September Stars

Sounds weird but try blowing on her bits! Or sit her on a potty!
Lie her on a changing mat? Not sure I'd get one from Rosalie
GG- no tips here but hope you managed to get a sample - eventually. Really hope she feels better soon

YM - hope SS manage to help you, :hugs:

Blob - yay on the uggs what a great hubby!

Girls - looked like you all had a great time playing today wish I could of been there . Will see if I can take half day in April as its difficult to get time off first week of every month.

Louise - how have you been feeling today?

Lady K - is your household all recovered now from all the sickness last week?

Kept JJ up later tonight in the hope that he'd go to bed easier tonight ..... So far so good. Booked him in for his first haircut Wednesday whilst at nursery not sure how they are going to do it, he's looking abit billy Cyrus mullet style at the moment :blush: I've resisted cutting his hair though as he has lovely curls at the back of his head but front of his hair is poker straight.

On the house front now considering buying a rundown very rundown house and spending money from our deposit doing it up. Feel really nervous though as the house we've found needs completely gutting and hope we can do it on a tight budget as we wouldn't do the work ourselves. Dh isn't keen on the idea but If we buy at the right price I really think it will be worthwhile. Either to have a house designed to how we want or to sell with hopefully a profit! Going to call my builder tomorrow eeekkkk!
I shall try the blowing when she wakes up ;) she won't sit on the potty has no interest in it , Layla sits for ages on it each night before bath , typically !

Jelly that sounds exciting on the house front , I'd love to try and do something like that , our house was a fixer upper but nothing structural , dh is an electrician and very handy he had better vision and ideas than I did when we house hunted !
I guess these days after kids it would depend on how much work your talking and how that would effect family life ? It's difficult enough st the moment decorating Amelia's bedroom hence the white paint all over the landing carpet incident :)
Hope your builder is full of ideas x
Genies hope you get the sample! I had to get one from holly when she was really little and they suggested blowing on her bits as soon as I took her nappy off, apparently the cold air makes them go! It worked as well lol

Jelly that would be so exciting doing up a house like that, you could do whatever you wanted!

Well I have yet another cold! I seem to be catching cold after cold after cold at the mo. Think this is number 5 in 6 weeks! Getting very fed up with it now.

I had a dream last night that I found out I was pregnant. I woke up and thought that was weird and then remembered I was already pregnant ha ha! I still forget all the time!!

Are you all having pancakes? X
Genies hope you get the sample! I had to get one from holly when she was really little and they suggested blowing on her bits as soon as I took her nappy off, apparently the cold air makes them go! It worked as well lol

Jelly that would be so exciting doing up a house like that, you could do whatever you wanted!

Well I have yet another cold! I seem to be catching cold after cold after cold at the mo. Think this is number 5 in 6 weeks! Getting very fed up with it now.

I had a dream last night that I found out I was pregnant. I woke up and thought that was weird and then remembered I was already pregnant ha ha! I still forget all the time!!

Are you all having pancakes? X
Yum yum pancakes with lemon and sugar!! Can't wait!!!

GG I had to get a sample for Lilia too when she was little, I put the cup agains her after I took her nappy off and hoped for the best, luckily she did a wee straight away! Hope you get one soon!
Pancakes for me soon!!!! LOVELY!!!

Luke has a throat infection now so looks like it's gonna be just me back up at Royal London until Pippa is released :(

Thinking of getting away for a few days when she is out.... just me and the girls!!!

Emzy - I'd be up for coming to the baby shower, but I would have to bring Pippa if that's okay?? Kimi could stay with my mum but I'd have no-one to have Pippa xx
Of course you can bring her hun, kimi is welcome too, she can play with Holly! X
Think during the day but not sure as my sister is organising it. Will let you know Xx
No pancakes for me I don't like them but I guess I will be slaving over the cooker making they bots them as OH loves them and Ollie will eat anything.
Ym- hope you SS help you out.
Gg- hope you managed to get a sample I have never had to do it so no tips.
I have got another cold too emzy this is my 3rd in about 6 weeks I blame oh for this one he has given me it hope Ollie doesn't get it as he wakes in the night and I am starting to get that tired feeling again I can't remember it coming back this early with Ollie.
Hey Girls....

Quick update from me and then will be back to do the personals later on this evening. xx

I fell over on sunday quite badly and badly sprained my right ankle and cut my left knee to smitherines. Felt ok but by mid evening had no bump movement so went to get checked out and ended up having to stay in for monitoring overnight and getting my ankle strapped up :dohh: bump fine though by morning and moving around again nicely.

Yesterday though I started leaking watery discharge so back to maternity wards and another night in for monitoring. They can't find a reason for the water as my waters are still intact but were concerned about baby's hb. Now all ok and home this morning.

I am feeling really down in general as well as the SPD, I have plantar fascilitis in my left foot, carpal tunnel syndrome in both my hands/wrists, a urine infection again, thrush and now the damage from the falls. Me and OH are going through a rough patch and Olivia is sleeping terribly. I just can't wait for this all to be over and done with. Sorry for being rather absent but it hurts to bloody type and to top it off Olivia broke my laptop screen so can only update on my iphone which I find a nightmare !!

Ok dinners ready so will be back in an hour to catch up with everyone's news. Thanks for all thinking of me ladies. Much appreciated. xxxx
Laura, glad to see you in here. Sorry to hear that you are having a run of bad luck at the moment. I really hope that everything improves for you really soon, but in the mean time massive virtual :hugs: xx
Laura you poor thing big hugs and glad all was well with baby. Sorry your having a bad time not long left now though.
It really sounds like your having a tough time Laura. Hopefully your luck is now due to change and you'll win the lottery or something ;-)

Emma I would also love to come but I guess it depends on timings as it's a tricky journey round the m25. Last time we met up I was really late due to traffic and having to stop to pacify a screaming Harry! Eugh. Still it was worth it to meet lots of the ladies and babies.

Can i ask everyone a favour? Jayden has been nagging me to get him the kermit backpack that craven dale are doing codes for? I've switched to using craven dale rather than the normal supermarket stuff even though its 50p dearer!!!!!!! But i don't think i'm going to get enough. If any of you buy cravendale and don't want the codes coz you please give them to me? He's really into the muppets at the minute he's just watched the new film and he's obsessed lol Thanks.

LauraK Hope your feeling better soon, how long do you have left?

Emzy unfortunately i won't be able to make you baby shower i am a little too far away but i hope you have a lovely time!

We had pancakes. Tyler loved them couldn't get enough lol.

Hope all poorly babies are feeling better soon. and poorly mummies too :hugs:

GG did you manage to get a urine sample? I have no advise i've never had to do that before.

BTP just saw on Facebook that you've flipped a mountain of pancakes! Must take ages feeding all your family lol
:hi: hoping dh makes the pancakes tonight as I'm rubbish at making them

Laura :hugs: glad little man is doing ok, hope the next few weeks pass quickly for you

Emzy - doubt I'll be able to make Good Friday as going to the inlaws

GG - did you manage to get the sample? Hope she's feeling better

Another night of crys at bedtime tonight think maybe dh doesn't help getting him excited before bed!
Thanks girls - I think my whole family are sick of me moaning at the moment !! After waiting so long to have a baby I feel like I should just be blessed that I get to do it twice but its so hard when your so miserable !! I have 6(ish) weeks left Boony so not long really at all - Eeeeeeeeek !!!!

OK so here's everything that I can remember....

Jelly : I love the idea of the renovating. At least that way you can get the house that you always wanted. Yes it might be chaos but everything will be the way that you actually wanted it and so much more of a personal home. Glad your coping with being back at work and the driving hun. Hope your appt gives you some answers tomorrow xx

GG : Hope you managed to get your wee sample ! What a nightmare. Is she feeling any better yet ? xx

Emzy : Glad your getting some rest at your parents - LOVED the mini meet up pics of Holly, Lilia and Riley. xx

YM : Good to see you on here hun. Have you and Luke decided to try again (relationship wise) or are you just at the civil stage ? I hope SS can give you the help you want hun. xx

Kara : I'm sorry to hear about the 6 month wait but glad you finally have some answers when you said from the start you didn't feel like they were telling you everything. 6 months will fly by and at least means you will be pregnant again by the end of the year. xx

BTP : You really are supermum. I have no idea how you manage daily with so much going on but I bet your house is always filled with screaming and laughing kids. The kind of home that I want ! xx

stmw : Ooooooo not long until you can test !!! I just noticed your ticker !! xx

Louise : have you got your MW appt booked yet ?? xx

LBB : Eurrrrrrrrrrrrgh at the poo on hands incident !!! :haha: xx Your OH sounds like mine with the xbox - I find it so frustrating that I am downstairs looking after Olivia and cooking dinner and all the other housework stuff and he is just up there laying about - Grrrrr xx

FB : Yay on passing V day !! Its flying by for everyone it seems. xx

Sarahkka : Glad the funeral went well. I think that is how funerals should be. Its a celebration of their life and a time for remembering all the good bits of their lives ! xx

Blob : I'm with you on the summer meet !!! Would be fab !! xx

Ok my hand is starting to die now - I have another scan on Friday so fingers crossed everything is good. Will update again as soon as I can. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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