September Stars

Louise its difficult to know what the poor boy must be thinking and feeling it must be so hard for him to see everyone fighting !
How are the school runs going?

Emzy yep we had 2 cribs both completely different sizes :)

Ss reveal the girls got tshirts and choc buttons and I sent to btp !
SS reveal, Riley got a lovely floor puzzle and I sent to Emzy funnily enough! :haha:

Louise, that woman is pure poison. Poor Alex. What a horrible situation for you all. My heart goes out to you and I will pray that everything works out for you soon. :hugs:

My scan is in 3 days....WOOHOO! I am so excited but I know this week is going to go sooo slowly. :nope:

Blob, sorry to hear that you had to say goodbye to Robin again. :hugs:

YM, how are you feeling my lovely? I know Pippa has her operation on Friday so in advance I want to send you my love. x

Well, I finally had to pay my parking fine which I still believe was wrongly issued but they declined my appeal. :cry: I am the poorest I have been in years and I really didn't need the extra financial worry.

My car is still not back and so I am paying insurance and tax on a car I can't drive. I am sooo mad!

Riley is on a mad one right now and in hysterics playing with the cute but he keeps launching himself at me! :wacko:

I must find some bits to sell on ebay to try and make some money, I have my quinny buzz to sell but I need to wash it all which is just extra work.

On a brighter note, we all went out with the family yesterday for Chance's b'day meal at the all you can eat chinese buffet. I had way too much food but it was so scrummy. Apart from an accident as we got there with Riley we all had a lovely time. :kiss:

I feel bubba everyday which is lovely, but I look at myself sometimes and think how did this baby get has gone so quickly up until now. I guess time slows down from now on.

LAdyK, how are you feeling? How many weeks are you now? x
FB, when is your 20 week scan my lovely? x

Must dash, electric bill to pay and a hyperactive toddler to calm down. I hope you are all well. x
Btp we looking into a summer holiday in somerset your around there arnt you ?

Yep I am Somerset, where are you looking at going, and when, hope we are not away on our hols in Cornwall lol xx

Louise surely that is something he should be protected against, she should not be allowed time on her own with him if she is going to do that, it would push me to go for it sooner for his protection and well being.
When I split from my ex he used to get me on my own using our son as a way of doing that and as soon as we were alone he would bully, so i stopped him coming in the house, it was hard but it was my place so he had no right to come in, it was only to put our son to bed, but because he couldn't do it without hastling me I stopped it, and I was an adult, so he as a child needs it to stop. I can see why Wayne was so angry, i think if you go down the road of her upsetting him every time she see's him you have a staring point for wanting contact restricted or at the least supervised xx:hugs::hugs:

Emzy, I wouldn't worry about your bump, we all carry differently, I carry BIG and as long as its always like it, if you have a tiny bump that suddenly gets uncomfortably big it can be something but your usual size bump with a growth spurt is nothing strange or unusual!
This is bump with Rosie, About half way (taken late may, uploaded in June batch of pics she was born 27th Sept) keeping in mind I only had a thin night dress on, and she was only 6lb 9oz 20 weeks later lol xx oh also i was told the muscles are weaker after 1 so you show faster and more.
ebay 7thJune10 003.jpg:hugs:

I am being totally bugged by Rosie, she is asking for boob, pressing laptop keys, and jumping on me, she wouldnt let me do the school run today, she HAD to come and wouldn't stay with Daddy! Mummies girl!:thumbup:

However it is making trying harder than it should be, so will pop back later when I am not being grabbed! lol xx:hugs:
Emzy- Your bump is great and how big is too big, everyone carries differently but I would say yours is fine :thumbup: Sorry your spd is worse today. And yay on getting the swinging crib.

Louise- Big :hugs: to you. It must be awful on Alex her messing with his head like that. I hope he does come back to you next weekend.

Teeny- Yay for your scan in 3 days and I know what you mean about the week going slow until it comes round. Sorry about the parking fine. Glad you had a good time for Chance's birthday I love chinese buffett but I get to greedy and end up feeling sick :haha: My scan is 25th January so 2 weeks on Wednesday it feels so far away.

Went to the Doctors about the letter I got from the hospital about my infection and turns out it was a border line infection and dont need antibiotics and the Doctor said the hospital didnt need to send me the letter and worry me which I am happy about so all is fine here.
Emzy- your bump is perfect. When I was pregnant with Paige I was huge by 12 weeks.. I remember getting into my wedding dress thinking thank god no one can see.. This time round I don't think I am showing at all as I don't feel bloated. I was huge by 20 weeks but measured spot on. You can measure yourself, just measure from base of bump to top, each inch measure a week, that's what I was told and always measured correct to what the me measured me. Your body has already been stretched so it will show more x

Teeny- thanks for asking honey, I'm 9 weeks today.... I am starting to feel as sick as I was with jake now. Paige I felt sick but was controllable but I feel awful this time around so bets its a boy. X

Louise- I think you may need to seek help from a social working, it's not fair what she is putting him through, it's child abuse in my eyes. I know it must be hard for her but she has to understand what she says and does can have lasting effects on him. She needs to let go and do what's best for her son how ever hard that may be for her.x

SS - I was young mummy SS and I sent in the night garden blocks and figures. I had young mummy the year before too, I wrapped it in fairy wrapping paper as the year before I signed it fairy hugs as a clue....

Has anyone watched one of those virus end of the world type of movie ? Well that is what my house was like last night, everyone being sick, coughing.... I had a headache, sickness.. Jake was moaning he was I'll, Paige was coughing and being sick with it, waking every hour..
Teeny I knew it was you from the post code ha ha! I recognized it! Hope Riley likes his puzzle. Funny we got each other!

Thanks for all the bump comments :) not feeling as paranoid about it today, although I've just been to toddler group and told i was huge a hundred times! Btp I think I look about the same size as you in your pic :)
For secret Santa I bought for Laura k (well for Olivia ;)) and I got her the gruffalo touch and feel book and a little doggy, and a little rattle for baby brother!! I am pretty sure young mummy bought for us and she got Lilia a bracelet and a build your own Christmas tree biscuit thing for all the kids which was really sweet :)

Kara I agree with you about it being a form of child abuse, Alex was saying last night that he still wants to live here but this morning he asked about visiting his mum so I think she's managing to get inside his head. We've now appointed our solicitor to get the ball rolling with an agreement that he lives here from now on and we've stated that we want a response before contact will happen at the weekend as we're not happy with him having all this burden put on him. I know she'll say no but we'd already paid for the letter to be written so we've spent the money anyway so might as well send it!!! Also told social services more and they're going to refer it to their assessment team who will hopefully come out and see him here (thanks btp for that advice, it was something we hadn't thought of ) and we've got his school on our side and they're speaking to Alex today to see if he will tell them how he's feeling and who he really wants to live with .. Hopefully they'll get the truth seeing as its not us or his mum asking!! If he tells them he wants to live here then they are going to ask her to go in for a meeting where they will tell her what he said and ask her to back off!! If he says he wants to go back to his mum then fine, we'd rather he feels he can be honest!

Thanks for all your support x
Can I ask everyone a personal question about their LO stools ? Paige's poop is never solid.... Is this normal ? Sorry for the disgustiness of this topic but thought it the best place to ask before I go to te doctors x
Hollys is never solid either. Very rarely anyway! I always think its because its being squashed in a nappy? Sorry thst sounds gross!!
Oh is anyone watching playing it straight on e4 tonight ? I'm so excited, it's been years since it was on... I thought maybe it was because the last one got very emotional and I reckon the girl got hurt and they decided not to film it anymore....

For those who don't know what it is.. A house full of men and one girl.. Some are gay some are straight but they all have to convince this girl they are straight and basically try not to be kicked out by the girl each week. The last one she ended up falling big time for this guy who totally convinced her he was straight.. Well he wasn't and she picked him at the end and he won the prize money ... She was so upset he felt awful and so gave her all the money... I was in tears !!!!
Ladyk, poo is as individual as the child is, it is if it changes in any way that it is a doctors visit! So if she is always like that then that is normal for her, a healthy poo is supposed to be on the 'soft' side anyway. Sophie is always solid and Rosie slightly softer but still always pick-up-able lumps if she has no nappy on! :haha::hugs:

Louise. glad something was of some help and good luck with it all xx:hugs:

SS I had Blob, I got Rosalie a Upsy Daisy that you can add the little accessories to, and Tabs a little pink hat, glove and scarf set, that was sort of my hint because I put on it 'Santa never leaves good girls out', and I thought she may realise it was me with my pack of children! :haha:
Rosie had Genies,(i knew because a name and address had not quite been scrubbed out on an envelope!) and she had a pretty sequined top, a book which Rosie loves me reading to her, and a picture with Rosie's name on, with its own little story that it was ordered as a puzzle, but we could frame it anyway, which we will! :thumbup:
I loved doing SS it was great fun!:haha:

My ds off out tonight for my restbite night with his Dad, It means peace, although he has been quite good recently it has only been because I have let him have what he wants:shrug: I kind of give up!:haha:

Emzy, I agree we were about the same bump wise, and I was forever being told, 'your huge, omg is it twins, when are you due, have you got a football up there, you will be early...' etc total rubbish, we just all carry totally differently! xx:hugs:

Bye for now, tea time :wacko:xx:hugs::kiss:
Wohoo I LOVED Roslaies present and tabs set (she adores gloves etc) btp :hugs: :hugs: thank youuuuuu.

Wwll GG you already know it was me ;)
Thanks girls - I'm feeling slightly better now but still not feeling myself iykwim. Like Emzy I have got SPD and am in so much pain. It hurts to sit, stand, walk, sleep pretty much breathe at the moment. I have physio on wednesday but my mw has already warned me that based on the fact that I can barely open my legs they may now recommend I have a csec. I am really gutted about it. I can't wait for this pregnancy to be over :cry: hands on heart if I fell pregnant again and it was the same as this time around I wouldn't want to do it again. Feeling really down about the whole :shrug: hey ho only another 12(ish) weeks to go. I have a scan on Friday and my GD test to look forward to. God I am a misery !!! xx

Louise : I am so sorry that you are going through all this trouble with Wayne's ex. She is clearly using Alex as a pawn in her own twisted game. I have no idea what she is trying to achieve by being so manipulative and I really hope that both boys get to come to you full time. It's such a difficult situation as you really want all these professionals to see her for what she really is but all they see is 2 parents fighting over children and think that everyone is playing a game. She really is a head case and should be sterilised as your status said earlier :growlmad: xx

BTP : Enjoy your peaceful evening hun. xx

Emzy : I am very jealous of your bump !! Nobody believes I am pregnant as I am honestly not showing at all. At a guess he is going to be small like Olivia was. I wish I had something to show you all. Maybe I will pop at 37 weeks or something but he is certainly hiding in there right now with his head under my ribs still and feet in my foof !! xx

Teeny : Good luck with the ebaying. I too am on a mission at the mo to make room for all the boy stuff we need this time. I sell a few things on facebook aswell which has been good as no fees or anything involved ?? xx

FB : Glad your feeling well hun. xx

:hi: SisterRose and stmw - Good to see you both back on here posting !! xx

Blob : Glad you enjoyed your late Christmas hun !! But BOO for Robin going back already. It must be so hard for you both :hugs: xx

SECRET SANTA : I brought for Asher/Sam and got him a Thomas Train that goes around on a wheel or a track. And yep we received from Louise the GORGEOUS gruffalo book and teddies. xx

Right will be back in abit. Olivia has just fallen off the sofa !! :dohh:
Aw Laura :hugs: I feel for you hun. It's awful and makes you feel so so miserable. I'm back at the docs tomorrow and hoping he will do my physio referral instead of having to wait for my midwife to do it next week. hoping he will sign me off work a bit longer as well as I can not imagine having to sit in my office chair right now :( hugs hun. Did you have spd last time?
Aw Laura :hugs: I feel for you hun. It's awful and makes you feel so so miserable. I'm back at the docs tomorrow and hoping he will do my physio referral instead of having to wait for my midwife to do it next week. hoping he will sign me off work a bit longer as well as I can not imagine having to sit in my office chair right now :( hugs hun. Did you have spd last time?

Thanks hun. xx

I have physio on wednesday and then should have it once a week from there on. My MW has been really good though and has given me lots of tips on how to ease the pain and how to help baby shift from his awkward position !! Hope you get your referral soon hun. x
Laura, huge :hugs: to you, I was miserable when I was pregnant with Sophie, I could hardly move, was sick, couldn't sleep and I was so sick of it, but just kept getting bigger! It is funny because Sophie who is a Daddy's girl was much worse to be pregnant with, than Rosie who is Mummies little girl, also dh had indigestion when I was pregnant with Sophie but not Rosie!:haha: Just remember your growing a little miracle in there and it is not too long to go now, and we are here for you!:hugs::kiss:

Blob, so glad you liked SS, Sophie had a dressy upsy daisy which was very similar, and she loved it so I thought it would get played with! And you will always use cold weather clothes in your neck of the woods:cold::haha:

Lol to peaceful evening, have 3 yr old running round lounge, chasing the 1 yr old (you know despite the howls of laughter it will end in tears) and an 8yr old nagging the crap out of me to go on laptop...guess what? she wins!

Back tomorrow! :haha:xx
I'm so sorry to hear you guys are suffering... I didn't suffer with that with my two, I heard a lot about it from other girls... Does it mean those who have had it before won't get it in future pregnancies ? Is there anything which can help ? Guess if there is nothing much to take for a plain headache taking something for that is not available at all x
Thanks BTP - The miracle thought is what is keeping me going. I struggled for so long to have a baby that I feel like I shouldn't complain at all so am struggling along keeping my mouth shut ! xx

Kara - I think physio is the best thing and the recommended exercises. I think they can prescribe something so should know more on Wednesday. Thanks hun. xx
The doctor has prescribed codine but I wont' take it! Makes baby sleepy and they can become addicted to it. Plain old paracetamol for me, not that it makes any difference!

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