September Stars

Its crazy, good job I haven't got any burning issues!!
Hope your appointments go well ladies! We've still onlyhad sex once since I had Holly, I'm a bit apprehensive seeing as it was ouchy last time and for a few days after. Want to give it another go soon though, before Matt goes insane! lol
We had sex last week and used a condom, I still don't feel that confident in my appearance!!
Oh no me neither becs, especially with my 2 stone lighter husband!! I insisted on having the lights off lol I hate my wobbly belly covered in stretch marks. Matt says he loves my body how it is especially as it brought his daughter into the world, but I don't feel all that attractive!! Oh and we used a condom too, that's what were using from now on. Had so many problems with the injection and pill that I'm avoiding hormonal contraception all together now Xx
heya everyone :)

hope everyones little angels are ok after having their jabs? roxy was ok actually, fair enough she screamed for longer than any of the other babies, but I think its because we were there like " awwww poor roxy, you ok babes? awwww" which made her think oooo im getting attention lol bless her! she did her little attention wail when we got out of the doctors then aswell :D haha! shes been all smiley this afternoon though, and has been sleeping for a few hours, I keep checking her temperature though - just in case, and have the calpol drawn up in the syringe just in case we need it in the night!!

Ive got my 6 week check at 9 weeks lol its so stupid! I saw that HV today, and she asked me what I thought of the leaflets she gave me on sleeping etc. I was honest and told her I thought they were stupid, and thought it was weird that shes telling me not to read books and trust my instincts but then shes giving me leaflets to read!! stupid cow lol my DH was just giving her the evil eye, as she really made me feel like a bad mum last week! I was crying my eyes out lol at least she doesnt have to come to my house now, ive just got to go to clinic to get roxy weighed every month! I think she thinks I have PND, as all the docs and everyone today, were like "how are you feeling, with the sympathetic eyes, as if someone had said something to them! Fair enough, im stressed and things have been going on behind closed doors, but I dont need to shout about it and pour my heart out on my sleeve to a doctor, I have my DH for that, when im not going pyscho about the cleaning, bless him! If I was that stressed Id speak to someone!!

Phew, sorry about that selfish post! I hope everyone is ok and getting some sleep tonight?? :)

Well im back and finally caught up with all the posts!! Everyone seems to be doing really well and settled into routines...well done us, although James seems to be really out of sorts had a bad night last night woudnt go to sleep in his basket but happily slept in my arms and woke every hour!

My favourite day of the year today...happy bonfire night!! :) Its also my mums 50th birthday today so we are having a suprise bonfire party tomorrow for her with a Stoke City FC cake...she is a big Stoke fan!!! :)

James had his 6 week check yesterday and all is fine, i have mine when he is booked for his jabs so mine is 8 weeks too! He now weighs 9lb 13oz...i said to the HV oooh i thought he would be 10lb or over now and she well "well he is 9lb 13oz so tha is 10lb" and i was just sitting thinking "what planet r u on woman?!?" lol!! x
Morning girls

Just a quick one, wanted to share this interesting chart I found about baby development. I was starting to wonder if Holly should be attempting to grasp things now, but apparently she won't be able to do that until she's about 4 months old. Just thought I'd share it with you!

Morning all!!

We slept in til 8am, I have just cleaned my whole house from top to bottom. why do I feel I do everything in the house?? All very well for Ian to say leave the housework but who the hell does he think come sin and does everything, the bloody fairies!! I can honestly say even tho I get dressed, make up etc everyday I feel a sodding mess. I try so hard to keep a nice house (I have slight OCD lol) and make sure things get done and I just keep thinking how unexciting my life is!! Its nice that Hope goes up to her cot in the evenings so we get some us time but I really don't think Ian appreciates just how much I do, he says he does but he could just do little things that would make the bigger things alot more easier!!
I am so sorry ladies for moaning!!
Morning all!!

We slept in til 8am, I have just cleaned my whole house from top to bottom. why do I feel I do everything in the house?? All very well for Ian to say leave the housework but who the hell does he think come sin and does everything, the bloody fairies!! I can honestly say even tho I get dressed, make up etc everyday I feel a sodding mess. I try so hard to keep a nice house (I have slight OCD lol) and make sure things get done and I just keep thinking how unexciting my life is!! Its nice that Hope goes up to her cot in the evenings so we get some us time but I really don't think Ian appreciates just how much I do, he says he does but he could just do little things that would make the bigger things alot more easier!!
I am so sorry ladies for moaning!!

yes my df is just the same, im trying to cook tea James wakes up and has a moan then it turns to a cry and he does nothing except say "whats up with him?" erm...he wants talking to ome attention! In all farness to him thou there is only me who can stop him crying and i think he will get more involved as he gets older! x
becs I think I could have written that post myself lol whereas I have complete OCD, its ridiculous lol ive had to remove the rug in my living room and the matching mat in the kitchen/diner as I couldnt handle it when I could see bits of fluff on there and was constantly picking bits off of it lol Its all good moaning - I think who else would we moan to? I have a good natter with my mum, but its nice to off-load on here aswell!

emz - thanks for that! really interesting!

lilbumpblue - ooo sounds like your gonna have a good night then? Hmmm funny HV lol :D good weight gain though!!

well im in complete shock still - ive managed to get me and Roxy up, dressed, both of us fed and ive even been - dare i say it - relaxing!! I did a massive blitz of the house last night so everything is clean, so im literally thinking i might get bored for once haha! ahhh ill do the ironing :D more than likely Roxy will wake up then!! Hope everyones good this afternoon? xxxxxx
I have no complaints about Ian with Hope, I just wish he would have a bit more forward thinking lol.
Afternoon everyone! I'm in moany mode too today I have to say. I feel crappy and I can't put my finger on why. I'm a bit OCD with the house too, and I know that I've got 3 kids, and the house being spotless is not top of the priority list, but it's my personality so it's hard to ignore if that's the way you are! DH now thinks that because I'm off on mat leave I should do everything, but it's not possible. Archie's at school, but on Fridays, Jack isn't in nursery until 12.30. So I've had Jack and Sam this morning. Sam's been whingey, and so has Jack really! I wanted to try and do a bit of cleaning and felt all niggly when I couldn't because the boys needed me. I know DH will come home from work and ask if the dogs have been out etc, trying to make me feel guilty. Argh. I know this isn't making much sense, need to ramble and get it off my chest!! Sorry!!

And breathe!..... going to get some lunch now whilst Sam is asleep, don't think he'll be asleep long!

Hugs everyone! x
hugs to you too asher...i think we need to give these men a week of it!! xx
Oh ladies, I feel your pain!! Me and Matt have rowed sooo many times over the last few weeks over who does what. He seems to think that I laze around all day watching TV and he has it harder as he is at work, when he knows full well how much hard work Holly has been until the last week or so. He does the same thing when I'm cooking tea, if Holly cries I'm expected to see to her and he just sits there and acts like he should be relaxing after a hard day. We had a massive row about it the other day and I basically said to him, ok so imagine you were constantly on call at work 24 hours a day, you never knew when/if you were going to get a lunch break/cup of tea/glass of water/breath of fresh air in peace, how would he like it?? He was complaining as I went for a shower and left Holly with him and she was moaning. I said well you get the luxury of having a shower in the morning, I do not!! I got really annoyed at him. I don't think they mean it, they just don't see how hard it is to be on duty all the time AND keep the house nice AND do the laundry AND iron their clothes AND the rest!

Speaking of showers, last night Matt was out at badminton and for the first time I managed to have a shower and look after Holly at the same time! I popped her in her bouncer chair and she let me hang the laundry, shower and wash my hair, moisturise, dry and straighten my hair and she didn't moan once! Usually she gets all fussy after 10 minutes, but she was in it for a good 45 mins, smiling and cooing away! I have to say she has got much easier to look after now she is over the colic and a bit older. I'm loosely following the EASY routine as well (not sticking to the go down to bed bit, but am sticking to it during the day) and it's going really well. She sort of fell into it herself before I read the book and randomly started feeling 3 hourly rather than 4 hourly. The routine gives the day a bit of structure whereas before I was second guessing what she wanted. Now I know she will eat, have a bit of activity then have a sleep, before waking for food again. Not so much guessing involved. I'm not one for following strict routines or schedules as I don't believe you can fit a baby into a time schedule, but I think Holly likes to know what is coming next.

Anyone doing anything for bonfire night? We're having a couple of friends over for chilli and fireworks and sparklers! I'm going to try and put Holly asleep upstairs in the front bedroom though as I don't think she'll appreciate the noise!! I'm going to have a couple of glasses of wine as well as Matt said he will get up with Holly in the morning!

Where do you ladies buy nursing bras finding them kinda expensive!? x
I don't use them anymore, but I did buy mine from Debenhams. Think they were £14 each and were on sale at the time. One of my friends said that Peacocks sell them, but they don't have them in every shop, might be worth a look? x
Hello Ladies!!

Sorry...its been a while. Little Kimi has had a rash for a few days and i got a bit worried so i took her to hospital wednesday night and got her seen.

She's okay...nothing serious and it seems to have calmed down alot!! so I'm very happy.

She is sleeping alot better now and I'm starting to enjoy my daughter more than feeling like i was constantly her slave (if that makes sense)

Hope everyone is having a good day!!

I'm off to my mums for bonfire night with the family...and my OH is going back to his dads to help him pack up the house to its my weekend with Kimi :D
Nice to hear know that Ollie isnt the only one who attention crys.
with him only been 7weeks i thought he is abit early but as he has 1tooth already i guess there isnt an age limit on when they start doing things. :wacko:

:hugs: Asher, i'm the same with the OCD house cleaning thing, ive always been the same even before the kids, i get itchy feet all of a sudden & i have to clean! hope u are feeling better :hugs:

lilbumpblue i dont use them anymore but i use to buy mine from M&S :thumbup: not too badly priced either.

stmw go you, all organised! hope u have had a relaxing day xxx

becs hun my OH is the same, "leave the housework" i say "why have you hired a cleaner?" *silence* ME "no thought not!" i like a clean tidy home (as much as it can be) be nice if he didnt have to have his arm forced around his back to help me!

Been buy xmas outfits for Ollie today :)

it says "dreaming of a silent night, haha you'll be lucky

On the baby sleepsuit underneath it says "Santas no1 little helper"

Soooo Cute!!

ive allready got him a next reinderr jumper, which i love! just need to buy a xmas day outfit now.

any1 else been buying???

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