Ym, hoping Pippa regains strength and recovers now they know what the problem was, poor baby and poor Mummy, hospitals are such hard places to be let alone with a baby

Jelly, I expect it will take a while to sink in, poor love, hope you get rest and recoup over the weekend

Emzy, my first birth was traumatic, i didn't know as it was my first, without too much detail he got stuck, was too low and distressed for c sec, so they had to go in under me with forceps to drag him out, and the need to get him out fast meant they weren't too careful with me!
He was 1 on Apgar score, blue, floppy, not moving so they resussed him and he was ok other than cuts to his head from the force of the forceps, as for me, few pints of blood stitching 3 hours inside and out, and all the usual i was ok, but it took 6 months to start to recover and realised i was traumatised by the whole thing. SO next time i took control and yoga breathing exercises, lots of positive thinking and my next popped out like a pea from a pod, no stiches, tears, nothing, it was a dream birth!
Each birth is different but these are rare complicated births, especially as you are on a second now, your body generally knows what to do!

Sorry got to go, packing for weekend and want to leave a tidy house!
(even though when i get back from a weekend of my son being here i hope its still tidy!)
Hugs to you jelly, hope you feel better soon
Ym, you and Pip are in my thoughts always, hope she gets better soon xx
Bye til monday, have a great weekend all