September Stars

lilbumpblue think we must have the same growers, Ollies have "mummy's little star" on them :) think they are the best invention ever coz Ollie always loses his mits now he carnt lol

becs pleased you are feeling better, enjoy baby group today!

Emzywemzy yes the ones from sainsburys where in packs of three? if i remember rightly, if u carnt find them ask hunni coz they should be there
for girls too. xxx

F&C Ollie dosnt like been in the car at first but after a few mins of driving he settle down, maybe try putting a favourite toy in with him (ollie has a snuggle comforter which i pop down my top daily so it smells of me)

stmw thats sounds like interesting stuff :thumbup:

Sarahkka i dunno where the time go's either, it will soon be xmas :happydance:

Ollie had his injections yesterday bless him, he was rather upset afterwards & the nurse didnt even do it gently :nope: but he seems fine today was just abit sick last night.

I can report he now has THREE toothy pegs :shock: that have broke through now he's going to be eating xmas dinner at this rate :haha:
Wow, 3 teeth?! Impressive. Harry is munching on his fist all the time at the moment but I really hope it's not because he's teething.

Thanks for the advice BTP and Daisy. Currently I hang his favourite toy in front of him but it only distracts him for a bit. I've also tried playing the radio and singing to him. He's only happy if he's sucking on my finger, but yet won't take the blimen dummy! x
Daisybell, 3 teeth is amazing!!!

We had Sophia's christening on sunday, it was lovely. I've added a pic. Oh and a pic of my lushous babies, all 4 of them. :happydance:
Daisybell....Daddy's little hero too??? my word 3 teeth!!!

F&C....James just falls asleep in the car or watches the lights through the back window, shame really that we cant take him in the car unless absolutely necessary due to a problem with the rear seatbelts not holding his seat properly, brand new car and they have stopped doing something to the seatblets which stop the seatbelt from coming further out!!! Not happy and defo cant afford an isofix for 7 months use!
That's terrible about your car Jayne! Could you look in to getting a 2nd hand isofix base on ebay?

Snoozie, those pics are lovely. Harry had his naming day on Sunday too! x
Hey ladies, I am always reading but never seem to have any time to post. :blush:
F&C, Riley used to love the car but he has had a few days where he has lost his dummy and screamed the whole journey. It must be that they are growing up and get bored easily.
He seems to be eating his fist too. This thread is great when you see all the babies doing the same things and you know that they are all getting on well.

On a different note, I had a coloposcopy appointment on tuesday and had a smear test done. So, I have escaped AF but now I'm bleeding from the smear test which is no fun! :growlmad: I feel for you ladies who have their periods return.

Must go, housework to do whilst the little fella sleeps. Hope you are all well. xx:flower:
Hi all,

That is mad about the car seatbelts not fitting the baby seat properly, back down the showroom you go!!:haha:

Lovely pics Snoozie, lovely children! xx:hugs:

Daisybell, 3 teeth, oh wow! my kids have never had a tooth til a year old, i was pretty glad as a breast feeder that they were weaned b4 teeth! :thumbup:
Hope Ollie is ok after his jabs xx:hugs:

F&C, I am afraid i was no help! Sophie used to scream in the car, and nothing changed til she could see what was going on! Perhaps a mirror pointing out to the side so he can see the world go by?
Rosie quietly objects but still is not keen on the car, its not like her to cry so i know it is a real dislike in the car, atm we do sit with her as i am usually with dh, plus since the children changed schools we have hardly been out in the car, and the shops are so local it is just 5 mins a week in the car, the rest of the time we walk everywhere.:hugs:

Well I went to the weigh in clinic today, i was sure Rosie could not be 8lb at 6 weeks old, and i was right, the doctor had weighed her wrong, today she was 9lb4oz, (it was only monday the doctor weighed her and said 8lb) it makes me mad as i thought i was producing water not milk, plus my book is all to cock now and growth chart got a big cross on it, and that has annoyed me, it was not even questioned that she went from 6lb 9oz to 7lb 2oz in her first week week old but only 8lb at 6 weeks, just never listen to bloody doctors! If you are not sure ask for a second opinion, this was a simple task of weighing a baby, imagine if something serious had not been picked up? I had her re weighed and she is being measured on a check at home between now and 12 weeks.
I did say i was generally not pleased with her 6 week check, and that it was rushed, she said it was the second baby that had been weighed wrong at the 6 week check! Great!:dohh:

Anyway that's us today, playgroup with my dd tomorrow, that is usually fun for her, she needed to do some interaction with other children, and i am going to put her in a playgroup once a week from January when she is 3.

Off now, :hugs: xx
Heya all

Emzy – noo its a literature based review – so basically I have to find studies that have been carried out – unfortunately it doesn’t look as though I can find enough :( grr its so irritating! Im going to have another look today – yeah the main themes that have emerged are – expectations (so women who want to but cant etc) guilt and support, so hopefully ill be able to do something with that!

Fishy – bless you – I don’t know what you could do to make travelling easier? Is it because he cant actually see you? I know it may sound silly but why not print out a pic of you and your OH stick it where he can see it, maybe it will work? Im not sure – but I know they like looking at faces, real or not! Worth a shot?

Sarah – glad your well! It is hard to get on here and reply to everyone! I get the OH to give Roxy cuddles when I catch up!!

Daisy – 3 toothy pegs!! WOW! Haha definitely be munching xmas dinner! Haha

Snoozie – gorgeous pics – what a beautiful family!!

So hi everyone! Im sooooooooooooo mad! Stupid MIL!! She’s normally fine – I have to stress that, but today she has completely and utterly taken the piss! *pardon my French*!! Right, so Roxy normally wakes in the morning, has her bottle, has a little snooze, plays on her play mat for ages, and then has a little nap around lunch time. His mum phoned and I was like yeahhhh ok see you soon :) as she hardly ever bothers to come around (saying she feels like she has to make an appointment , well im not being funny, if you ever phoned then you could come see her, or better still just turn up!!! Ahh thats another story) but yes, and so I was doing Roxy’s bottles and clearning up after breakfast, my dh was trying to get Roxy to sleep. She turned up, but not on her own, she had dh nan with her (who is incredibly loud and welsh!!) so anyway, that pissed me off, as I haven’t had a shower or anything, so feel a bit mingin, but I don’t mind like his mum , dad or sister or my family seeing me like that, but not everyone else! So it would have been nice if she had informed us about that. Well anyway, I was going to put my shoes on to clear up the back garden quickly, I went into the living room and his nan and mum were being so loud, so I picked up the bouncer and said “im going to put her in the kitchen, otherwise she will wake up and wont stop crying then – don’t think I can handle that today” immediately his mum was like “im going to go” I said “what! Why? I just don’t want her waking up, otherwise she wont settle later and get herself in a state” his nan then had the audasity to say “she wouldn’t have woken up Louise” (even though shes only seen her once since she was a newborn) and yes, she would have woken up, as she wasn’t in a deep sleep as the dh had only just put her down. Now I went into the kitchen shaking my head, and I heard his nan say “you’ve upset your mum” to the DH so I was like “why have you upset her?” the dh then told me how his bloody mother was saying that we have spoiled roxy, we have done it all wrong, we should have let her cry herself to sleep since day one, and basically, coming across to me thinking that she has been judging our parenting style since day 1!!! If she had said that when I was in there I would have bloody had words! Stupid cow! Grrrrrrrrr so yes, im a bit mad! Sorry for the long post, just had to rant! Hope everyone else is good! xxxxx
Daisybell - Can't believe he's already grown 3 teeth.... i'm convinced Jameswill start teething soon and i'm dreading it !

F&C - What did you do for the naming day? DH and I wish to do something and ask a couple of friends to be guardian but have never been to a namiung day before so really dont know what to do? Hope you all had a nice time.

BTP - that would of made me so mad about weighing wrong I bet they didnt seem bothered.

STMW - Would love to read your report once its finished I have a psychology degree and have always enjoyed reading articles and books regarding different studies. I would say I have been at my most tearful in relation to not being able to breastfeed and people controllling what I do with James.

My diet has been rubbish this week so ive just ordered a tesco shop for tomorrow without any temptations so hopefully i'll be better next week. Got an incentive now as the woman at Asda Living asked me yesterday when I was due grrrrr Moo Bag I was pushing James in his car seat at the time you could'nt miss him...... apparently my big fat belly overshadowed him in his seat.
Heya all

Emzy – noo its a literature based review – so basically I have to find studies that have been carried out – unfortunately it doesn’t look as though I can find enough :( grr its so irritating! Im going to have another look today – yeah the main themes that have emerged are – expectations (so women who want to but cant etc) guilt and support, so hopefully ill be able to do something with that!

Fishy – bless you – I don’t know what you could do to make travelling easier? Is it because he cant actually see you? I know it may sound silly but why not print out a pic of you and your OH stick it where he can see it, maybe it will work? Im not sure – but I know they like looking at faces, real or not! Worth a shot?

Sarah – glad your well! It is hard to get on here and reply to everyone! I get the OH to give Roxy cuddles when I catch up!!

Daisy – 3 toothy pegs!! WOW! Haha definitely be munching xmas dinner! Haha

Snoozie – gorgeous pics – what a beautiful family!!

So hi everyone! Im sooooooooooooo mad! Stupid MIL!! She’s normally fine – I have to stress that, but today she has completely and utterly taken the piss! *pardon my French*!! Right, so Roxy normally wakes in the morning, has her bottle, has a little snooze, plays on her play mat for ages, and then has a little nap around lunch time. His mum phoned and I was like yeahhhh ok see you soon :) as she hardly ever bothers to come around (saying she feels like she has to make an appointment , well im not being funny, if you ever phoned then you could come see her, or better still just turn up!!! Ahh thats another story) but yes, and so I was doing Roxy’s bottles and clearning up after breakfast, my dh was trying to get Roxy to sleep. She turned up, but not on her own, she had dh nan with her (who is incredibly loud and welsh!!) so anyway, that pissed me off, as I haven’t had a shower or anything, so feel a bit mingin, but I don’t mind like his mum , dad or sister or my family seeing me like that, but not everyone else! So it would have been nice if she had informed us about that. Well anyway, I was going to put my shoes on to clear up the back garden quickly, I went into the living room and his nan and mum were being so loud, so I picked up the bouncer and said “im going to put her in the kitchen, otherwise she will wake up and wont stop crying then – don’t think I can handle that today” immediately his mum was like “im going to go” I said “what! Why? I just don’t want her waking up, otherwise she wont settle later and get herself in a state” his nan then had the audasity to say “she wouldn’t have woken up Louise” (even though shes only seen her once since she was a newborn) and yes, she would have woken up, as she wasn’t in a deep sleep as the dh had only just put her down. Now I went into the kitchen shaking my head, and I heard his nan say “you’ve upset your mum” to the DH so I was like “why have you upset her?” the dh then told me how his bloody mother was saying that we have spoiled roxy, we have done it all wrong, we should have let her cry herself to sleep since day one, and basically, coming across to me thinking that she has been judging our parenting style since day 1!!! If she had said that when I was in there I would have bloody had words! Stupid cow! Grrrrrrrrr so yes, im a bit mad! Sorry for the long post, just had to rant! Hope everyone else is good! xxxxx

as i said tell her ta 'foof off and mind her own'!! ...i get James to sleep and to be honest i dont like to see him cry (i mean the upset cry not the attention one lol), i also try to stop him from crying before picking him up so he begins to understand, she says, that he doesnt have to cry to be picked up! They r newborn babies they know nothing else and just want to be held and feel close!

...i did giggle a the '...and Welsh' comment haha :haha:

Big hugs hun, you are a great Mummy, you have a happy & thriving baby to prove it! :hugs:

We took the car into honda to tell them that they werent working and they said they dont fit that now because you have to use isofix now?!?! i was like wtf??? so what happens to all the seatbelt fix carseats that are still on sale and people have got!! I wouldnt have minded if the carseat we have came with the pram but it was an optional extra which we paid £80 for!!! Im going straight to head office...hopefully get a carseat out of them, im gonna really play on how dangerous it could have been!!! x
:hugs: STMW I had a similar issue a couple of weeks ago, being recommended to swaddle and put James in the garden in his pram for a couple of hours......... Ignore what anyone says Roxy is your daughter and you know whats best for her.... the older generation just like to have their two pennies worth of opinions every now and then xx
Daisybell - Can't believe he's already grown 3 teeth.... i'm convinced Jameswill start teething soon and i'm dreading it !

F&C - What did you do for the naming day? DH and I wish to do something and ask a couple of friends to be guardian but have never been to a namiung day before so really dont know what to do? Hope you all had a nice time.

BTP - that would of made me so mad about weighing wrong I bet they didnt seem bothered.

STMW - Would love to read your report once its finished I have a psychology degree and have always enjoyed reading articles and books regarding different studies. I would say I have been at my most tearful in relation to not being able to breastfeed and people controllling what I do with James.

My diet has been rubbish this week so ive just ordered a tesco shop for tomorrow without any temptations so hopefully i'll be better next week. Got an incentive now as the woman at Asda Living asked me yesterday when I was due grrrrr Moo Bag I was pushing James in his car seat at the time you could'nt miss him...... apparently my big fat belly overshadowed him in his seat.

:oO how very rude of her!!!!!!!! My sister did that once but the woman was talking like she was pregnant but refering to the 1 yr old in the pram... "my gulliable sister said "oh when r u due? to which i replied "No Jackie she has had her" she went bright red and said oh sorry i thought you were saying you were pregnant...this was all n a tiny lift so i couldnt wait to get out haha
hey girls,

Not liking this weather much.

Paige is now 10.7lbs, but i cried when i came out because i dont want her to get bigger...its really getting to me, i spoke to the HV about it and she said second time mums or more sometimes get like this.. I see babies the same age and they are so much smaller but she is on track for her age...pleased she is healthy just dont want her to grow up so quickly..

she had her BCG injection today,:cry: they stop giving it out now to teenagers, only certain areas get offered it and its given to babies under 1...she cried more having her jacket taken off..

She has always been a total grot bags, giving up breast feeding only helped for one day and she was back to being a grotty baby the second day so im breast feeding again. we have baby gaviston and it seemed to work yesterday, infact the last 2 days she has been a different baby, she is a lot happier and is so close to smiling now, you can see her smiling in her eyes if that makes sense.

Has anyone else noticed how much money they have wasted on buying baby stuff you dont use !!!.. We brought a travel cot for £99 it has a napper and a changing bit but we havnt used it, total waste of money and got rid of the box too so cant take it back, brought a bouncer but we use the rocker now.. and im sure we have too many clothes for 3-6 months.. we have 8 snow suits !!! non for 0-3 though... may have to take a load of stuff back to the shops.

F&C- paige hated the car, but someone brought her a mobile which hangs from the car seat and now she is fine, but the music is driving us all crazy !!!

Snoozie- photos are fantastic, glad the day went well.

Jellycat- we brought a second hand baby bjorn carrier.. expensive brand new but its one of the best, so easy to put on and strap together.. we tried about 7 but this is the best. Paige was very clingy, she still is but as soon as we started giving her anti colic stuff with her feeds she seems better... so we think she was uncomfortable
f&c aww nightmare hun
Ollie started munching on his fist & drooling at 5weeks the first toothy peg came through at 6weeks so u never know.

Snoozie beautiful pic's!

lilbumpblue yes one of them does say that! :)
nightmare about the car hun, i didnt know that is it the same for all new cars? we were thinking about getting a brand new car.
like F&C suggested maybe u could get a isofix base off ebay? i know they cost a fortune dont they.

speaking of cars, our wipers stopped working yesterday :( finally got it to an auto electrician today. somethings burned out on the motor, fx the guy has fixed it coz god knows how much a new one would cost? typically the warranty has just ran out too! grrrr

tenny i had an coloposcopy appointment yesterday not nice :( but my polyp has gone & all looks normal so i'm well chuffed. got a smear test due at xmas & bloody dentist BOO!
just had my 1st period it was awfull!!! lasted over 1week too! xxx

btp i'm so pleased i'm not BF now could u imagine ouchy! DD was 6mths before she got any so we were really shocked! he seems a happy chappy today so the jabs musnt of effected him i'm worried about the 2nd lot tbh as DD was really knocked after hers :(

it's shocking that they carnt get a simple task like weighing a baby right

stmw bloody cheek if u ask me! how dare she say u have been doing it all wrong, roxy is your baby not hers grrrr

hungry baby must dash xxx
Jelly – yeahh sure – its gonna take me 2 years to finish it though haha! If you’re willing to wait that long! Booo to that stupid women making that comment – bitch!! Thanks aswell – its just annoying isn’t it, as they make you think your doing everything wrong!! :( boo!

Blue – haha I would love to tell her to foof off! I just believe babies need love and attention – why have them if your going to let them go to sleep upset, distressed and feeling lonely? I know for a fact Roxy would not fall to sleep if I let her cry – she would just get louder and more stressed – I personally think its cruel grrrrrrrrr. Haha what I meant by the ‘ and welsh’ was that shes got such a strong accent and is really loud, Roxy isn’t used to that loudness, or welshness haha im welsh myself and so is Roxy haha but shes TOO welsh and TOO loud lol thankyou for that lovely comment :) made me smile! Cant believe that about your car – shocking business!

Kara – big hugs – shes growing well and is healthy :) thats a good thing! Shes still your little baby regardless! Glad the gaviscon is working wonders!

Daisy – hugs and thankyou!
Hey girlies

OMG stmw tell her to naff off!! Grr I hate interfering people! I think some people are just control freaks!

My mum has annoyed me a bit, but she was trying to be nice. We have invited her and my Dad for Christmas and she just sent me a message to say that she has made a list of everything we need for Christmas and Boxing Day and she is going to do a Tesco online shop to arrive on Christmas Eve! I know I sound a bit ungrateful but I don't want her to do that! We have invited her to us and we will do the shopping and chose what we have and I will be cooking the dinner (although she will take over for sure). She is a bit of a control freak. She has already said she wants to choose Holly's outfit for Christmas day. I let her have that one but she's not choosing all the Christmas food as well, we are choosing that!! I must sound like a spoiled brat... but do you know what I mean? Also we are going back down to Kent with them the Monday after Christmas for a few days and she assumed we were staying for new years, then got all upset when I said we weren't. They are having a party (they do every year) that is always really drunken and goes on until 5am. She said I could put Holly upstairs asleep... I was like erm Mum she doesn't go to bed at 7 then not wake up til the next morning, so she said well we can all take turns seeing to her, I was like no mum everyone will be drunk and she was like "so?" WTF? I said I wouldn't be able to relax as I wouldn't be able to hear her if she cried (they'll have the music up so won't be able to hear on the monitor) and I just wouldn't enjoy it, so we are going to do something at home this year. She got all upset and made me feel dead guilty about it, even though they are spending Christmas with us! It's times like these that remind me of why I live 250 miles away from my parents... I know she tries to be nice but she really does take over with everything. Any ideas on what I can say to her about the Christmas food thing? Without hurting her feelings?!

Jelly the same thing happened to me in Asda. I was buying some baby stuff and the woman asked when I was due. I was like erm... I have had her. She was mortified and so was I!!

Holly munches on her hands, drools everywhere and has red cheeks sometimes and you can feel a little toothy peg coming through. It's not quite broken through but you can feel it under the gum. I can't believe Ollie has 3!! Bless him.
awww Holly started hysterically laughing in her sleep! Like a full on belly laugh! Wonder what she was dreaming about?! x
Emzy yes like those will get a photo out :) dont know how much you can see of them tho

Wow 3 teeth thats awesome :shock:

Gorgeous gorgeous photos Snoozie

Thats so wrong Jayne :growlmad: second hand onrs are quite cheap though?

STMW thats awful i'd have kicked butt

I feel so upset that Rosalie is grtting bigger :cry: she also belly laughs its cute :cloud9:


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James does that Em but not a hysterical laugh when he first goes to sleep he laughs and has a big smile but then his bottom lip goes and he goes "uh uh uh" like whimpering then smiles and laughs again and is then flat out!! Very strange lol x
Yea we have been looking at them but you have to collect most of them on ebay...we r in Stoke on Trent and most are in places like london, Kent & Swansea be cheaper buy a new one cos of fuel lol! :( x

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