BTP, you are so patient. If I had only an ounce of your patience I would be okay!
Talking of DTD, my 9yr old son walked in on DH and I the night before last!

My DH just layed still and thought if he didn't move he wouldn't be seen! LMAO! Never mind my bump eh?!
Just the latest update on my old car....I sold it within half an hour of listing it which was great!

I am now driving my new car (well, new to me and I love it!)
My little Riley bear is soooo funny....earlier, I put his new wellies on and he trundled off out in the garden. At the top of the garden is his turtle pool which has a few inches of water in. Well, the ice had frozen over and being an adventurer he stood on the ice (before I could grab him) which cracked and gave way resulting in Riley plunging into freezing water!

I shouldn't have laughed but it was a funny sight and the face he pulled was priceless! So a warm up in the house and some new clothes and all is good again!
Has anyone heard from LauraK lately? I was wondering whether she is okay.
Also, A quick Hello to YM as I know you read a lot, but do not get the time to post.
Louise, so I see you are TTC...very good luck with that my love.
I am so happy to think that V day is this Friday. Where has the time gone?
Lastly, LadyK, I hope everything was okay today. I hope you have time to relax and recover and we are all here if you need to talk. xx