September Stars

Sarah- I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle xx

Jelly- so sorry the bug hit you... I felt I bit sicky yesterday but think its start of a cold.. Get well soon honey x

Emzy- I'm the same, if I realise I have lost something, even if I don't need it I will not rest until its found, when I thought i had lost a sims game I was pregnant and felt husband was not looking good enough in the loft, but I was banned from going up.. It was so frustrating as I needed to look myself x
Emzy - I love the my jungle theme

Any use a duvet or sheets for Lo, just started using them for JJ as he appears to like to stretch out only thing is he moves out of them every night. I'm assuming if he was cold he'd be able to get underneath them again?
We have a duvet which came with the cot set.. It ends up off her after 5 mins though... She moves around too much x

Is it normal to sell something in as new condition and then realise you really didn't want to sell them so thinking about having to buy same thing brand new ? Or am I losing the plot !!!! Grants going to kill me lol the item is waiting to be collected to be delivered to customer but I want it it's £ 30 more brand new....x
Oh LadyK, what a dilema. If you really want it then it's okay to buy it again. I'd be kicking myself though! x
Evening ladies, lots of love to all, this will be a short one!

The bug is still in the house! I stuck by my guns yesterday, and took the boys to MILs, came home and crashed out for a couple of hours. Dh kept asking me if I felt okay, And I just kept saying yes. Even though I didn't! So we went out and it was a nice night apart from my stomach was killing. I had the worst nights sleep going, felt all fluey, yuk. I've felt full of virus all day, no energy to do anything at all. Eurgh. Sam is the same. Poor lamb. I just wish me and him could curl up under the duvet together!! But I think child a and b might not be happy with that!!

Will try and catch up more tomorrow. X

Oh, meant to say, jelly, in all seriousness, my mum has a stomach condition which is made worse by eating fish. She never knew she had it until she would become violently ill, vomiting and diarrhoea, after eating fish. She can now only eat haddock And scampi. Weird but true! X

And BFP, I meant to reply the other day about my coil. It is a mirena, same as before. And I think perhaps things are settling down. My period this time has been 3 days long and quite light, maybe we're getting there! Fingers crossed! X
Asher :hugs: hope it all passes soon for you and Sammy. Strange about the fish maybe it is to do with that. To be honest think its going to be a longtime till I try it again.
Is anyone else's September Star in that charming stage in which they grab essential items and squirrel them away somewhere bizarre?
I was late for work yesterday morning (tragically!! as I had spent all sorts of time the previous evening getting tidied and prepped for a successful morning) because as I was about to exit, one of my boots was mysteriously missing. I turned the house upside-down, but to no avail, and had to dig an old pair out of the storage box and dash to work. I found the boot this morning - under a pile of Tobe's favourite toys in a toy bin. :dohh:
There is a trail of items scattered in his busy little wake. Often really important and forbidden items: car keys or phones that he has snatched off the table, clean folded clothes out of the drawers, etc.
It is the most MADDENING stage and if Simon is anything to judge by, it lasts several years. :dohh: :dohh: :dohh:

And those canines are bugging him something fierce. Rivers of drool, rivers!! I keep stepping in slimy little drool puddles on the floor. :sick:

Still no proper words, but very very close. I won't get worried for awhile. His comprehension is very good. He is doing multi-part directions and all sorts of other clever things (for example, I can say, "Tobe, please go into your room and pick out a shirt from your drawer", and he will). A lot of the babble sounds very close to real speech. He's doing "uh! uh!" for up and will pick up a play phone and say "aye",and definitely has a "no" sound, although it sometimes is "no" and sometimes is "oh" (said in a very stern baby voice). He isn't very consistent with using these sounds though, and won't repeat them after me or anything. I think mostly because he is very stubborn! :)

Simon was a complete nightmare in music class this morning. So naughty that we had to leave early. I tried to give him away to a few different passing random strangers, but none of them would have anything to do with such a wicked and naughty child, so I'm stuck with him.
Having one of those days in which I really want a job and 8 hours a day to work on projects and develop stuff and NOT be parenting and cleaning my stupid house which is never clean. Sigh. Most days, I am full of gratitude. Today, I am full of resentment for dishes and laundry and naughty toddlers. :growlmad:
Speaking of which (laundry), the buzzer just went, so off I go to do another exciting load.
Listen to me! What a bitter old cow!
I always feel guilty for feeling like this. Most of the world wishes that they had my problems. I feel so spoiled to be complaining about such a good life, but hey. Pretending to be Pollyanna isn't as helpful or as honest as having a good rant and then just getting on with things, right?
Thanks for listening to my bitter diatribe! :)
Sarah- your post had me cracking up.....I found crisps in my shoes.. Infact we all check shoes now as normally Paige's puts toys in there. And it's perfectly normal to feel like that. I don't hide the fact I felt like that most of jakes life... Many times I tried to sell him on eBay! Not got that way with Paige yet but I reckon that's because she is a dream compared to Paige but I have started to see her bad side and it's not good. Naughty stair here we come x

Jelly- Asher has a good point, you may have a allergy or something which doesn't agree with you and it's your body trying to tell you. X

I have signs of flu coming up....good thing I have a week off work, joy ! X
Oh no loads of sick bugs going around :nope:

Sarah, really sorry about your uncle :hugs: :flower:

Emzy, hope you find it hon :hugs: let me know if you want mine :kiss:

I'm like that Sarah, I cannot decide what I want to do :dohh: I always thought I wanted to be a SAHM but I get bored? Not of the girls just the day to day life? I'm so grateful obviously just no idea what to do :dohh:
I know, Blob. I'm a walkin', talkin' contradiction. I want to be there for my boys and there are so many moments everyday that make my heart squeeze with love. But in all honesty, yes, I am often bored and frustrated. Housework = drudgery. I get no satisfaction out of cleaning and keeping house because it never stays clean. Not for five seconds. My two are incredibly efficient at ripping the house apart and scattering everything to the four winds. And you can only pretend to yourself that there is any point to tidying for so long. But if you give up and just accept the squalor, someone calls social services. :shrug: :haha:
These days I'm lucky if I get the laundry out of the baskets into the drawers. Some weeks I think we should just live off piles of clothes on the floor. Everyone seems to like it that way, so maybe I am the problem: imposing a system of perceived order over a very organic method which already exists?
Dear god, listen to me! I sound drunk. I'm not, but I've spent most of the day locked in a fierce battle of wills with a toddler and I am fried. I have to go give a presentation at a big Valentine's event at the Zoo tonight. Must pull self together!
After 88 days AF has finally arrived :happydance:
Now all I've got to do is hope for a normal short ovulating cycle this time :)
Jelly Yay for AF xx

Asher, yes, on my second mirena too, can honestly say not a day trouble from it, I do get a bit worried i have no periods sometimes as it seems a bit unnatural but then when i have had periods they are horrible so pretty glad i don't get them! The first took 6 months to settle i seemed top spot for ever but once it settled it was great, I would recommend getting them in before af returns then you just don't get them:thumbup:

Shoes go missing, just the 1 shoe, and Rosie knows we wear them to go out so i think hides them to stop anyone going out! If i am heading for the door she gets her wellies and waves them about!
She takes everything that catches her eye, like a magpie! Usually its mobile phones, tv remotes, shoes, keys, and she LOVES removing every item from my bag and purse, the other day i couldn't find my debit card, i even called tesco to see if i had left it there...found it down the sofa:dohh:
This stage moves on and now my 9yr old dd is after my boots, she wants to wear them all the time, and she never puts them back, she was just saying how well they go with her outfit and did i want to see? :dohh:

Well nice day, got some lovely perfume from dh, and just been to collect my 11yr old's gf to stay with us the day, I had to assure him he needed to shower and girls like boys to smell nice not smelly! :haha:

Hope you all have lovely days, and suitably romanced by your oh's:hugs:xx

Sorry brain fried to everything else, I am that sahm who has just through my head mainly!:haha:

The Open University were very good for me to do while i was raising the older ones, I am tempted to better the degree, or just gain other qualifications, enough children I will be a 'Dr BTP' by the time i finished raising the children! :haha:

Back later, heavy nappy calls, oh and i have bought a potty to have in the lounge as a permenent piece of furniture! Its there if she needs it, the loo is too high for her to manage on her own, but she seems to pee on demand if she sits on it so thought i would try a potty.

Yey Jelly that's great news! Fx for a normal cycle this time. Are you still temping?

Llb, ouchie! Thank goodness you're ok. I winced at the thought of falling and hitting a step.

So many poorly babies and mummies. Hope you're all fighting fit soon.

Sarah, so sorry to hear about your uncle. Your life sounds very similar to mine although I currently only have the one monkey child. I love the flexibility my job gives but I can never leave work at work. It's always on my mind and if I'm with Harry I feel guilty about not working and vice versa so I've constantly got a knot of guilt in my stomach. All this on top of feeling so totally unglamorous cleaning toilets and picking dried banana off the floor. But.. I love how much time I spend with Harry. Never happy me :)

Still no AF. I am holding on to the hope that I'm only on cd10 and that I'm preggers! Totally in cuckoo land though as the bding was very badly timed. Hey ho.

omg sorry for the selfish post but ...a little girl at nursery has measles! Im panicking x
Evening ladies, lots of love to all.

Yay for AF, Jelly! Let's hope the next cycle is shorter and you can get brewing baby 2!!

BTP, I've just brought the potty down for Sam. He keeps sitting on it with his clothes on and laughing, but he won't go near it without a nappy on!! And after saying last week that my coil was rubbish, this period has been fine, I feel loads better about it!!

Oooh LBB, measles. Archie had it when he was 9 months old, caught it from an older unimmunised child at a wedding. He was very poorly but not off the scale ill, but it worried me with him being such a dinky prem at the time. Hope little James doesn't catch it. Xx

Well, we have most definitely got the bug in this house! Sam and I are a little better, but now Jack's got it. He and Archie went out with the in laws today to the Police Museum, then to Morrisons for dinner. All was going well until jack threw up projectile styley in the ladies loo. Then he came home, slept for 2 hours and then was sick again. The joys. So now we wait until Archie and daddy head down the same route!!

So that's my little update.... I am ready for an early sleep and a good sleep tonight! Dh bought me some new pjs for love day, which is my first v day pressie in a few years! So I have them on and am ready for sleep! X
Asher :hugs: hope the nasty bugs pass quickly out of your house

Lbb fingers crossed its not measles

Well back at work tomorrow and really just want the first day out of the way, I'm a passenger in the morning (which I'm nervous about), then I'm driving home which I'm even more nervous about. I know I need to get back on the horse so to speak but god this mental strength feels worse than labour at the moment.

Anyhow enough about me - hope everyone is having a lovely valentines day xx
Evening ladies, just a quick post to show you my ever growing bump!
IMG_0350.jpg This is 25w + 1d ready to go out!

IMG_0354.jpg This is tonight at 25w + 4d.

I promise to catch up better really soon. xx :flower:
Oh and Happy Valentines Day everyone. xx
Fab bump teeny! So neat and you look great x

Jelly fingers crossed for a good cycle and a bfp at the end!! Hope tomorrows journeys go ok, you'll probably feel loads better after being in a car x

Fishy also got my fingers crossed for your bfp! X

Currently got alex's girlfriend here she's sleeping over tonight but not sure I can trust him to keep his hands of her haha bless him he's smitten!!
Ladies I'm rubbish will you still have me ;) ?

Tonight the girls have gone to bed with duvets and pillows Amelia is all snuggled in properly and Layla is on top of hers :) next step toddler beds just as soon as we can finish decorating amelias room , it's butterfly and spots themed !

They are still climbing on everything they can !
Layla is still in a bitting phase it's all to do with not having the dummy in her mouth but not sure how to tackle it ?

Ok let me see what I can and can't remember , sorry for missing details .....

Jelly hope your feeling better , all the best for your journey tommorow x

Lbb measles heck ! Was it an older child ?

Blob looked at your Facebook photos tabs is so trendy you can see her personality in pictures ! Rosalie looks like she is thriving too !

Kara how you feeling ? your fb pic is stunning !

Teeny lovely bump pics thanks for sharing hope you doing ok !

Emzy I was gonna ask if baby would be sharing a room with holly or did you have a spare ?

Louise his girlfriend ? They start young :) hope your looking after yourself !

Fishy hope this cycle is the one ! How's the jewellery doing?

Sarah ah gotta love a tantrum or two :) hope your feeling better !

Ym how's things with you ?

Asher hope the new pjs bring you good sleep and you are all bug free soon !

Btp your fb photos have been lovely you are so beautiful ! hope your time away did you good !

Sorry to those I missed xx

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