:wave: Hello September mummies!
Sorry, I don't have time to catch up properly and since I havent posted in a while it'd probably take me more than a week anyway
Congrats to those of you that are pregnant, I can't believe that there's going to be a second wave of babies coming(and some already here) :O
I'd LOVE another baby but I know we're not in the position financially and Ellie is hard work, we're enjoying running around after her at the moment

hehe. We're moving in to a bigger house at some point this year though which means we'll have a third bedroom and as yet it's the junk room, but I have my eyes on a nursery within the next year or two

just gotta convince OH it's a good idea.
Also on top of that, I've now not had an AF for almost 12 months. I started AF exactly a month after having Ellie which continued up til March last year but then they just stopped and haven't had a sign of one since. I went to the docs 4 times about it in the first 5-6 months it happened but got no joy, they didn't seem to think it was anything to worry about but now it's coming to the year mark I want some answers! If AF doesn't show up there won't be any babies for me anyway
Can't wait to see scan pics, and baby pics! :O I'm sure all your little stars will make fab brothers or sisters.