Fishy, great to see you back. Glad you are well.
Louise, good luck on TTC...I really hope that it happens quickly for you.
FB, those little kicks are fab aren't they. x
Emzy, your bump is great, but so much bigger and defined. It is lovely. x
BTP, sorry to hear about your situation with DS and DH. I am afraid I have no advice, but

and I hope you manage to work everything out. x
Jelly, good to hear that JJ is feeling a little better. x
LadyK...love that signature. You are so arty!
Sarah, glad to hear that you enjoyed your holiday. x
LBB, you must get frustrated with DF spending money like that. My DH is the oppposite luckily and does not spend a penny on himself. He pays all the bills and then treats us!
Whats happening with me!.....I can now feel the

moving and it is lovely. Even DH felt him kick the other day. I am sure I have an anterior placenta again though as I have no movement at the front.

Only 9 days until my scan, but now that Christmas is over the time has slowed down. However, it is DS 9th birthday this thursday so I am busy with final preperations this week so I will be halfway through before I know it!
The house looks lovely again now that decorations have been tidied away. We have new canvas prints (wedding ones) and photos up which gives it a lovely homely feel. DS bedroom has a new rug and tv stand so is looking like a 'proper' bedroom, so I am very happy to do the housework and keep it looking this way!
Riley has had a personality transplant these last few days and has been quite lovely! He was very highly strung and grumpy, but he has been a little treasure really....I am enjoying him again which makes everything easier.
The new car had to be taken away as it had broken down, so I am awaiting news for when it will be back. Right now I have to take DH to work (using his car!), Chance to school, pick Chance up from school, come home, then off out again to pick DH up from work...it is a nightmare.
Enough of my ramblings ladies, I hope you can enjoy what seems to be a hideously rainy and windy day. Be back later. xx