September Stars

Bloody one handed typing, just lost my post!

try again!

Hi all,

no period yet, not missing them, and possibly they may not return if i get the mirena in.

Had 6 week check today, she couldn't get rid of me fast enough, she weighed me, measured my height, took my blood pressure and that was it, when i tried to ask something she said book an appointment!
Rosie was checked over and weighed so fast i don't even know what she is, will have a look in book later, we were in and out in about 10 mins so 5 mins each! And most of that she spent writing up the notes in triplicate, she didn't even say 'how are you' or anything of the kind, i felt so rushed, i kept tying to ask or say things and she just ignored me!:shrug:
As i was undressing Rosie she was telling me the possible problems with a coil, she said you prob know but i have to tell you, um yes sat down discussing it not like that!

Blob, sounds about right falling in puddles, Sophie is a horror with puddles!:hugs:

Emzy, hope you feel better soon, not missing periods at all! :hugs:

Asher, I put Rosie mainly in gro's i have a few day outfits but i think she is cozy in the gro's in this weather, bless her she always seems to have cold hands.:hugs:

better go, nappy to change, shopping to put away, plus this is almost impossible with a wriggly baby on my lap! :hugs:xx
Urgh look at the weather! it's awful :( and I've gotta do the school run soon.

Haha.. that pic is adorable blob... just like emma lol.

Emzy; I sold all of my maternity clothes after emma... and all of my baby stuff, thinking i'd never use it again when me and her dad split up. And then I had to buy it all over again! So this time, i'm boxing everything up and putting all my maternity stuff in suitcases in the loft... I don't plan on having another any time soon, but I would like baby no.3 in the future, so it seems silly selling it to buy it all back again.

Gotta wait till Izzy is old enough to share a bunk bed with Emma though to free up the nursery. That said, still no AF (but we haven't been REALLY naughty if you get me :blush:). I'd be pretty devastated if I was pregnant now... our wedding is on 25th june. Plus, I'd like a little longer to enjoy Isabelle before going through it all again (and to get a job with maternity pay! lol).

School run calls... Brrrrrrr...
Hello ladies!!!

I sold all my maternity clothes!! Made quite a bit too!!

Health visitor came this morning, Hope weighs 13lb 1oz!!!! My little chunky lady!! She is 59cm too, is in 98th centile for that and 91st for weight!!

Seen all the proofs for Hope's photos, they are lush!! Gonna get loads!!

The weather here is awful too, raining all day!
LBP - I thought ulcers were a sign of being run down, are you generally feeling ok?

Thanks Emzy - JJ has finally gone down after 12 full hours hes been farting loads and lots of dirty nappies so i think this is what has been irritating him, Fingers crossed he will settle.

Ok Ironing (over a week old) vs Cat Nap until JJ reawakes........ ummm no brainer im off for a quick snooze


I have felt a bit moody lol but had a real busy few weekends with Chris Gran being ill and passing away then her funeral and then money being tight so iv been worried about be honest iv been thinking about my return to work too and i aint looking forward to leaving little man :( xxx
When are you going back to work lilbumpblue?

Right I've listed everything on ebay now! Took ages! I decided to keep all the baby stuff in case we have another girl, but sell the maternity stuff seeing as I'm trying to lose weight anyway so it hopefully won't fit next time around! Some of the listings were free today in certain categories I noticed!

Well Emma im due to go back at the end of Jan because of finances but iv just phoned our mortgage company to arrange our payment hols for Dec & Jan and they have said im entitled to a 6 month maternity break!!!! :) ...cheered me up no end!! xx
I really should sell some of my maternity stuff i just didnt use it :nope: though the rest i'll keep for future if we decide for more.

Ahhh i blame Peppa Pig for all this 'jumping in muddy puddles' lark :haha: it is sweet though!! Thats awful about the doctors :nope:

Thats fab Lilbump :wohoo:
Well Hope has been so grizzly this afternoon she hasn't slept, finally she went after 2 bottles! So I don't think I will be long!
Evening ladies

Well, I see everyones sorting out their maternity clothes...I need to get a shift on and sort out mine but I've been so busy recently!!

I had a tattoo done on Wednesday!! My god did it hurt!!! I had Kimi with a footprint and her d.o.b on my shoulder!!! Well worth it :)

I'm looking at planning to have Kimi christened in January/February time but have no idea where to start!!! Need to get a shift on tbh!!! Any advice???

Have the health visitor again on Thursday...not sure how I'm going to do with the postnatal depression side of things...but I feel ok...not great but ok....

Hope everyone else is okay :) xx
Hi All. Not been on in ages. Lots of pages to catch up on too. AF started on saturday and my God is it the mother of all AF's I forgot this from last time. My doctor gave me the mini pill to start taking on the first day of period and forgot to get prescription so will have to be really good until the next AF comes.

Ben has his 1st jabs on Wednesday but hopefully he will be as brave as Lily was and smile at the nurse!!

Hope everyone is doing ok?
Well, I see everyones sorting out their maternity clothes...I need to get a shift on and sort out mine but I've been so busy recently!!

I had a tattoo done on Wednesday!! My god did it hurt!!! I had Kimi with a footprint and her d.o.b on my shoulder!!! Well worth it :)

I'm looking at planning to have Kimi christened in January/February time but have no idea where to start!!! Need to get a shift on tbh!!! Any advice???

Have the health visitor again on Thursday...not sure how I'm going to do with the postnatal depression side of things...but I feel ok...not great but ok....

Hope everyone else is okay :) xx
I am still wearing maternity stuff!:haha:
Tatoo sounds really nice, i would like one but can never decide exactly what i want, with 5 kids i would just be covered in footprints:haha: Pics please when its settled, sounds so nice x:hugs:
Go see the church about christening, ask about dates and what you need to do, go from there hun xx
I feel the same, ok but not great, but i filled in the form and the doctor didn't look at it!

Well Emma im due to go back at the end of Jan because of finances but iv just phoned our mortgage company to arrange our payment hols for Dec & Jan and they have said im entitled to a 6 month maternity break!!!! :) ...cheered me up no end!! xx

That is great news!! xx:hugs:

Miserable day, my ds high as a kite as he always is b4 his meds kick in, they are off to school soon!

Back later xx:hugs:
That's great news lilbumpblue!! Are you going to go back much later now then?

Off to baby massage class number 2 today and then taking Holly for her second set of jabs :cry: Dreading it and I'm sure I'll cry as I'm all hormonal as I'm on my period lol It's worse as she is in such a good mood today and evil Mummy is going to spoil it by letting someone stick needles in her legs :cry: Just have to keep reminding myself that they are a good thing!! Is anyone not having the jabs? One of my friends opted out... personally I don't think it's worth the risk x
YoungMummy - Love the tattoo, please post pics once its calmed down !
i'm also still in Maternity Clothes

LBP - Great news on the maternity cover it must be peace of mind

Emzy - Hope Holly is OK after her jabs. Im giving JJ his jabs as you say I dont think its worth the risk.

Well JJ sleeping yesterday afternoon was short lived yesterday, couldnt settle him until 7pm thats a total 17 hours I was shattered really wished I had a sling so I could of actually done things round the house. I ache today from carrying him so much I dread to think how hard it will be as he gets heavier.

Today i'm determined to have a productive day !!
I'm planning on getting a rose plant tatoo up my back and adding a flower each baby :) Depends on whether i get my butt around to it and find one i like enough :rofl:

Awww :hugs: for all jag babies :( Rosalie has hers tomorrow :nope: though she has a horrible cold so i dont know if she'll do them :shrug:
Evening ladies

Well, I see everyones sorting out their maternity clothes...I need to get a shift on and sort out mine but I've been so busy recently!!

I had a tattoo done on Wednesday!! My god did it hurt!!! I had Kimi with a footprint and her d.o.b on my shoulder!!! Well worth it :)

I'm looking at planning to have Kimi christened in January/February time but have no idea where to start!!! Need to get a shift on tbh!!! Any advice???

Have the health visitor again on Thursday...not sure how I'm going to do with the postnatal depression side of things...but I feel ok...not great but ok....

Hope everyone else is okay :) xx

We are getting Ollie christened on the 12th December its alot of work to sort out but luckily we are having a joint one with Ollies cousin who is 8month old so have help with all the planning we started off with going to the church to make sure we could get the date we wanted. We are having a party at our local club who have a disco on for the kids. We sorted invites and got them from ebay and my OH Mam has got the cake so its just food and balloons we need to sort out now.
Rosie had her 6 week (rushed) check and i was looking at her weight, she was weighed twice because the doctor forgot the first weight so i know its right, she is 8lb just over, does anyone think that sounds tiny for 6 weeks? I looked at Sophie's book and she was up into the 10's by then, and she had a milk intollorance so puked most of it up every feed! (she was 6lb 9oz born and up into 7's within a week)
Going to the clinic on Thurs get her weighed measured and her book updated properly not just bits and bobs!:thumbup:

Emzy, enjoy baby massage and good luck at jabs xx:hugs:

Jelly, glad it's not just me not in my clothes!

I think i may be starting my period, apart from feeling 'periody' i had some pink, i thought it would at least give me a few months off because of breast feeding, i got 6 months off first time round but it has lessened each baby but 6 weeks would be a bit of a shit!

Back later, dh decided now is a good time to have a conversation! :shrug:

Back later xxxx:hugs:
BTP tyler weighs 8lb 9oz and hes just over 6 weeks. Jayden weighed 8lb 13oz at 6 weeks so i'm sure rosie is just fine shes just going to be petite bless her
Daisybell/Asher - I too have baby brain and it's driving me crazy. It seems a long time ago I was handling a £30million department and travelling the world. These days it's all I can do to remember where my shoes are. I must admit my confidence is quite low in that respect at the moment but I'm trying to put it to the back of my mind and focus on Scarlett.

Daisybell - I know what you mean about Mothercare, we have one of their superstores near us with a Clarks and ELC inside. It's not too bad but I must admit I'm disappointed with their clothing on the whole. It's more expensive than M&S and the quality isn't as good. I haven't got any clothing from M&P so don't now what it's like. My favourite of Scarlett's sleepsuits are the Jojo Maman Bebe ones, they are lovely cotton and have integral scratch mitts Unfortunately. she only has two as they are so expensive! Scarlett has worn dresses a few times but they are either Jersey or Wool. I put her in a denim pinafore yesterday but ended up taking it off as she looked so uncomfortable compared to wearing sleepsuits or tops and leggings. I think I'm definitely the kind of Mum that's going to stick with sleepsuits and cardigans for as long as possible, as much as I like some of the fancy outfits. That probably makes me a bit old-fashioned but nevermind :blush:

I dont think you are old fashioned, i love outfits but Ollie is always really happy in sleepsuits & you can buy some really preety one's these days too.
I LOVE the sleepsuits with the built in scratch mits! i get mine from sainsburys :thumbup: the price is really good & they wash really well, my fav shop is next, M&P for nursery bedding :thumbup: xxx

BTP i hate it when they rush you! :growlmad: how rude ignoring you when you were trying to ask Q's, i would book to see sum1 else hun x

RE selling maternity clothes fantastic idea ladies, get some pennies for xmas,
BTP i'm still in mine too :haha: need to get on the Wii fit more :winkwink:

:wave: BLONDIE Ollie has his jabs on wed too, thank god daddy is off work so he can come too when bethany had hers i was ready to :gun: the nurse lol

OH has been doing his degree on a evening so not had a chance to get computer much but i'm always lurking on FB when he nips to the loo :haha:
Ollie just never :sleep: during the day, he catnaps 5mins here 5mins there
any1 elses lo the same?

he's haveing a winge better go xxx
ive been awol a few days ill try to catch up

Emzy- im also on period number two since birth , the joy, but even though it is very heavy as usual im finding it less painfull than it used to be?

Lilbump- hope you feeling better today , the thought of work is horrid , what do you do?
Maternity mortgage break i think i may try that but we had a mortgage holiday a little while ago so probaly wont be entitled

Jelly- It sounds like you need a sling to give your poor arms a rest

Good plan on selling mat clothes i may put some on here and see if i get any takers

Id love a tatoo but im a total wimp so i think ill settle for charms with there initials and fingerprints instead :)

We had a family photo shoot on saturday cant wait to see the pics of the four of us only thing is they are very expensive but then everything around here is so damn expensive!
Hi all

I've been busy listing things like Scarlett's crib today now that she has moved into her cot. I'm still wearing some of my maternity clothes primarily as they are easier to breastfeed in. I'm having real problems on that front as I never wear trousers and it's hard to feed in a dress. I usually wear dresses or dresses/tunics with leggings so I can only wear the low front or x front ones at the moment. I desperately need to go shopping and buy some skirts so that I can wear them with feeding tops. I'm keeping everything crossed I get signed off by the doctor next week so that I can drive which means shopping!

YoungMummy - I have four tattoos, the most painful one was on my foot. I have a massive one on my thigh that took nearly 3 hours. Look forward to seeing a pic of yours.

LPB - great news about your Mortgage

Jelly - I empathise - Scarlett fed literally all day yesterday and I was shattered by the time she went to sleep at 11pm. I do have a Close Carrier and DH has a Baby Bjorn but she doesn't like going in them at the moment - I think it's because she can't see what's going on. Nosey like her Mum!

Emzy/Genies/BTP - still no period for me but I'm still bleeding from my C-Section. Not much now more like blood streaked mucus but I'm so fed up - 8 weeks of wearing pads. They think the continued bleeding has been due to my infection. :cry:

Scarlett has been to baby clinic today - she weighed 10lb3 so she's only gained 1lb1oz in 3 weeks. They aren't worried though - we think it's because she is sleeping so well at night she is missing out on 1-2 feeds a day compared to 3 weeks ago. We have injections, 8 week check and my review next Tuesday. I'm dreading it as DH definitely can't come to the jabs with me. I burst into tears on Sunday because we were driving home in the car and Scarlett started hollering for food. I seriously need to get a grip, I can't cry every time she get's distressed. I think it's just that most of the time she rarely cries and is very content so when she really goes for it I find it upsetting. Hormones eh! Well she's asleep so I'm going to try and grab some food - I know she won't be down for long. DH has parents evening tonight so won't be home until late


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