September Stars

Asher - poor sam! We've had the sickness bug too although only me and tarron got it all the kids were fine thankfully! Hope it passes for you all soon x
Aw LBB good job you didn't really hurt yourself!! I hate the snow and ice, since I had a bad fall a couple of years ago, I dread it :(

Asher sorry to hear about poor sammy pants, I hope he's better soon. Some nasties going around at the mo, all of which seem to come our way!

Yesterday Holly was very whiney and grumpy all day, but I'm kind of getting used to that these days! She went to bed no trouble but woke at midnight screaming, we went into her and she had a high temp, poor baby. Brought her into our room and she started coughing and coughed so much she was sick all over our bed! We gave her some calpol and stripped her down to her vest as she was boiling and she went back to bed with no trouble about half an hour later and slept til 9am. She's a bit grouchy today, but seems ok other than drooling and chomping on her dummy, so I'm guessing it's mostly teething but she still has this cough a bit too. Just wish we'd get a break now, as we've had bug after bug followed by teething! Argh!! Matt got up with her this morning though and I got a nice lie in til 11am, which I really needed as I've been surviving on a couple of hours a night this last fortnight with Holly being ill.

Been quite a productive weekend though, Matt cleared out the loft and got all the baby stuff out from there and then put all the spare room stuff in the loft, so now the spare room resembles a babies room!! I sorted all Holly's clothes out and my god she had a lot! I'm so glad they are getting another wear as she had some beautiful stuff.

Here is my 25 week bump! Had a bit of a spurt this week by the looks of it, my 24 week pic is the one in the black top for comparison.


i was very lucky, Chris had just warned me too so i was going careful and still went and he shouted at me for slipping over the c**t! Haha x
poor Sam hope he is better soon x x

emzy Definite spurt! X
Just saying hi,

Just got back from a birthday weekend with dh and the girls, although I am sure you will know that if you see my fb!

Hoping everyone is ok, tummy bugs recovering, babies sleeping etc!

We had one good night where Rosie was only up twice in the night, (yes that's good! usually she goes from 12-3 then 3-6 but i can settle her even if sometimes it tales a while)
The last night as she had had a really good snooze in the pushchair then it continued in the car, so she just didn't want to sleep and when she did as soon as i put her in her cot she screamed! :sleep:
So i am shattered today.
Glad to be home, early night with Lewis tonight. (actually Hathaway is rather nice!)
LBB - Ouch hope you dont get a bruise in the morning. I got new winter boots for christmas and they have been great never had proper winter footwear before.

Asher - Hope sammy is Ok soon and you manage to get some rest :hugs:

Emzy - Youve definitely had a spurt this week. Have you found where your car seat is yet? It must be someone who was pregnant last year that you know as I very much doubt you sold it.

Kara - I dont know about frozen ponds but know my parents freezes over most years (as their old dog used to fall in ).I know in a heatwave their pump broke and the fish got cooked in the pond

Feel nervous about going back to work tomorrow (doesnt help ive eaten fish tonight too lol)
i had been and bought a pair of walking boots the night before and had them in one of the bags in my hand! Lol x

sorry i have to ask...why fish? Lol x
When the pump broke we agreed to give the koi to the children's petting zoo up the road as we don't have the money to replace it and now we have Paige we want to fill it in... Just got to keep them alive until we get fish bags.... They are massive fish !!!! About 1k worth of koi... I never wanted the bloody pond in the first place I went out and broke the ice, about 2 inch thick !!!.. Just hope the weather gets better..

Tell mr boony thank you xx
Well all good here now all illnesses been erradicated from house!! I have started to use naughty step with Ben as he has such a temper throws things, grabs face etc.... He looks like an angel but turns into the devil when angry :) any of you ladies have possessed children!!
Busy few days here.
My elderly and very beloved uncle passed away on Friday, so I am making arrangements to head down to the US for his funeral.
I have been working at the new penguin exhibit and am swooning with love over penguins.
And we've been very busy with various toddler activities.

Blondie - temper? My angelic little Tobe? Never.... :rolleyes: Tobe gets mad at inanimate objects and tries to give them an angry smack. And his tantrums reach frequencies that could shatter glass. Sigh. But when he is good, he is very very good!:)

Asher - oh boy. Sure hope you don't all get the tummy bug. :(

And :hugs: for all the sickly babies and tired mummies. We are just beginning to get healthy here and I'm bracing myself against any more bugs. I will seriously just break down and start bawling if my kids get sick again within the next six weeks!!
Sarahkka sorry to hear about your uncle. I too love penguins they are my favourite animal

Blondie - JJ has a habit of arching backwards then banging his head, he temperamental at the moment.

Lbb - last time I had the vomit bug we had eaten salmon and haven't been able to eat it since , been a couple of months before eaten fish again. ..... Tonight had Cod fish cakes and yep it's 3.30 and I've caught dh vomit stomach bug..... I honestly don't think I can eat fish ever again. dh thought vomiting was due to being nervous about tomorrow but by 2 wide awake still feeling nauseous decided not to go into work and rest half an hour later vomit and poop. Really hope work are ok , I wanted to get back to normal.
Oh no! Poor poor you, Jelly! :(
Hope you can get a proper rest so you can recover. :hugs:
Thanks think I'm going to just sleep all day tomorrow once I get to bed.
How do you feel today jelly any better? Poor you things go from bad to worse xx

Sarah sorry to hear about your uncle x

Argh bloody mardy husband calling me I'll be back later with the rest!
Sarahkka sorry to hear about your uncle :hugs: I know what you mean about illnesses... we've had bug after bug after bug here and I'm starting to get really fed up!! Once again, Holly woke up at midnight screaming the place down (it's become a regular occurance this last fortnight) and so I got her out and rocked her in the rocking chair and she started coughing. She coughed so hard that she projectile vomited everywhere and she just didn't stop. It went everywhere! Cue a very upset toddler and a change of PJs for both of us. Half an hour later and I put her back to bed, she grumbled a bit but went to sleep and stirred a couple of times in the night but slept til 8.30 in the end. I just want my healthy, sleeping girl back! Just seems to be a constant stream of crying, whining, clinging to my leg and waking up all night at the moment. I'm not sure if she was sick because of a belly ache, or because she was coughing so much, but we've already had the vomiting bug 2 weeks ago! Give us a break now please!!!

Jelly, I hope you are feeling better soon. We had the bug a couple of weeks ago and it was horrible, but short lived :hugs:

As for the car seat, no sign of it! We vaguely remember lending it to someone but can't quite remember?! One of his work colleagues was pregnant when they all got made redundant last year and had no baby stuff. So we gave them a bunch of stuff including our swing, bouncer chair and some clothes. We both kind of remember saying we would lend them our car seat for getting back from the hospital (in a taxi, they don't drive either) but we have asked them if we lent it to them and they said no. So we are stumped. Matt emptied the loft and it wasn't in there and we've cleared the spare room and it's not in there... so there is no where else it can be! I'm not impressed as we will have to fork out £100+ on a bloody car seat that we already have!!!
Sorry to hear that you ladies are suffering yourselves or your little ones are. xx
It's half term here so I will not be on much. It is nice however that my DH has 5 days off work and so we actualy get time to send as a family for a change!

Emzy, I hate losing things and cannot rest until I know where it went. Sorry to hear that your have lost your car seat, I hope that whoever you lent it to owns up and you get it back. xx
Jelly, sorry to hear you are poorly. Rest up lady and get better soon. xx
Louise, how are you feeling? xx
Teeny thanks for asking, feeling queasy at times, so tired but worst is that I keep getting these horrible heart palpitations things? Feels like my heart is racing and I feel it pounding, it makes me feel really dizzy! Hope it's not the onset of the blood pressure problems I had last time!! How about you? Where is this bump photo you promised!! X

Emzy maybe it's a phase for holly rather than just illness? I don't really know what to suggest, I hope it improves for you soon x

Oh I can't remember what I was going to write, my brain is fried!! Wayne's mum is out of intensive care now and in high dependency, I can't even remember if I told you, when they took a section of her bowel out they didn't close it up well enough and faecal matter was leaking into her stomach and abdomen and she developed septicaemia, they didn't go back in to fix it for 5 days so she's lucky to be here at all.

Hope everyone is well, I need to eat something before I feel too sick!!
Emzy - how annoying especially as you say you know you had it. Poor Holly, have you been back to the dictors with her as jjs inhalor eases his cough at night when heA bad :hugs:

Louise - good news about Wayne's mum poor woman, hope it's an easy recovery for her. Have you booked in for you mw appointment yet ? As I know my booking in I struggled to get a place. Might be worth seeing Glynis as soon as possible to keep a check on your blood pressure.

Teeny hope you have a great half term all together .

Afm - still in bed watching catch up on call the midwife. Haven't eaten or drunk anything yet but hoping this will be short lived.
Louise I get palpitations when pregnant too and this time I'm been super dizzy. My BP has been fine though, so not sure what causes it! I quite regularly see stars and have to lie down! Don't remember it with Holly.

The car seat saga is absolutely doing my head in. Teeny, I'm like you, I can't rest until I find it. Now see, I didn't go in the loft so in the back of my mind I think it must be in there but Matt looked so many times and we emptied it on Friday night, so it can't be!! Both of us do kind of remember lending it out, but it's weird that neither of us can really remember properly. I definitely remember Matt demonstrating it to someone and showing them that the instructions of how to fit it were in the back bit... we just can't remember who it was!! I was sure it was Matt's work friends, but they say it wasn't them so I'm really stumped on this one. It's quite a big bloody thing to lose as well isn't it ha ha!

Got all the baby stuff out the loft on Friday and we have so much!! I forgot just how many clothes we had for Holly lol We were going to buy a new bedding set, etc for Evie's room and do it nice and girly, but since washing all the My Jungle Family stuff and seeing how lovely it is, I've decided to keep it and do Evie's room Jungle theme too :)

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