Hiya ladies!
Kara, sorry to hear about your doggies. Hope Shelby was okay too overnight. Lots of love. x
GG, I loved that pic on FB, made me giggle! The girls are so sweet, I can't imagine having 2 little ones the same age, I bet they get up to some real mischief!
Ouch LBB, lucky you didn't hurt yourself too much. It's been really nasty out there hasn't it? We've not been too bad here apart from it's been super cold. Perfect for walking the dogs in, but not much else!!
YM, good to see how much Pippa has improved over the last couple of days. What a little star she is, hope you're holding up okay. x
Well, I didn't have too bad a sleep last night, but when Sam woke up and I went into him this morning, he'd been sick in the night. Everywhere. All over his cot, his sleeping bag, sheets, comfort blanket, rug.... you name it, it was everywhere! He went straight in the bath and all his stuff went in a very hot wash!! He's not been too bad this morning, but has now been asleep for over 2 hours. Methinks the tummy bug is here. I feel a bit crappy, and so does DH. And we're meant to be out tonight with another couple for a meal and some drinks. It's been planned for ages. MIL says she still wants all the boys to stay over at hers, so when I've dropped them off in a bit, I'm going to try and get my head down for an hour and hope I'm feeling better when I wake up!!!