September Stars

Jelly must have been really scary :hugs:
Not as bad as you but when I was younger I wrote off a car ( turned out it had steering problems) it rolled 3 times and went into a wood and caught on fire (luckily a diesel) I had to kick my way out the passenger door as it was lying on the drivers side and all the doors had been mashed together :nope: honestly at the time I wasnt that bad I was seriously lucky and had not a single injury. The firemen did tell me if the car had been a few inches closer I would have been dead. Although that afternoon I drove into uni and I was fine, for a year after this I have moments I freaked out in the car if it swerved or if anything happened suddenly. I've only just started to drive past the place at a normal speed :dohh:
Basically huge huge :hugs: and although less scary than yours I know a bit of how you are feeling - it must be a whole heap worse being mummy though we have just so much more to lose now :hugs:
Jelly, that sounds awful, thank goodness you are ok xxx Take it easy xx
I can't stop thinking of pippa too :( wish there was something to do to help
aw Jelly hun, it's no wonder you feel like that. How scary it must have been. What actually happened hun? Doc is right, shock hides a lot of pain and things and so you'll prob end up sore in a few days time. Just make sure you take it easy. It's no wonder you're crying, it's a massive shock xxxx

I'm a bit of a wreck tonight, can't stop thinking about poor Pippa and YM and OBEM had me in tears and totally freaked me out!! :cry: omg MEGA HORMONES!!!!
:hugs: :hugs:

There are bad births hon but the majority are good, you had a bad one with Holly and the midwives will be made aware of that. Be confident in your own ability!!! You are meant to give birth it's what we are made for. :hugs: try not to stress over it too much, have you thought of hypnobirthing? Even just the book... It's not mad (though before Rosalie i thought it was). It's just about listening to your body and calming yourself down, how to deal with pain etc?
Don't think about the worst, try and imagine your perfect birth and the perfect out come :hugs:
Thanks hun. I totally think that positive attitude leads to a positive birth. If you go in scared, then I think complications are more likely to happen. I'm not normally scared at all, I've been looking forward to it and always think, it's what your body is designed for! It's just watching that traumatised me LOL! I don't even think my birth with Holly was that bad, long and drawn out and complications afterwards, but if it went the same way I wouldn't be too disappointed. I'm just hoping it'll be quicker and less tearing and no trip to theatre this time! Just as long as it's not like the one on OBEM!

I'm just having a seriously hormonal few days for some reason! Everything is making me cry and I'm super emotional. Matt was watching the sopranos earlier and someone tried to kill themselves on it by drowning themselves, that traumatised me as well and I was thinking about it all day! What the hell is wrong with me!? LMAO!
Vikki and Pippa have been through so much, really hope it all works out ok for them.

Emz - I was in the middle lane when a lorry behind me in the left hand lane came into my lane not leaving enough space, my whole car lit up with his headlights and knocked the back of my car - consequesntly sliding my car across the fast lane at a side angle, I then steered to straighten up and headed at an angle into the central reservation with most impact on drivers front, van in fast lane was the unable to stop in time and hit me in the back. Basically I got hit three times from different angles. When I heard the crunch at the back of the van I literally sat there waiting for a car pile up behind me pushing me further into the reservation. Whole of my front was crumbled in and had little space between my door and reservation but I strongly believe someone was looking down on me as how I managed to walk out of that accident without a break or loss of limb or something I seriously dont know. Weird thing is a few work colleagues and friends passed me without realising it was me in the car. Work have sent me details for a counsellor to see if talking through things and trying to rationalse things in the hope I might start coping better. Wanted to take a tranquilisor tonight to help me sleep but dh has been up vomiting so cant risk neither of us being fit to look after JJ.

Blob - I dont know what I would of done in your situation as yesterday for me everything felt surreal and slow motion, not sure id of been able to kick doors down etc.
Emzy - I agree with Blob something like hypnobirthing would be great for you to feel calm and relaxed. Definitely helped me. :hugs: I remember when pregnant with JJ I cried at neighbours thats when I knew I was hormonal, dont beat yourself up over it all :hugs:
Omg jelly- so sorry I have only just read.... I didn't know !! How bloody scary... It takes a while for your body to realise what you went though. It's too late to call you now but I will tomorrow x

Thanks Emma for posting on here, I was at work when YM phoned me. Poor little was all looking so good and YM was being so positive and then she took a turn for the worse. She has been told she just has to wait and will be speaking to someone who is very medically in the know how to what pip had done and what her future will be like. I asked if they would move her to GO hospital..... She said it could be possible but doubt they would move her the way she is.but it does mean i can get down there snd visit them.well if pip is anything like her mum she is a tough little girl. YM was with her and she is able to stay in special accommodation near the hospital. X

First day back at work and it was ok, kept myself busy, most were too scared to ask how I am but a couple did and was happy to talk to me about it..but grant struggled looking after Paige and jake, Paige wouldn't settle till 11pm and jake was just a arse hole and I'll be taking everything out of his room tomorrow !!!! X
Emzy- huge hugs honey..sounds like your suffering... Mix that with hormones and u must be having a tough
So sorry to hear things are bad for ym and pip really hope today brings better news for them all ! is she on her own ?

Jelly I'm shaking reading your posts , your brain needs to sort out what's happened and deal with it in time x

Emzy how's holly now ? Hope the hormones have a quiet day !

Blob your car story made me shiver too , I don't drive the fear of these things is too much :)

Love to you all !

Am having to cancel mums London hospital apointment next week I don't have anyone to look after the girls and mum needs a carer to sit in with her brother who she looks after I hope we doing the right thing cancelling ss don't know when another one can be sorted !
Thanks girls. Holly seems better than she was Genies, but had another restless night last night and kept waking herself up coughing and in a panic as she was struggling to breathe. It's horrible as it's not like there is anything I can do to help! After about an hour of screaming, calpol and milk, she settled upright on my chest in the rocking chair and I managed to calm her down enough for her to fall back to sleep at 1 something, but she kept waking up after that and crying. So I'm a bit of a zombie today again! The broken sleep is really getting to me being pregnant, normally it's not a problem I can deal with being a bit tired, but I feel dreadful at the mo! My SPD is really bad at the mo too, I think because I'm getting up and down so much in the night and not resting much. I think tbh the lack of sleep is why my hormones are going so wild! Or maybe I'm just psychotic ha ha!

Jelly how did you sleep? How are you feeling today? Genies put it nicely, your brain has to sort it all out and make sense of it all, so you will feel a bit weird for a bit :hugs:
LadyK glad your first day back went ok. How are you feeling now about everything? x

Anyone have any news on Pippa? I text YM last night but haven't heard back and that worries me :(
Jelly- Big :hugs: I missed what happened before. Hope you are doing okay, it sounds so frightnening.

Emzy- Sorry your having a bit of a rubbish time at the minute. Hope Holly starts to feel better soon so you can have a full nights sleep. I know all about the hormones mine have been so up and down just lately. I have heard that OBEM was a bad one last night I recorded it to watch as OH was watching the football derby I am now thinking I should just not watch this one if it was really bad.

:hugs: to YM and Pippa.

Ladyk- Glad your first day back at work went okay.

I am feeling a bit the same as Emzy on the hormones woke up to some awful news yesterday that a boy who works in our local working mens club where we do go out alot to before I was pregnant and the boy went to school with Oh had hung himself in the cellar of the club it was just an awful thing to wake up to and it was preying on my mind all day I couldnt stop thinking about it as he was only 25 and was always happy. Sorry to be full of awful news. Hope everyone else is doing okay.
First bean that's awful and so sad :( So sad when things like that happen, that someone felt that bad about things :cry: :hugs:
Hi again girls

YM rang me this morning with a bit of an update on Pippa. She said it wasn't good news, she's been very very poorly in the night, spiking a fever and bleeding loads out of her stoma and her bum. They removed her large bowel in the last operation and they suspect a problem with the small bowel now, so they are taking her into theatre again today asap to have a closer look. YM sounded really upset and it seems like Pippa is really not well at all. She said Pippa is in lots of pain but really drowsy and out of it. She said she'd keep me updated so I will let you know when I hear any updates. Poor baby, she's so little to go through all this :cry: :cry:
I got a missed call from her, I tried phoning her back but didn't get a reply... I am so upset to hear she had to go into theatre again... I don't think I'm
Going to think of anything else. Emzy do u think you could text me direct if you get a update ? I'm working so i might not be able to check on here. X
Oh poor little Pippa. Hope they get her better soon she is so small to be going through all of this.

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