SS reveal, Riley got a lovely floor puzzle and I sent to Emzy funnily enough!
Louise, that woman is pure poison. Poor Alex. What a horrible situation for you all. My heart goes out to you and I will pray that everything works out for you soon.
My scan is in 3 days....WOOHOO! I am so excited but I know this week is going to go sooo slowly.
Blob, sorry to hear that you had to say goodbye to Robin again.
YM, how are you feeling my lovely? I know Pippa has her operation on Friday so in advance I want to send you my love. x
Well, I finally had to pay my parking fine which I still believe was wrongly issued but they declined my appeal.

I am the poorest I have been in years and I really didn't need the extra financial worry.
My car is still not back and so I am paying insurance and tax on a car I can't drive. I am sooo mad!
Riley is on a mad one right now and in hysterics playing with the cute but he keeps launching himself at me!
I must find some bits to sell on ebay to try and make some money, I have my quinny buzz to sell but I need to wash it all which is just extra work.
On a brighter note, we all went out with the family yesterday for Chance's b'day meal at the all you can eat chinese buffet. I had way too much food but it was so scrummy. Apart from an accident as we got there with Riley we all had a lovely time.
I feel bubba everyday which is lovely, but I look at myself sometimes and think how did this baby get has gone so quickly up until now. I guess time slows down from now on.
LAdyK, how are you feeling? How many weeks are you now? x
FB, when is your 20 week scan my lovely? x
Must dash, electric bill to pay and a hyperactive toddler to calm down. I hope you are all well. x