With Rosie I had every usual sign of af, i just didnt spot a few days b4 af was due, and I had always spotted, from that I hoped and prayed and after 9 months ttc, and using the syringe I conceived Rosie, all on my own lol

Louise, I totally understand you not wanting to broach the subject with Waynes Jeremy Kylesk ex, but if you have him full time you should get the child benefit she gets for him, and apply for any additional tax credits having him with you, I know she would prob say in that case she will have him back, but it could make it easier if you are being a sahm, also if Wayne pays any maintainance that should also be looked at, I am sure if you start to discuss money with her she could change her mind but it will depend on who she is with and what they want/can give her, obviously you know when is a good time but it is something to keep in mind if you are able to have one or both the boys long term xx
I didn't watch obem, the first time in ages I have not felt compelled to watch! I think I am for the first time EVER not broody! lol! I know I can't fit any more in the house/car, and that I simply can't cope with more! This Christmas was hard work with all the things I had to do for 5 children and a step son, plus all the families! I am still thinking about fostering when mine are grown up, my eldest is 18 this year which means an adult, which feels very strange, it was only yesterday I was changing his nappies, tickling him and throwing him around as my air guitar, my baby towers over me now, not quite air guitar sized any more!
Right, got to go, check out fb and my bank, had a migraine the other day and feeling a bit odd again, hope its not another one
Back later xx