September Stars

Asher i'm so pleased i'm not alone with the baby brain thing, i think im going mad sometimes. i can never remember where i have put things,example my keys (i usually find them a few days later, just as well we have 2sets) im the opposite i think ive told OH something & i havnt, i must of just thought about & forget to tell him :dohh: lol

well done with the weight loss, 2.5stone in 10weeks is fab!!
Ollie still has night feeds 1am ish & 4am ish up at 7:30am
i see on fb alot of lo's are sleeping thru most of the time, i'm so jealous
fx it's our turn soon Claire.

RE: reusable nappies, i don't use them sorry im not much help.
thinking about i should as pampers cost a small fortune!

right off to make lunch then off to the opticians to get bethanys eyes tested.

Catch ya all later xxx
Hi ladies

Thanks for your comments re:mice - it made me feel better to know I'm not the only one who has had to deal with them. We haven't caught any in the traps but we have had no evidence of mice since Thursday. I am hoping that now that they can't get into my baking cupboard they have decided not to bother coming in. Wishful thinking probably, but I live in hope. On the plus front it means my DH is being a lot tidier in the kitchen and doing the washing up rather than leaving it if he can get away with it, which is something I've been nagging about for years!

The mobile arrived yesterday morning and we are really pleased with it. Asher - we may have the same one? This is the Tiny Love mobile we bought -
It had loads of great reviews on Amazon but John Lewis were cheaper so I bought it from there.

We had a bit of a fluke night - Scarlett went down at 10pm and slept until 6am!!!!!! My boobs were so full they were unbearable and leaking all over the place. Not only that but she went back down at 7am and slept until 9.20am. DH was in raptures. I got a pretty good night of sleep but I did wake a few times worried she was ill and to check her breathing. Paranoid Mum I know!

Daisybell/Asher - I too have baby brain and it's driving me crazy. It seems a long time ago I was handling a £30million department and travelling the world. These days it's all I can do to remember where my shoes are. I must admit my confidence is quite low in that respect at the moment but I'm trying to put it to the back of my mind and focus on Scarlett.

Daisybell - I know what you mean about Mothercare, we have one of their superstores near us with a Clarks and ELC inside. It's not too bad but I must admit I'm disappointed with their clothing on the whole. It's more expensive than M&S and the quality isn't as good. I haven't got any clothing from M&P so don't now what it's like. My favourite of Scarlett's sleepsuits are the Jojo Maman Bebe ones, they are lovely cotton and have integral scratch mitts Unfortunately. she only has two as they are so expensive! Scarlett has worn dresses a few times but they are either Jersey or Wool. I put her in a denim pinafore yesterday but ended up taking it off as she looked so uncomfortable compared to wearing sleepsuits or tops and leggings. I think I'm definitely the kind of Mum that's going to stick with sleepsuits and cardigans for as long as possible, as much as I like some of the fancy outfits. That probably makes me a bit old-fashioned but nevermind :blush:

My monster is moaning in her cot so I better go. Hope everyone is having a nice relaxing Sunday

Awwww well done Emzy thats awesome :wohoo:

I use them Asher, have to say the washing seems no different but prob because i was doing them for Tab anyway. :)

I have total baby brain :dohh:

I really like the mothercare things i've bought also love gap stuff :) Ahhh i just love buying them clothes :cloud9:
Mrsj we are also lovers of bodysuits and cardis it makes things so much easier. Had a christening today and I decided to go down the cute route rather than smart . JJ was a hit with the ladys and the men!

Becs thanks for the weightless site, I'm starting tomorrow so I'll defo be joining ! To be honest need all the support and motivation at the moment I just can't resist chocolate digestives.......

Had my assistant visit yesterday apparently loads of changes they are wanting to make and have me implement when I return. It's weird talking about work and issues they currently have, problem us everyone thinks I'm going back in may.... I said last nifty it's unlikely. Even hr this week were suggesting coming back part time initially. I want to prolong going back for as long as possible now as you only get this time with them once. Also DH contract has been renewed for another year so there's no hurry now :)

Lady k hope all goes well with the feeding as I know how hard you have worked to be able to BF, fingers crossed it was just a coincidence.

BTP for my degree I was meant to do a daily experiment on a rat, I refused and played with him each day..... I failed one of my modules but I didn't care. However I don't think I'd of liked rats in the house as wild ones are really dirty.

I agree with the powder vs cartons. Last night it was DH to do the night feeds when he realised he had no ready bottles he used a carton. Before this JJ was really loud breathing and coughing and snorting. After his carton feed he was really peaceful. It could be coincidence but we think the powder sometimes doesn't full dissolve in the water regardless of how warm the water is or how much you stir and shake, bit like coffee granules not always fully dissolving.
Jelly, the worst i had to do for my degree was dehydrate potato in a microwave, i dont like the sound of experimenting with a rat! :hugs:

I dont want to tempt fate but my little milk monster is sleeping very well, last night she slept from 10-5 then after one boob and ten mins she was back down another 3 hours, then the other boob and settled again, she seems to like her basket as long as she knows i am in the room, so i get great lie ins!:thumbup:

My 2yr old, when she was a baby would only even attempt to take the cartoned stuff, nothing else except breast, the closest i got was the cartons, it must taste nice!

I have bad baby brain, why i am so rubbish on here, i forget who said what!

6 week check tomorrow for me and Rosie, have a few questions to ask, about me, nothing worrying me about Rosie, she is a sweetie.

Time to go, hi to all, and hugs to all :hugs:xx
Hey ladies!

Sorry i've only had a v.quick skim-read catch-up. I'll def be joining the weightloss group tomorrow.. I've sort of started trying to lose weight but haven't been very good, and have actually put 2lbs on :wacko: So monday morning is going to start with a weigh-in and a post on that discussion board! Hopefully you ladies will be my motivation :thumbup:

I'm really missing my mare now :cry: I've had to change my desktop image on my comp as I was crying every time I turned on the laptop!

I'm using cloth nappies, and have been since day 2 when we came home. I still have some sposies left from the pack I took into hospital. They're so much better than disposables, and I have only ever had a handful of leaks. I've got quite a selection of all in ones, and ones that need wraps. They're all shaped though.. I don't use terries. My faves are totsbots flexitots bamboo all-in-ones, so easy to use, they're just like disposables... even Oh and nan can use them no probs. The natural parenting section on here is really good for advice on fluffy bums :thumbup:

Hmm.. I can't remember much now from my skim-read lol. It doesn't help that I went out last night and haven't recovered yet. :blush: I can remember Sambuka shots in the nightclub... and I woke up this morning on the setee with half-eaten kebab stinking out the room, still in the dress I wore to go out in. Nice. :blush: I'm staying in for a while now after going out 2 weeks on the trot.. Methinx it's Oh's turn for a night out next week.

Hope you're all good today ladies :flower:
oooh im from Stoke too Emma where about is Matt from??

Baby brain...oh yes! lol

We had a lovely firework party yesterday for Mums 50th and dont know how we hid it from her! lol x
He is from Meir, is that near you? He grew up there but left when he was 15 and lived in Wales before moving to Bolton! I've only ever been to Kidsgrove to see his grandad!

Hope everyone's had nice weekends! Just a quick hi as have a wriggly baby on my knee!

Oh and Asher get you going for dinner with Ian Brown lol I've actually met him before too, once at an HMV signing thing in Manchester and then backstage at a gig in Preston. Matt used to be Assistant Editor for a magazine in Manchester (which has since gone bust) and we used to get to go to lots of weird and wonderful things like gigs and signings and restaurant openings and stuff and we got to meet lots of random celebs, mostly z list, but I did almost wet my knickers when I bumped into Jason Orange at a very pretentious party... and then shortly after I bumped into Dev from Corrie ha ha!

Evening ladies!!

So pleased that some of you are using the thread I set up, its always better to lose weight when you have supprt and encouragement!!! Good luck to us all xxxx

Baby brain is also with me too, its a bloody nightmare, I have lists for everything!!

I too agree with what has been said about mothercare, its really not as good as it used to be!!

Had a lovely day shopping in Norwich with my Mum, bought my nieces christmas pressies and some bits for Hope, treated myself to some bits too, so all in all a good day!!! I got home to find that Hope had been unsettled all day, so I said to Ian " welcome to my world!!" Tomorrow I meet my new health visitor so I guess she will weigh Hope although we did weigh her last night and she weighs roughly 13lbs!!! Chunky little thing!!
Im close to kidsgrove but was in meir last week having my nails done for the wedding...such a small world :)
Evening ladies!

MrsJ, we had your mobile for Archie a few years ago, and he loved it!! We've got the Nature's Serenade one for Sam, and he loves it too!

Blob, I think I need to get used to washing nappies again. I was used to doing it for Jack but now I'm just out of the habit again! Plus I think I am just getting to grips with doing the washing and ironing for 5 people. So to think about washing nappies twice a week too makes me feel squeamish!! hee hee! But when I looked before, I found that we have got some liners, so maybe I just need to go for it and stop being a wuss!! My nappies are the bambino mio type, I just don't use them as that, I use them as an old fashioned fold nappy with a snappi and a wrap. I love them to bits, just need to get back into the habit I think. I do love a baby with a fluffy bum!! Gorgeous!

MrsJ you're so right about the outfits! A couple of times this week I have just changed Sam into a fresh babygro rather than clothes. They just look so soft and comfy!

Emzy, lol at you nearly wetting your knickers at Jason Orange ha ha!!! Can't believe TT are on X Factor next week!! I reckon they'll be on Strictly too soon!! Yippee!!

Optical, you made me laugh with your kebab tale ha ha!!

Right, memory is shot and I can remember no more!! Off to bed. xx
...i also agree with the babygrow & cardi, in fact James has had a white grow and cardi on today...i think jeans can be a bit harsh on their new skin! x
Jelly – great weight gain for James. I haven’t had IBS myself – but sorry it may be starting up again :(

Ladykara – my OCD is worse since Roxy has been born :( need to sort it out!

Carley – Jayden’s 11lbs!! Wow! Great gain! The jabs aren’t that bad. Once the initial crying is over – it’s all good =) they just want lots of cuddles and love! good luck!

Asher – it’s lush when they start smiling and ‘speaking’ isn’t it! Really show’s their personalities off! Ive bought re-usables, but they wont fit Roxy for ageeeeeees! Like you, I don’t know where i’d fit the washing in either – so I might not bother tbh!!

Mrsj – sorry about your allergic reaction :( must be so irritating! Hopefully it will completely go soon! Erghhh mice! –can’t stand the thing’s *hugs*

Emzywemzy – that’s mad about the pre-made cartons! It must be something to do with the way its mixed – mental though!! How much more expensive does it work out to be? I wouldn’t mind using them – would make life so much easier!

Hope everyone else is good xxxxxx
Rosalie normally wears a vest and babylegs haha our house is so warm.

Yea i love my fluffy bum baby :cloud9:
Hi girls

How are we all today? I'm feeling a bit yuk as 2nd AF since birth arrived this morning, like clockwork! Blurgh.

I'm listing all my maternity clothes on ebay today to try and make some pennies for Christmas. What are you all up to?

Went out for walk with the girls was graet till Tab fell in some puddles and screamed for me to carry her :dohh:


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Nothing exciting today Emzy, been up since 2 this morning as JJ would only sleep on me and this hasnt changed. Everytime I put him down he cries hysterically which isnt easywhen ive only had 3 hours sleep.

Today... stay at home and look after mardy bum and hopefully get some ironing done. Going to try and pick up so,e healthy menus to start buying and cooking.
aw blob she is so cute!

Jelly you poor thing, rest up as much as you can today x
Iv still not had a period yet probably the breastfeeding thou. Im feeling yuk today too my tongue is full of ulcers and James has had me up almost every hour! :wacko: x

Awww poor tabs!

Great idea Emma im gonna have a rummage see what i can sell it free listings anytime soon?? x
LBP - I thought ulcers were a sign of being run down, are you generally feeling ok?

Thanks Emzy - JJ has finally gone down after 12 full hours hes been farting loads and lots of dirty nappies so i think this is what has been irritating him, Fingers crossed he will settle.

Ok Ironing (over a week old) vs Cat Nap until JJ reawakes........ ummm no brainer im off for a quick snooze


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