Ladykiller, still lol so funny!
I was thinking we had a new person here I had missed! lol
Ladyk, I really feel for you, at the time it is the worst thing ever, I was SO sick with all mine, and eating used to provide restbite from it for a second which is i why i put on weight, even though most of it came back up! With Ben we went away and I spent the whole week with my head down the hotel toilet! With Sophie i was worst, I was sick, but couldn't move either,
I tried, travel bands, ginger biscuits, ginger pieces crystalised, boiled sweets, the doctor offered me tablets but i had then b4 and they were no good so i declined, you name it i tried it and it never worked,

I was worse in the car, and traveled really badly in every pregnancy.
I really can't offer any words to help, (as you can gather!

)there are settling things like lavender you can sniff, but I said every time never again and still had 5 babies! Its worth it, just a bit unfair that some pregnancies are a breeze and others just awful!

(out of everything the boiled sweets helped the most)

Teeny, good luck at scan, it will be great to see baby, I bet
Got to go, been arm twisted into going for a run