September Stars

Emzy, so sorry to hear you are feeling crappy. I hope that both you and Holly get well soon. Xx
Hey guys, thanks for your messages, in hospital just got back from surgery. It went well
Hoping they will let me go home soon as possible. Grant brought me a sylvanian family and sims3 pets so I'm also being spoilt lol I'm like a child. One of the guys who takes Patience to and from places was waiting for this women and just asked me what I'm here for... It's a bloody gyne unit !!!! I said he shouldn't ask that question in this ward.. Then told him, he felt so bad for asking, hope it will make me think twice for asking next time.

Jelly- what were u doing in Watford !! And how did your scan go ? X

Emzy- get well soon honey xx

YM- u have many years to decide... Did they say it was yours and Luke combined DNA which caused it or just one of you ? You just never know what could happen in the future.. I know it's a lot to take in right now but u don't need to make any decision now.. Good luck for pips op... Xx
Feeling a bit nervous tbh...this is major surgery and although we do have the BEST consultant, doing the actual surgery...I know there are major risks and with her last reaction to the anasthetic... I'm worrying myself sick...

We also know that from the X-Rays...the prognosis doesnt look does look like Pippa will be losing most of her large intestine so they may have to use her small intestine...

I also got told by the doctors that my chances of having another baby with HD is greater because I had a girl with HD so I have to make a I try and have one more and pray that he/she doesnt have HD? Or should I be happy I've been blessed with two and stop here?? It's hard hearing that at 19 that I have possibly had my children when I so wanted 4... I really dont know!!

Kimi is walking everywhere now!!! It's amazing watching her!! Never knew how much I could love someone so much!!!

Hugs to everyone


It is a hard thing to decide now especially because you are so young, because its not your fertility in question and because you have another lifetime ahead of you, with the possibility of being in other relationships, possibly with someone who wants children, so there is much more than just having another baby!
Now you know a new baby could be tested at birth and treated from birth, where Pip had to be diagnosed which took time and time for her to get poorly from it also.
I can see you having more babies, but there is a time or a point where you go through so much where you say count my blessings now, only you know if you are there :hugs:

BTP, you are so patient. If I had only an ounce of your patience I would be okay!
Talking of DTD, my 9yr old son walked in on DH and I the night before last! :blush: My DH just layed still and thought if he didn't move he wouldn't be seen! LMAO! Never mind my bump eh?!
Just the latest update on my old car....I sold it within half an hour of listing it which was great! :thumbup: I am now driving my new car (well, new to me and I love it!)

My little Riley bear is soooo funny....earlier, I put his new wellies on and he trundled off out in the garden. At the top of the garden is his turtle pool which has a few inches of water in. Well, the ice had frozen over and being an adventurer he stood on the ice (before I could grab him) which cracked and gave way resulting in Riley plunging into freezing water! :haha: I shouldn't have laughed but it was a funny sight and the face he pulled was priceless! So a warm up in the house and some new clothes and all is good again!

Has anyone heard from LauraK lately? I was wondering whether she is okay.
Also, A quick Hello to YM as I know you read a lot, but do not get the time to post.
Louise, so I see you are TTC...very good luck with that my love.

I am so happy to think that V day is this Friday. Where has the time gone?

Lastly, LadyK, I hope everything was okay today. I hope you have time to relax and recover and we are all here if you need to talk. xx

I don't feel that patient, I think its more i bite my tongue! :haha:
Aww littleice man, he learnt all about ice! :hugs:
Whoops to being caught dtd, I always have our door shut, it is a bit hard to open so the children fight with the door handle a second which leaves enough time to throw the duvet over us!:haha:

Teeny I was thinking that too, almost V day already, can't believe it! Bless Riley ha ha!

Holly certainly knows how to throw a tantrum. She throws herself on the floor and screaaaaaammms and kicks her legs. I just leave the room and it almost always stops right away. If I stay in the same room, or look at her, or talk to her it gets worse, but leaving the room almost always works! I always laugh though, it's so funny!

I'm feeling really crappy at the mo. I'm all miserable and down in the dumps and I can't seem to pull myself out of it! On top of the SPD pain, which is all day every day and keeps me awake at night, last week started with a stomach bug and as soon as I'd got rid of that, I got a nasty cold which I've still got. It doesn't help that Holly has had both as well and has been grouchy and waking up a lot at night because of it. I feel bad as she's going mad as we're stuck in the house a lot and I'm getting cabin fever as well. But going out takes so much out of me and I hurt so bad for a couple of days. I've blown up like a puffa fish, all my face is puffed out! My legs ache, probably from walking differently because of the SPD and my skin is so dry and sore and my hands are chapped. Sorry to moan, I just feel really run down and like I'm falling apart! I've had enough now!!!

I ignore tantrums too, it works with a run of the mill child! So with mine its worked, except Ben, who continued terrible twos and they didn't stop! If the girls do something naughty we do the naughty step a min for every year they are, so Rosie had her first ever min on the naughty step today for digging her nails into Sophie's face. But usually its Sophie is there for being mean in some way, usually pushing Rosie! Em is a bit old for the step so 'go tidy your room' is my usual thing with her, but tbh the girls are a breeze all 3 of them compared to 1 Ben! :haha:
Emzy, hope you feel happier soon sweetie, I know how it all gets you down, pain is so tiring, and it is so much harder being pregnant and looking after a toddler.
You are doing a great job, and it won't be long and so worth it xx:hugs:

Hey guys, thanks for your messages, in hospital just got back from surgery. It went well
Hoping they will let me go home soon as possible. Grant brought me a sylvanian family and sims3 pets so I'm also being spoilt lol I'm like a child. One of the guys who takes Patience to and from places was waiting for this women and just asked me what I'm here for... It's a bloody gyne unit !!!! I said he shouldn't ask that question in this ward.. Then told him, he felt so bad for asking, hope it will make me think twice for asking next time.

Jelly- what were u doing in Watford !! And how did your scan go ? X

Emzy- get well soon honey xx

YM- u have many years to decide... Did they say it was yours and Luke combined DNA which caused it or just one of you ? You just never know what could happen in the future.. I know it's a lot to take in right now but u don't need to make any decision now.. Good luck for pips op... Xx

Glad your being spoilt sweetie:hugs:
What an idiot asking what your in for in that dept! :dohh: Some hospitals they put everyone together so you can hear the babies on the ward where women have lost theirs, some hospitals are so thoughtless.:nope:

Your so right about ym, from knowlege of a friend that has had problems with healthy pregnancies it is the egg that carries all the materials that decide things like that, but I don't understand it tbh, if a man carries something, surely it makes a difference, but they have told my friend its all egg?:hugs:

Right off I go, Bloody freezing today, got an extra 1 as Ben has his girlfriend here, he is being so quiet, they are watching a film, so cute! :haha:(they are 11)
Pizza for tea, :happydance: I am a bigger kid than the kids!:happydance:
Lady k - glad it went well for you today. :hugs: Glad Grants giving you loads of tlc xx I went through Watford yesterday on my way to Windsor for work had an all day meeting. Made me realise that i will have to come and visit you one day with JJ as its really not that far.

YM - hope things go well for Pip next week .

Teeny - :blush: did he say anything when he walked in or has it not been mentioned since?

Scan was ok two women did it and kept passing looks at each other or pointing at the screen which I couldn't see at all. One of them looked like she had a massive hangover and absolutely no interest in pleasantries . Got to go to docs next Wednesday for the results as nothing was mentioned today. She asked if I'd already been referred to a specialist which indicates to me they have found something. Drive to work deflated and low and now worried I might not get pregnant again.

Emzy hope you feel better soon hun xx
Aww jelly how inconsiderate of them, they could have at least given you a clue. Fingers crossed they can help you conceive if it's not good news hun xx

Teeny omg how embarrassing! I'm always so worried about Alex walking in but luckily a bomb going off wouldn't wake him so think we're ok there!

Kara so glad you're being looked after xx hope your TTC journey happens quickly and without complications now hun x

Jelly and kara im happy to be in for a meet up if you do it but would now have to be around school runs!!

Ym btp put it perfectly I think, there are no guarantees that another baby would have/develop HD but it looks like a risk you would have to weigh up if and when it comes to it.. In a couple of years you might look at pippa and by then she may have no complications and be leading a perfectly normal life, so that would help you make your decision.. Also like btp said at least if there's a risk it can be addressed immediately after the birth x

It turns out Wayne's mum doesn't have bowel cancer, the biopsy came back clear. The consultant who told her it was is now back tracking saying that he never said it was just said it could be. I think she should make an official complaint against him!!! Fancy telling someone on Xmas eve that they have bowel and possible pancreatic cancer and it turns out they have neither! She's had a section of her bowel removed today that was infected al hopefully she'll feel better soon x
Jelly so sorry to hear the scan didn't leave you with a answer... Be great for a meet up.. Stop by for a coffee next time... Or a can of cake as we don't drink x

Louise- great to hear she got cleared... Xx

Well I'm home and I feel great... Is that normal to feel so good ?no sickness no cramps yet...for the first time in weeks I managed to get and play with Paige rather than laying on the sofa with a bucket. Grant cooked a amazing meal. I'm drinking rose sparkling wine and I'm having a fag !!! To top it off dad said he wants to buy me a laptop.i never realised how sick I was until I was no longer sick...

When I asked if it went ok the people at theatre they looked at each other and got a quite yeah fine...I asked if there was only one baby and she just looked at the other women and then said I don't know I didn't look... You know when you just feel there was something they are not telling you.. Well I just got a feeling.. It wasn't until I realised that a 20 min op took almost 2 hours I got a bit worried but nothing in my notes... Oh well it's over now maybe the sickness was so bad due to the fact it died and maybe my sickness won't be so bad. Fresh start and I'll enjoy not being sick for a while....

Right I'm off to get a bit tipsy, first time in years I think... Might leave drunken messages later, I promise no drunken texts... xxx
Ladyk- So sorry my love :cry: im glad everything went ok at the hospital

Glad it all went ok LadyK. Enjoy your wine hun, have an extra glass for me :) x :hugs:
Oh lady k I'm so sorry hon :hugs: glad it all went ok, I really hate it when you have that feeling that people aren't tellng you everything. Huge :hugs: hope ttc goes well.

Jelly :hugs: to you too horrify never know whats going to happen.

Emzy aw hon being pregnant is hard and it's really hard when you're feeling shitty and having to chase a toddler around. Then the guilt at feeling like you're not looking after your toddler as much as you think you should. You're over half way :hugs: :hugs:

YM I think for me I would find it hard not to look at Pippa and hate the idea of putting another baby through that. But in saying that I know in a way what you're feeling. I REALLY want more children, I do not feel like I'm old enough to stop I never wanted my last baby at 22 :nope: its really hard being torn like that, wanting one but there also being lots of negative reasons not to. If Im being selfish then I want another, then if I think that I'm taking things away from the girls I don't :hissy: I know it's not exactly the same... But I'm now in the place that, I have a while, i don't NEED a baby now, I have years to make this decision. :hugs:
Lady k and jelly hugs to you both x

Youngmummy as said you have time to worry about that decision x

Sorry to those who are feeling Ill , I ha e joined you was up all night ill still in bed now girls are running around upstairs I think this is my first feel unwell and look after them on my own day ! I won't be able to sit for lOng too much housework to do !
Jelly, sorry you haven't got any answers yet but do not give up. I was 22 and diagnosed with PCOS. My periods were so irregular and even now theu last for weeks/months. I had a laparoscopy and ovarian drilling alongside clomid and we conceived Riley that way. We also had to contend with my DH having low morphology and motility with his sperm and we did it! This time by some sort of miracle (although we did not use contraception at all from when Riley was born) we fell pregnant naturally just before we started clomid again.
Think positive my lovely and good luck with TTC.

LadyK, glad you have been spoilt. Enjoy the cigarettes and the wine!!! xx
Teeny, that is amazing falling naturally after ttc Riley! Very well done! :thumbup::hugs:

I have had mine in batches, my eldest was an only child til he was 6, but i always wanted more, at the time I agreed no more then one day my ex came home having held a friends newborn, he said can we try? So 2 babies followed, then when that relationship failed I was ready to be sterilised, it was only the coil sorted my heavy af issue that i gave it a whirl, within 5 years I had the 2 girls, So I have 17, 11,9,4 and 16 months! I said I wouldn't have any at all, i did, i said only one, i had 5, i said no more after 3, i went on to have 2 more, i said none after 35, I was 37 when I had changes, so do we, never say never...ever! :hugs:

Got to go, little miss needs dressing, and i need to pick up Sophie from pre school, ahhh!

Back later


Ps for those in the know, is there a b&b app, or can i only save to faves? I am slowly learning! The phone is good as i am personalising it with apps, but i am techno blind! :haha:

Lady k:hugs::kiss:
Hi ladies, sorry for selfish post but got a tiny bit of pink spotting yesterday, been TTC this month, is that a good sign or bad sign? My guesswork was that I ovulated last Thursday so by my records too early for af bit seems to have stopped now? Any clues? I don't usually get sspotting between periods x
Ooh Louise could be implantation bleeding! I think if I remember rightly it usually occurs between 6-10 days after conception, so would be right on time! FX for you! When are you testing, or are you just waiting for signs of AF first?

Jelly I hope you get some answers soon hun. I went for an ultrasound a few years ago due to really painful and heavy AFs and the guy doing the ultrasound wouldn't tell me anything. So annoying! In the end it was fine and they never found a reason for it!
LauraK how are you doing hun? How many weeks are you now? Are you about 6 ahead of me? I can't remember!
Thanks emzy I did wonder that but don't want to get my hopes up too much! I felt awful and couldn't decide whether to post it on here or not as so many people are having difficulties one way or another.

I haven't seem anything of Laura for a while, hope she's ok x

Speaking of absent people, has anyone heard anything of mrsJ08 at all? She stopped posting on her but she was on fb but the last few months she's disappeared off the face of the earth!
I haven't seen her on here or on facebook, but I have seen her post on twitter, so think she's fine!

As for posting things on here, I was thinking that yesterday when I came on to post something. I am sure the people having troubles would want us to carry on posting things, but we all know each other pretty well now and I think if anyone thought otherwise, they would be able to say :)
Louise- Hope it was implantation bleeding for you. Will keep my fingers crossed.

I havent seen Laurak on here for a while either hope she is doing okay.

Ladyk- Hope you are doing okay and you enjoyed your wine and fags.

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