Is there no grip from his point of view? So social services, could you not get your local office to pay you a visit with him present to get over how he feels and what he wants, this way if she wants him back you can call social services and they would know what he wanted and that she was forcing him into something, they may not be interested in actually (fine detail) what he wants however it is their job to protect him from situations that could harm him, and if they can see returning to his mother has potential for harm either emotional or otherwise then at least having them on side would help your corner? (make sure you drop in any eye popping situations that she has done without making it sound like a personal attack)
I know you don't want to rock the boat but sadly it looks as if you are going to have to make a stand, even if its from the money side, she is having her cake and eating it, by putting him with you for restbite care she is admitting she cant cope while she has this other relationship going on and the relationship was more important than her son. At the very, very least your dh should refuse to pay for him in 2 places at once, that is crazy!
Because she is going to refuse gently, gently you will have to go in all guns blazing with as much back up as possible, legal and social services, surely it is not how long but the quality of care he has had with you?
It can't be much fun for any of you in the middle of all this

Sounds likely stress is causing the delay in af xx
Stmw, hi and
Sr, defo go with the bloods, some light needs shining on it all, seems a long time

Becs, Morning! Yay for dtd, wish my sex drive made any difference to my situation, I was like a crazed woman when i was pregnant with Sophie and dh 'wouldn't' while i was pregnant, it was awful, then with Rosie I had zero sex drive so his lack of interest wasn't a big deal, and now we are back to square one where i am frustrated and can't remember the last time we dtd

I think I am the only one here with a higher sex drive than dh!
Right got to go, got a party today to go to, three princesses to dress and a present to buy lol xx
Waves to all back soon xx