September Stars

Daisy they are s cute!!! Next have some lovely stuff in and they wash and wear so well!!

I really wish I wasn't so picky about housework, the kitchen floor needs mopping and its really getting to me so I am going to have to do it lol!!
well im glad im not the only one who's a little crazy when it comes to the cleaning of the house etc - I actually thought I was going mad lol

yes, thankyou, ive got everything done and im just relaxing now! its a strange luxery!

ive bought roxy lots of the 'lamaze' toys and bits and bobs like clothes, bedtime books, ooo and beauty and the beast to add to her ridiculous dvd collection lol - yes thats right, she has a dvd collection already haha! all the disney ones etc lol does anyone know where i can buy the Lion King from? I cant seem to get it anywhere! It wouldnt just be for Roxy, the DH has been moaning about the fact he cant get it for about a year!

I got my nursing bras from la sensa clearance shop, clarks village in street, they were £5 each, if you know your size i could see if they still have them and send them to you if it is a long distance from you, everyone is everywhere on here!

We are going to a neighbours for bbq and fireworks, they have put a gazebo up, hope the rain holds off!
I am not sure Rosie will like it much, she was not keen when we did ours the other day! Only being local i can take her home though so that is ok!

Thanks for the chart Emzy, i think it is still varied, Rosie is doing some stuff from 3 months but not from one month! All interesting!
My 10 yr old was walking at 10 months, but not talking til after 3 yrs!:hugs:

Anyway got to go, us dieters have to eat b4 we go out so we are not tempted!

Have a great night everyone, :happydance:

:baby:tp xxxxx:hugs:
becs - I didnt even think of looking on there!! Will have a look now! thanks! xxx
Just had a look at one of Hope's photos I had taken yesterday, its on my facebook if anyone wants a look, I have been tagged in it!! I am really pleased and can't wait to see the rest!!
OMG becs its gorgeous!! What an amazing photo! She looks stunning! xxx
I agree Becs - she looks STUNNING! what beautiful little lips :cloud9:
Becs fantastic photo im jealous xx

i've also got OCD tendancies..... so much so I asked mt mum to clean my bathroom this week ascouldnt wait for DH to do and ive still got wrist issues

For everything said about other halfs and helping out at home im in the same situation... currently hes on his xbox. However he has said he will do the night feeds tonight I told him id prefer tomorrow night as I have a christening sunday morning so would like to feel refreshed then if there is such a thing.

Had productive week, been to Tescos, Health visitor Clinic (JJ now weighing 10lb 7oz at 4 weeks), town shopping and physio today. He seems happy and content going out and about which is reassuring.

HV states the sickness is due to wind and that its normal and not reflux.... im still not 100% convinced so will speak to docs in a week his 6 week check.

Had my first physio for my wrist... told best treatment is rest as this not possible im told cold compress, stretching exercises, wrist splint in evenings, support tape during the day, anti inflam's and twice weekly ultrasound treatment....... dont think my wrist is going to get better any time soon.

I'll be 4 1/2 weeks post partum Monday....... its DIET time. Haven;t decided if Weightwatchers, ipod calorie/fat/exercise tracker, fitbug or focusfood. Will hopefully get time to decide this weekend and organise some healthy recipes for next week.

Sorry if TMI but past few days i've had really upset stomach (not sure if due to over tired / lack of sleep). I used to suffer from IBS but since becolming pregnant this massively improved im wondering if my honeymoon period is now over and my IBS has returned with revenge. Anyone else had this ? If not i'll have to go back to my strict diet of no dairy / wheat / yeast / sugar / pork / fruit - which helps me to lose weight but only because theres little i can eat LOL

Hope everyone has a great weekend xx
OCD... OMG im not the only one.. i cleaned out the entire loft today. I feel my house is too cluttered and need to clean and organise everything. I thought it would ease off once paige was born but im even worse.... i love sorting things into boxes and clearing out cupboards...

We have a routine but its normally paige turns into grot bags and wont settle at all starting from about 8pm till 12

Baby sling arrived but i dont like it so went to mothercare and asked about simple baby carrier and they showed us the baby bjorn one and OMG its fantastic...

Jellycat- i also suffered IBS and not had it since i was 3 months pregnant... i then suffered constipation even now, my poor bum doesnt know whats happening to it. So far its not come back but i have been getting pains but this seems to be down to piles.... dont you love how talking about stuff like this is just normal xx

Becs, That photo is amazing.. very impressed .. can i ask how much a photo session cost? x

Daisybell- love the outfits, i should be looking for one for paige, she had a load 0-3 dresses which was suppose to be for xmas, just hope she will fit into them.. i dont know which size to buy x
Had our 6 week appointment today and Jayden has got to 11lbs...... what a bruiser!!! hopefully ill be brave fr his jabs on 30th Nov.
LadyK, the session cost £25 and the prints start from £6, she is very reasonable!! I think I will be buying loads and a couple of canvases!!!
LadyK, the session cost £25 and the prints start from £6, she is very reasonable!! I think I will be buying loads and a couple of canvases!!!

shame she is so far away.. : (... ill have to look for one here but doubt they will be that cheap or that good..
She was doing free shoots for babies up to 12days old, thats why I got mine for £25, she is normally £45 a session but thats still cheap!! The 2 photos I have seen are so gorgeous!! Can't wait for the rest!
Becs, OMG those photos of Hope are adorable! She is a beautiful baby, pouty!! xx

Thanks everyone for the hugs, I feel a lot better tonight. I managed to go for my swim (with DH - the kids went to Nana's - just had to make sure Sam was full before we left!) and we did a mile in 32 mins, was fab, feel so much better for doing something for myself! The big boys are staying over at Damien's mum and dad's tonight, so it's just us and Sam, which is weird but nice. DH has some overtime tomorrow, so my plan is to bring Sam into bed with me when DH gets up and have a nice cuddle and doze with him as there'll be no rush to get going! Yay, am looking forward to it!

Kara, I am OCD but I wish I could be as OCD as you! I go into our loft and come straight back down as I can't stand it!!!

Sam made my day today. He's been cooing at me (and only me!!) for a few days, but I have had him laugh at me twice today! So so gorgeous! Not a proper giggle, just more than a smile! So sweet!! DH saw him do it and was made up!!!

Right, am off to bed in a mo. Having a sip of lovely red wine, and a wee bit of supper, then beddy boes! Night night lovely ladies. xx
Asher enjoy your lazy morning!! I had one this morning and it was bliss!!!
Thanks Becs, I will!! Looking forward to having some guilt free cuddles with little chap, without big bros watching. xx
Wow Becs thats not bad... The lady who does the photos for us is free for a session but you wont get a canvas under a £100 :dohh: just the 10x8 for 3 cost £90 and thats in a deal :dohh:

Becs do i have you on FB i cant find you :dohh: (Sarah Peck) I want to see Hope's photos. Love the name hope :cloud9: its also Rosalie's middle name.

Asher i'm jealous Robin was up at 5am and i got up a bit ignoring poor Tab who i think is also now awake :blush:
This is the facebook group of the lady who too Hope's pics!!
She has taken some beautiful pics!!!

We had a lovely lay in this morning, got Hope in bed with us, she was smilling and cooing, just lovely!!!
Got to pop to argos later them we are off to the forest to take Murphy for a nice long walk!! I am back on the diet wagon from Monday, I tried my blue cocktail dress on yesterday that I wore for a doo last christmas, I can get it almost done up again so thats what I want to get back into!!!
Morning ladies!

Blimey I've had an awful couple of days, I'm so glad it's the weekend and DH is home. On Wednesday evening I suddenly started having an itchy head, woke up at 3am with itchy palms and by 7am I was covered in hives. Obviously an allergic reaction but as I hadn't eaten anything out of the ordinary the only explanation is that I am allergic to the "Naturals" Fairy Fabric Conditioner as the itching started just after I put the wet clothes on the airer. I still have the flipping rash on my arms, legs and boobs and my hands are still itchy but not nearly as bad as it was. I took anti-histamine on Thursday but none yesterday as I was worried about it effecting my milk supply. I was warned the tablets might make Scarlett drowsy, but they don't make me drowsy and didn't effect her either. I think my milk supply was reduced on Thursday night but not drastically as there was still plenty for Scarlett. I've just had to take another tablet as my hands were becoming unbearable and the rash on my arms is coming down already so I think it's on it's way out now. I haven't had a serious allergic reaction to anything since I was in my teens, as a child I had lot's of allergies but as an adult they haven't been nearly as bad - just the occasional rash that has gone within an hour. I have just finished my course of antibiotics so perhaps they's made my immune system depressed so the reaction was more extreme.

In other news - we have had visitors..... MICE!!!! I have had a complete freak about it, I can't believe the little devils have been in the house. Clearly the dog had been keeping them away but now that he has gone they have been taking liberties. They had got into my baking cupboard and eaten into a bag on flour. DH has boarded up a hole in the cupboard and put sealing tape everywhere to prevent them getting in there. We have also set two traps but not caught anything yet. I've checked this morning and there is no evidence of them in the kitchen - you can imagine how much I have been cleaning. We have checked the whole house and the only other place we found evidence of them was behind the sofa. I'm feeling completely paranoid about it and keep thinking I can hear them. DH is going to get some of those sonar things you plug in to keep them away. Unfortunately our house is 100 years old so realistically I don't think we are going to be able to block every hole, especially as we have two fireplaces so we are going to have to be really careful about leaving food out and give them no reason to come in. I can cope with them living in the house (I suspect they are under the floorboards) as long as I can't see any evidence of them. The last thing I want is to find evidence of mice in the kitchen it makes me feel sick to think of them scrabbling around in there in the night. Any body else had mice issues? I keep thinking it could be worse, my neighbour across the road has rats in her loft :cry:

Becs/STMW/Daisybell/Emzy - I can empathise with those of you who have been talking about their DH's not doing a lot. We have had words about it too and I've been quite lucky as DH seems to be making a real effort now.

Daisybell - On the shopping front we went out yesterday to buy a cot mobile but nobody had the two we liked the look of in-stock. In fact I was really disappointed in the selection especially in Mothercare which is one of their mega stores. I came home and ordered one on-line which should be here today. I also bought a Cot top changer, a Christmas Stocking for Scarlett and some 3-6month clothes from M&S as Scarlett is so long she's needing bigger sizes already!

Has anyone bought party clothes for their babies? We have a couple of birthday parties coming up so I bought Scarlett a red dress and matching cardi on Ebay that had been worn once to a Wedding. I can't really justify spending £20+ on a dress she will only wear once or twice so decided to go down the second-hand route.

Better go I can hear Scarlett making noises in her cot!

Have a good weekend


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