Is anyone else's September Star in that charming stage in which they grab essential items and squirrel them away somewhere bizarre?
I was late for work yesterday morning (tragically!! as I had spent all sorts of time the previous evening getting tidied and prepped for a successful morning) because as I was about to exit, one of my boots was mysteriously missing. I turned the house upside-down, but to no avail, and had to dig an old pair out of the storage box and dash to work. I found the boot this morning - under a pile of Tobe's favourite toys in a toy bin.

There is a trail of items scattered in his busy little wake. Often really important and forbidden items: car keys or phones that he has snatched off the table, clean folded clothes out of the drawers, etc.
It is the most MADDENING stage and if Simon is anything to judge by, it lasts several years.
And those canines are bugging him something fierce. Rivers of drool, rivers!! I keep stepping in slimy little drool puddles on the floor.
Still no proper words, but very very close. I won't get worried for awhile. His comprehension is very good. He is doing multi-part directions and all sorts of other clever things (for example, I can say, "Tobe, please go into your room and pick out a shirt from your drawer", and he will). A lot of the babble sounds very close to real speech. He's doing "uh! uh!" for up and will pick up a play phone and say "aye",and definitely has a "no" sound, although it sometimes is "no" and sometimes is "oh" (said in a very stern baby voice). He isn't very consistent with using these sounds though, and won't repeat them after me or anything. I think mostly because he is very stubborn!
Simon was a complete nightmare in music class this morning. So naughty that we had to leave early. I tried to give him away to a few different passing random strangers, but none of them would have anything to do with such a wicked and naughty child, so I'm stuck with him.
Having one of those days in which I really want a job and 8 hours a day to work on projects and develop stuff and NOT be parenting and cleaning my stupid house which is never clean. Sigh. Most days, I am full of gratitude. Today, I am full of resentment for dishes and laundry and naughty toddlers.

Speaking of which (laundry), the buzzer just went, so off I go to do another exciting load.
Listen to me! What a bitter old cow!
I always feel guilty for feeling like this. Most of the world wishes that they had my problems. I feel so spoiled to be complaining about such a good life, but hey. Pretending to be Pollyanna isn't as helpful or as honest as having a good rant and then just getting on with things, right?
Thanks for listening to my bitter diatribe!