September Stars

Morning!! I am feeling super lazy today! Had a lovely lie in with Sam. He's now fed and nodded off again, doesn't usually do this so I am making the most of it! Going to nip up and clean the bedrooms in a mo before the big uns come back!

MrsJ, we've very recently had mice. I knew because I found some droppings in the living room. Kept finding them behind the sofas and the TV cabinet. We had traps out for a couple of weeks but caught nothing. We were still finding droppings though. Then completely out of the blue, we found no more droppings and assumed they'd either been caught by something or someone else, or just gone somewhere new. Then a week later, more droppings!! So we put traps out again, and caught 2 on the first night!! It was gruesome, but I am not having mice weeing and pooing all over my kids things, I couldn't bear the thought of it. We did leave more traps out, but have caught nothing since, and there have been no droppings now for about 3 weeks. It was a horrible time, and finding the two we found dead was horrible, but I am soooo glad they're gone! We found that the bait that lured them was smarties!!
I hope your allergy sorts itself out too! Nasty!
We've got a tiny love mobile for Sam, it was from Amazon, and he loves it! I also got one of those cot top changers from mothercare, and it's fab! Has really saved my back, and Sam loves to lie on it when he's being changed and look at the mobile going round next to him! Very cute!

Right, I'm off to make the most of this "me" time, as it won't last long!

Have a good day ladies, see you all later. xx
We live in a new house, but slap in the middle of the countryside, and last year we had RATS!!!! AHHHHH!! They had to go! We have poison, and put it in those things food places use outside, dh put it down their holes they had made in the garden then put heavy things over them, we found one dead in the attic with my baby things, why i had to buy all new for Rosie, and have not seen any since, my dh actually bought an air rifle to get rid of them but the week the gun showed up it went all quiet!
Last night my scarf was on the kitchen side and this morning it has slug trails over it, yuck or what!! Straight into the wash, and how on earth do slugs get in? I am salting the doorstep tonight, i know its cruel but the little buggers can stick to the garden or die!!!

I have a happy baby today:happydance:, we went to neighbours fireworks last night, it was great but they had some fing huge fireworks!! They had a 1500 shot one which was awesome, but i think for me they were a bit close!! We were showered in the empty caps as they went off!! (Rosie was in the house with me, i just had a quick look every now and again!)
I went to bed fairly early with Rosie, and left the boys on the xbox, i don't even know what time they went to bed, dh creeps in and i am not bothered, i just thik the xbox must be able to be listed as another form or contreception it certainly works in our house!
My sister has just found out her husband has been cheating, so men are not on my top of likes today! She was with him a long time, sacrificed many things including not having children with this cheat, and i have always thought him as untrustworthy but she has always been in fairytale land with him so there was no telling her, what an ass hole, glad i don't live near him, think i may be tempted to do something, i know my sister wants to but revenge is a dish served cold so going to think on it a while!!

Anyway off to check out facebook, excuse no personals i an still sat in my jim jams and Rosie starting to get cross on her mat! xxxx:hugs:
Hi girls!

BTP I know, I noticed Holly is doing some of the stuff from the later months but not from 2 months! Things like that are always a guide as babies are individuals, would be boring if not! We had rats in our old house... URRGHHH SO RANK!!! When I used to smoke I used to sit out back and once a rat ran over my foot. OMG I screamed sooo loud!

Becs the photo of Hope is gorgeous! :flower:

LadyK yay for the carrier!

Carley yay for Jayden's weight! I'm going to take Holly this week... wonder what she is going to weigh now? She was 11lb 6oz 4 weeks ago.

Asher your lie in with Sam sounds lush! I quite often take Holly back to bed with me and doze for a couple of hours... love it! Holly also loves her mobile, she talks to the little animals as they go round lol

MrsJ we have a beautiful party dress for Holly but sadly it's not likely to fit her for much longer as it's 0-3 months! My gran bought it for her from Mama's and Papa's and I had a heart attack as it was £30 with a little shrug thing for £15!!! It got worn once!! It is gorgeous though, purple velvet and so cute! Here's a pic of her in it. I think I might sell it on once it doesn't fit anymore... would any of you be interested in buying it? If so, make me an offer!

We had a few friends over for fireworks last night. I put Holly in the sling and stood inside the back door with the light off and bless her, her eyes were all big and wide, she loved them!! They weren't noisy big ones though, more like the crappy cheap ones lol We then walked up the road to the big bonfire they do on the green and she was all wide eyed again bless her. We've had a lovely day today too. She slept from 11.30 last night until 8am then Matt got up with her and I laid in for another hour. Then went to town and had some lunch and did the big shop.

We've made a strange discovery too, Holly is much much more settled when she drinks the ready made carton milk rather than the powdered stuff! It seems to go down better so this week we did an experiment and bought the big cartons and used them instead of the powder stuff and she has been like a different baby, very settled, not so windy, not so sicky. It's weird as I would presume they had the same ingredients apart from being UHT. I can only presume it is the water here? I dunno but we're sticking with cartons from now on! A bit more expensive but worth it.

My friend is being induced today and when she told me I felt sooo jealous! I must be mad feeling jealous of a lady about to go through labour, but I want to do it again!!

Right best go heat up left over chilli for tea and then it's time for x factor soon!

Have a lovely evening ladies


ps Bekklez have you changed your name... is that you?! lol


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Emzy, it might be that the cartons are better mixed as I find no matter how much I shake the bottlesthere is always some little bits of powder in the bottles, the cartons are more smooth, if that makes sense lol!!
Eeeek BTP and the rats!! I think the worst of it is feeling as if it's so out of your control. I couldn't stand the thought of mice all over the boys stuff. Although it was awful trapping the two we did, it was a relief that I didn't need to be so paranoid.
I hope you do exact a bit of revenge on your sister's fella. Sounds like a bit of a toad that one.

Emzy you are sounding so much better since Holly's more settled for you. You sound really happy and into the bit where you really enjoy the little one for what they are. I think I am now on the verge of that with Sammy pants! She looks gorgeous in that little dress by the way!

We're off to bed very soon. Our neighbours were up very late into the night last night having some sort of bonfire night party. They have a long history of being partiers, but then their 19 year old daughter got preggers and had a baby 4 days before Sam was born, so they're much better these days. But they partied last night and when I fed Sam at 2.30 they were so noisy I couldn't get back to sleep for an hour. So it's an early night for us. Busy day tomorrow, my best friend's eldest daugher Millie is 6 and we have a day of parties!!

Night all xxx
I thought so lol Is it anything to do with the Ian Brown song by any chance?!
Becs you're probably Right about the cartons being better mixed. they definitely seem a different consistency!

Asher I do feel so much better now. it had got to a stage where the hours of crying week on week were making me feel really low and I was just about at the end of my rope! I'm so so enjoying being a mummy now. before I found myself wishing shed fall asleep so shed stop crying, now I always want her to wake up! Glad you're getting to the feeling human stage again too!! X
Asher we had a mouse in the car, i found they really like chocolate spread :rolfl: I HATE mice :sick:

:rofl: I was really confused with the name change too :haha:
Hi blob!

Oh and I forgot, I lost 3lbs this week! That's 10lbs so far! Whoop! Only 3 and a bit stone to go... lol x
Emzy, I am so pleased you are feeling better, it makes all the difference. I am finding that with Hope especially now I am more relaxed and settled!! I think the cartons are better, they just seem less thick and gloopy!!

Asher, hope you have a good nights sleep and have a nice day tomorrow!!!

Hope finally got settled and Ian put her up in her cot, she seems to be getting earlier each night and she is definatley more in a routine, she went down at 7 last night and woke at 2 for a feed then went through till about 8 this morning!! She is alot more content, still has the odd niggle but mainly when she is fighting going to sleep!!
I am off to bed in a bit, going shopping with my Mum tomorrow and Ian is having a Daddy day, be nice to have some time with my Mum, feels like its been ages, even though I see her a few times a week but we haven't had Mum and daughter time since I had Hope. Want to get some new clothes, and Hope some bits of course lol!!
Thought so! You sound like matts twin, he is from stoke and loves Ian brown too! Have you ever seen him live? We've seen him a couple of times and he's fab. Are you a roses fan as well?
Looks like we are all starting another journey together on the weighloss front,maybe we should start a weightloss group for the stars?!!
I have started a thread in the dieting section called September Stars Weightloss Journeys!! Here is a link!!
from the day paige was born I was breastfeeding, expressing and formula, paige always got restless and wouldnt settle between 8-12 in the evening, then last week i started JUST breastfeeding she got even worse and needing picking up all the time and those hours at night were a nightmare. So today we decided to just give formula and no breast milk at all... she has been asleep since 10 and no crying fit !!! could it be my breast milk? breast feeding councillor who is a mate of mine says its 100% not my milk but seems strange.. we are going to do formula again tomorrow and then if all goes well breastfeed monday to test this.. i will hate it if its my breast milk.. i was really pleased i was able to do it... but paige has been amazing all day.

im joining the diet thread too... but eating 6 doughnuts isnt a good start to my diet... monday for sure !!!

becs, i already had a nose at her other photos.. she is amazing !!

BTP-my mate just found out too, they dont have kids but he is a police officer and i know what the Job can do to relationships.. but at least she knows and has a chance to find someone else....hope your sister is ok x

Mrsj- so sorry to hear about your rash and even more so about the mice problem... hope you get the hairy buggars !!

Cant believe so many people have mice problems.. and OMG BTP rats !!! I am on the hunt just to check we have non !!!

Emzy- I am VERY jealous of pregnant friends... i dont know why, we go through pregnancy to get to where we are now so why be jealous of someone having to go through the bits before, maybe its that first time you see your baby the excitment before.

We use cartoons for paige, its easier but after reading what you wrote i may carry on using them
Daisybell - On the shopping front we went out yesterday to buy a cot mobile but nobody had the two we liked the look of in-stock. In fact I was really disappointed in the selection especially in Mothercare which is one of their mega stores. I came home and ordered one on-line which should be here today. I also bought a Cot top changer, a Christmas Stocking for Scarlett and some 3-6month clothes from M&S as Scarlett is so long she's needing bigger sizes already!

Has anyone bought party clothes for their babies?

Mama & papas have some lush cot mobiles, i have been looking online they are also having a sale too :thumbup: starting to prefer them to mothercare tbh as i also find things in thier stores are limited.

we havnt bought any party clothes yet, but i am looking! i'm use to buying party dresses for bethany it's just so weird looking at party outfits for boys (i probably sound weird saying that) :haha:

ooo mice, i use to have them in our old home (lived near fields & woods) they are soo cute! but scare the shit out of me! i couldnt sleep at night :nope: the sonar plug in things are good :thumbup: i hope they bog off soon for ya x

Emzy yay on the weight loss :happydance:

becs, gr8 idea, i think i might just join that thread :thumbup:

Asher hope u have a good nights sleep & enjoy tomorrow.

Serious question, any1 else still suffer from baby brain?? coz i do! :wave:
i carnt remember been this forgetful after bethany was born :wacko:
Morning everyone! I really should be getting the boys brekky ready but hey ho! They are playing playmobil, and Sam is awake in his bed but quite happy just lay there. The night wasn't too bad. Our lab has a problem with a sore ear which always happens in the night, and wouldn't you know he woke us up at midnight scratching his bloody ear! So Sam woke and I had to feed him! That said, he woke again at 4 for 20 mins and has slept well in between. I just wish I could sleep better in between feeds, I am really struggling to get back of for a decent sleep! Ah well!

Loving the idea of a weight loss page girlies. I'm doing okay, last weight was 10st 12lbs, so almost 2 and a half stone down in 10 weeks. I was around 10 and a half stone pre preg so to get back to that would be good.

Daisy, my baby brain is AWFUL!! So bad that I will completely forgot that I have told DH something and tell him again, and he'll look at me as though I am mad!! And I have a problem buying party clothes for my boys too! At the moment they seem to go to parties in either a shirt and nice jeans or little cardigan/t shirt type combos. They actually don't care what they wear at all!!

Kara, I hope you get to the bottom of the milk issue. I hope it's not the boob milk thing, as you're just doing well with it, but if it is you've done so well to get this far, and you need Paige to be settled if she can be! Bless!

Bekklez, one of our friends is a real hob nobber with the stars. He used to work in the section of Adidas which gave samples to all the celebs and their agents, and one of them was Ian Brown. Years ago when we used to go out for meals in town, he would sometimes come with us. Not seen him for years, but said friend's baby is being christened on the 21st of this month, and I have a distinct feeling a certain Mr Brown might turn up. Will get a piccy if he does!!

A quick question - who's using reusable nappies? I've got all mine from Jack, and I started using them with him at about 5 months old. Sam's a lot bigger so I reckon I could get them to fit him soon, but I just don't see at the moment how I am going to fit the extra washing in! What types are you all using? I have prefolds and covers, which I liked last time! Just need to get a few new covers for Sammy pants.

Right, will go get the boys some food and me a cuppa. See you later. x
Never seen him live Emzy but I love the stone roses too!

Great idea for the weightloss :thumbup:

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