Why is it when you nip to town without making an effort you see someone you dont want to? I was in boots today and saw my high school crush omg he is still heaven on a plate 17 years on gorgeous is not a good enough words to describe him...aaaaaah beautiful! Haha i was besotted with him used to go into the shop he worked in every Saturday and then when i left and started work i used to go in all the time to buy something he must have thought i had am obsession with trainers and sportswear! The day that shop closed i thought the world had ended HahaHaha! He remembered me thou lol x x
Isn't it always the way! This did make me chuckle though, I am that bit older so anyone I knew from school is old and haggard now, the men seem to age badly 35+!!! I came from a small group of us at school who never wore make up or anything, I was really plain, then I blossomed after I had my eldest I lost weight, wore make up and anyone that saw me from school used to double take! I was in sainsburys once and this bloke walked into a pillar he was staring so hard, ha ha

(I prob had my skirt tucked in my knickers tho!)

I rarely leave the house without my 'face' on
Emzy, boo on the broken apple

Glad you had a lovely Christmas, how long is dh away this time?
I know you said you decided against moving, really hard decision either way

Is that all SS done now, are we going to have a 'Reveal' lol
Stmw, lol at Roxy deciding it was morning, Rosie has to come in my bed by about 4am or she decides its time to get up!

It must be hard going out, is it just mine but the double buggy is so heavy i can hardly move it on my own? Rosie is easy to get in her all in one and put in the buggy, but catching Sophie is harder, then getting the double buggy out the door is near impossible! So much harder x 2 !
Right I am off now, ds taking me for a drive later, i really want him to put in for his test but he can't afford it, and i used all my money for his car and insurance, if he worked he could do it but he is rather idle!

Back later xx