For some reason I couldn't get on the laptop yesterday, the bloody thing wouldn't connect so only had my phone, I really cant navigate here on my phone til i am a more experienced touch screen user, wheres my keys, i miss keys!
Busy day here, period pains and PMT ahoy. Am hoping this coil will settle stuff down soon. It's been in 2 months now and is causing mayhem. The storm before the calm I am hoping!! I have been a right moody moo all day, and now am craving chocolate. Grrrrrrrrr. Am just watching Coppers with a cuppa, then off to bed. Hoping for a slightly better night's sleep tonight. Archie was stood next to the bed at 4am having wet the bed - very rare this happens, but not much fun climbing in to the top bunk to change it in the middle of the night! - then I couldn't get back to sleep as I couldn't stop coughing, then I did nod off and the labrador starting crying to go out for a poo (5am), then before 6 Sam was awake and in with us. A good few solid hours would be so nice tonight!!! Fingers crossed!!
Love to all. xx
What coil did you have fitted? xx
Hope it settles soon, my first Mirena took 6 months to stop spotting, but other than that I had few symptoms, this one none really because my periods hadn't started when it was in.

I did poas again yesterday, the line looked about the same to me as it did the day before ao straight away I was worried but going to wait until at least Thursday to do it again as that's when I'm due on I think.. Boobs not sore yet and that was my first symptom before so not feeling massively positive at the moment but time will tell! I think I'm just worrying!
I did poas(with Rosie pregnancy) before i was due on and got a line then when i was due the line was fainter, i went into flat panic because i had a REALLY faint line the month b4 that had turned out to be nothing. So I painfully waited and when I was a few days late i did a digi with those fab words PREGNANT 1-2! then I did another a few weeks later and it had progressed to 3-4 weeks so i was a bit happier for about a week til i started worrying about something else! Its not unusual to have different coloured lines, but a + is a +! xx

I would not like collecting the children with the ex there, it is a hard one, because it was a lifetime ago from now so shouldn't really matter, but it does!
I would be in full make up looking emmaculate every day!
I know my dh's exes and so I don't mind those ones, what i mind is the ones I don't know about, my mil said to me once about an ex of dh, then i said I didnt care because i would never bump into her, to which she replied, oh yes you do she takes her son to the same school as your go to....that was worse because i was not prepared, we had walked passed her and dh had said hello like it was anyone, so i started thinking he must have shagged everyone at school at some point or another

(the area was a bit like that anyway so i was prob right!

) I would drive myself nuts, like i say, lifetime ago

Well I feel lucky tonight, on way home on motorway had major accident with lorry / van and central reservation. Been in shock and upset all night, car written off but did a great job protecting me from three hits just so relieved JJ wasn't with me. Got appointment with doctors as starting to ache now the shock has started to wear off. My car complete write off
OMG hope you are ok

Ym, glad all the worst bit is over with, and its recovery now, hopefully she will heal quickly and like i say you can fine some sort of normality, whatever normality is for Pippa xx
My brain has frozen with the cold today, got school trips here, ds's girlfriend coming for tea there, crappy computer not working here, crappy phone not connecting to emails there, dh seems to be going ok, although he did comment that i didnt trust him AGAIN yesterday, I just wonder why when if it had been me I would never want it mentioned again and its a cue for me to say why I don't trust him, so not sure why he does that unless he really thinks my lack of trust was unjust? Or he genuinely has forgotten what he did which is possible for him!

If he starts carping on about trust again i will have to remind him why I didn't trust him, I said yesterday i had no reason not to trust him now, as we were together all the time and I couldn't see he was doing anything he shouldn't so still dont understand why he bought it up

We are away this weekend for a romantic weekend with the girls and each other of course! I have booked a hotel, fri and sat nights coming back sun, its Bournmouth which he loves, in a hotel he also loves for his Birthday on Sunday. I used my tesco vouchers so in cash the hotel stay is £5 the other£195 was in vouchers, about £70 in actual vouchers exchanged for hotel break ones. Its bed and breakfast, so i am not eating this week to save myself for the breakfasts, and they do lovely food
Right enough about me, back soon,
Hope everyone ok