 4-5 hours each night above and beyond that of my dd who is 8 and he is 11, he just wants my attention and its the worst time because I am tired or need to settle Rosie and he sits in his bed moaning and thumping stuff :dohh:

Fishy, hello, nice to see you, I don't think I would be ovulating if not for my coil tbh, I feed day when she demands and throughout the night, she basically co sleeps and latches on at will, I have had few hints as to any cycle.:shrug:
She is defo my last, and she is a lovely baby, healthy and Mummies girl so couldn't ask for more!:cloud9:

Sorry all I have forgotten everything else, we have a talking hamster (!)and Rosie has just thrown the tv remote down behind the sofa, and Ben was late with his meds so is being a total arse:nope:

Oh, smoking! I never really smoked enough to worry about stopping, I was a social smoker, just a few daytime and if i went out i would smoke a whole pack! I stopped when i found out i was pregnant, then i had a mc and that month smoked myself silly and drank like a fish, then found out i was pg again! That was 18 years ago, I have had a few puffs when I split with my ex and tbh the stress was so much it did help! Now I am glad with the kids that smoking is banned in eating places, it really wouldn't bother me in pubs, I don't know how they managed to do that! I find all it has done is pushed the smokers out so wherever you go fag smoke is being puffed at you!
Ladyk, I remember your sneaky fag after we met up, I hadn't realised you smoked, then me and dh had a bit of a chuckle that you and Grant were having a quick puff! (dh smoked heavily for some years, gave up with just will power, he is so stubborn!!):haha:

Got to go, still got to put my face on and change a smelly bum, and get the girls ready!

Back soon, bye for now xx
Emzy- I am just about to get a pic and will upload it when I find the stupid camera wire OH has had it and put it somewhere safe and forgot where that dafe place is
We have a power cut I'd forgotten how anoying it is! it's very quiet without the tv and the girls are asleep !

I'm back to work tommorow and it's meetings ect so I'm expected in at 8.30 ! I work afternoons usually so this is a major pain in the arse ! I have made a descion regarding work though ( thanks for asking fishy) and I'm waiting for a reply to an email I sent
BTP - when we had our secret fag grant was asking if he came across ok and didn't say anything stupid in front of you both, then we saw you standing next to the car, with fags in our hand... How embarrassing !!!!

After we had our September star meet up I went out for fag and fishy came out... I don't smoke in public, I'm shamed to be a smoker so hate being seen... I walked away from fishy as I hate smoking near people who don't smoke... Fishy must have thought I was strange... Fishy hope you know why I was walking away from didn't know so many are/ was smokers.. I turn into devil women when I don't smoke.. I'm a cow and have such a short temper, I enjoy the few mins I get to myself and nothing seems to give that same relaxed feeling.

Paige now says bed and tired but when she asks to go to bed she just screams so it shows she doesn't understand what it means....

Finally got a appointment with doctors on Friday.

So many BFP to look forward to in the group... I'm so excited !!!! And I won't be the last one to give birth again

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