Wow yey fishy!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!

I leave for a week and it all kicks off haha! So.. we have a few in 3rd tri, some in the middle, and a couple of new sticky beans!!! Wow.. it's all going on!
Thanks for all the comments about the girls' asthma. Izzy and emma are now on 2 inhalers a piece. Hopefully they'll grow out of it, but I was under a specialist until I was 14, then I pretty much grew out of mine. I still have an inhaler, but never need to take it.
A 4D scan emzy - wow!! My friends and I clubbed in for one of our other pregnant friends to have one last week for her birthday. They're amazing - can't wait to see pics
Louise -

It must be sooo hard for you, especially feeling so bad. And now you'll need the money more than ever - not that anyone really has a spare 10 - 25k lying around!

I don't know how legal aid works, but I know that when I got married I wouldn't have been entitled to any - I think it goes on your household income. We looked to see if we could get it incase Emma's dad got funny about her changing her name.
Oh, and my diet is NOT working. I have no time to go to the gym at all, and after a complete nightmare with my hair (trying to go from black to blonde is NOT good) I now can't wash it often as the bright red colour runs straight out. So no gym for me
Teeny, my car is crap too. I would say that it hasn't broken in a while, but I don't wanna jinx it
Hope your backache gets managable soon FB and all the other 3rd tri peeps are doing well
Blob - The pony isn't doing very well off the bute - the vet is coming out tonight to xray the pedal bones and do some blood tests for Cushings etc. Emma LOVES him, even though he's got an awful habit of nipping and drew blood on her arm the other day. She's learnt now how to put a headcollar on and off, and is trying to remember how to tie a quick release knot

Izzy, however, isn't so keen. He nipped her coat hood, and now she's scared to death. I'm hoping she'll get more confident soon!
On that note, I'm trying to raise some funds. The vet bill tonight will come to £300, and I've promised chris that i'll make it up somehow. So, If any of you would like to buy a gorgeous Vivienne Westwood handbag, here's the link:
I've also got a pink rocking horse, rocking heffalump and various other bits and bobs on there. There will be more to come, especially some older boys toys (cars and bikes and stuff), most at 99p start