I am VERY VERY sorry for no updates

my phone had been cut off, laptop dead... and I've spent all my time flitting between Pippa, Kimi and knobhead Luke!!!
Pippa is doing extremely well after her 2nd bout of surgery!! She had fluid and blood in her small bowel, which they drained and she has been making excellent progress since!!
She is on 3ml an hour for 20 hours a day but needs to get to 35ml and as we're only going up a ml a day, we're looking at a lengthy stay!!!
Kimi is doing fantastic! She has really come on leaps and bounds with her walking and talking and is now just a proper little lady!!!
AFM - My HV has basically told me she think I have PND and has asked social services to come in and offer their support...it may mean we have respite from Pippa so we can spend time with just Kimi as I do feel like she misses out!!
I've also gone down a whole dress size but I think that may be due to stress!!
Laptops now fixed so will update you more often!!
Hope everyone is okay!!!
Louise - Congratulations!!!
Emzy - LOL at the car seat...hope Matt got told off!!!
Laura - Hope everythings ok!!
Kara - I am so sorry

big hugs!!!
Jelly - Fingers crossed for your docs appt!!!
Thats all I can remember!!!
I really missed you girls...