September Stars

Hi all! Sorry I've been AWOL for so long, been so so busy! I've tried to catch up but I'm still about 20 pages behind so don't think I'll manage it!

Hubbi is now not deploying to Afghan, he's BCR so casualty replacement so will only go if too many peeople are injured, which is a massive relief. Only found this out last week so we have been 7 weeks not knowing if he is going or not which was so stressful. Still issues with his kids, so we are definately posting to maidstone in July. I still don't know if i'm going back to work or not... i really dont want to leave lilia so unless my feelings change massively i think not.... scary but you cant help the way you feel!

Lilia is doing brilliantly.. she goes to bed after her last bottle between 9\10pm, and wakes up between 9 and 10am! It's mad, but im not complaining! Only thing is though, because she gets all her sleep at night she doesnt sleep in the day at all! Maybe 10 minute cat naps here and there... can be pretty demanding! Shes shouting and squealing a lot at the moment which is so cute!

Hope everyone is well and babies are behaving!
:hugs: Hey was wondering if you were going to come back :flower: Awwww go Lilia :cloud9:
:hi: Hello everyone!

Just back from Tobe's 8-week Well-Babyb check-up and he's a nice big boy: 12 lbs 3 oz and 61 cm!
The doctor charted him and told me that he is the size of your average 4-month old.
Which would explain why I'm digging out all the next size ups of clothing.

Asher, (and others) I know how you feel about the baby things. I plan to at least loan everything to a family member who is expecting in May, but I keep thinking how I might not ever use these things again. Same with the big box of maternity clothes. I haven't ruled out baby#3, but I probably won't make that decision for awhile. And there is this part of me wondering if I'm fine with just my two lovely healthy boys.
It is strangely emotional. And I'm under no pressure to decide this right away or anything, but even knowing that the decision is looming is quite bittersweet.
At the same time, all the growing these boys are doing has me well overdue for a clothing purge and storage. I need to haul out the boxes and get all the newborn stuff packed away and the new things out...
We're sort of drowning in clothes, it feels like! I haven't put all the mat wear away yet either. I'm not wearng it, just haven't got around to actually storing the boxes.
Things feel very cluttered and messy at our house.
While we're nowhere near as bad as those reality shows where they re-organize your house in a week, I long for that sort of a treatment: a fast and furious clean out and de-cluttering. And everything would be so much easier to clean and tidy afterwards, too.
I feel like I just move clutter from one place to another and never really deal with it.
We have quite a small house, which is good because it limits the clutter, but bad because it only takes a small amount of clutter for the whole place to feel incredibly messy.

F&C - lovely pic and beautiful boy!
Emzy - I get how you feel and think your feelings are very valid. I also think the excitement of a grandchild sometimes gets parents behaving in well-meaning but overbearing ways. Maybe split the difference with that plan you had to plan the menu with your mum and then accept her gift of the food that way? She probably thinks she's being a huge help as you have a tiny baby. I'm sure a gentle word expressed just the way you did here - how you are excited to host things this year - wouldn't fall on deaf ears.
Louise - great news about your fellow! Hope things with your stepsons resolve soon!
Blob i have some nuby's only used them once with breast feeding and they seem ok...he defo wasnt able to guts the feed and get windy, it seemed to take a lot longer for him to drink it that the tommee tippee do! They r nice and squidgey too hehe! x

arghhh there was someone else i wanted to reply its gone... acne: james had his for a couple of weeks, i found the cotten wool and water after every feed helped but it went really dry so i started using simple baby lotion on him morning and night and within a couple of days it was loads better x
hey guys,

we noticed a bad rash on her chest and back as well, loads of small white head spots... we think its johnsons baby stuff... so we are now getting rid of them and going to look for something else. If it is the johnsons stuff its scary to see how bad it has made her skin...
Louise great news about DH you must feel so relieved...... We can meet up in Maidstone once your moved, I'lve lived here mist of my life so I can tell you good places to go to etc

Lbb think I may start using lotion Igbo see no improvent over the next couple of days

Blob I used nuby bottles as was given one at baby shower but my mum then bought me dr browns pro help with JJ wind. I found them good
Ladyk I think johnsons bath stuff is highly fragrances considering they are specifically for baby. Hope it clears up soon xx
I will not be using Johnson's ever again. I avoided them in the first place because of the parabens and SLS and other chemicals that make my skin dry and itchy, let alone a baby's. Then I tried their new natural product which is supposed to be free of all those things, and Simon's eczema flared up almost immediately.
I find I've only had success with Aveeno (cream only, bath stuff has all those chemicals in it) and the very expensive but lovely Weleda Baby line.
Hello all!!!

Johnsons is evil for rashes and allergies, we use natural things, they maybe more expensive but rather that than rashy skin.

We have had a good week with Hope, she is sleeping well and is very contented, think I am finally getting my head round the birth etc which is brilliant!! My bloody tumble drier blew up last night and within an hour my parents had been out and bought me a new one and delivered it, my family are amazing. They are always there when you need them and such amazing support. I feel so lucky.

Hope everyone is doing well xxx
Louise that's great news about your hubby! And Maidstone is a great place, I used to live near there. Nice that you can meet up with Jelly! I will tag along one time if I happen to be visiting my parents in Dartford!

Sarahkka I know what you mean about the house clutter, it really annoys me as we get the house nice then we always end up being given a load of stuff or something and end up with too much stuff and no where to store it! That's partly the reason why I'm selling my maternity stuff. One of my mum and dad's friends has actually bought a load of my maternity stuff, so that's good!

Can't remember who said about baby acne... was it ladyk? Holly had it for a few weeks. I used just water to wash her face and put oilatum junior cream on it when it went all dry afterwards and it cleared up. It was also on her chest and back. Unfortunately she seems to have inherited my crappy skin and has eczema on her face and elbows. I've just been using e45 on it. I can't use soap at all and certain shower gels/lotions etc irritate my skin, so I guess it will be the same for her. I use Johnson's top to toe bath and it doesn't seem to cause any problems, but I also use oilatum bath if her skin seems particularly dry. I think the nighttime stuff is nice, but it does smell extremely strong and I reckon that would irritate my skin, so I've stopped using it on hers. The top to toe stuff is meant to be gentler (suitable for first bath, etc) and it doesn't seem to cause her any problems.

I'm just enjoying a glass of wine whilst Matt plays on call of duty... I've become a COD widow once again since the new one has come out!

Any nice plans for the weekend girls?

aw Becs that's lovely of your mum and dad!

I forgot to say that Holly has seemed to have found a new favourite sleeping routine. She goes to sleep at about 9.30 downstairs with us in her carry cot. She then has a feed somewhere between 10.30 and 11.30 and we take her up with us and she sleeps in her carry cot inside the cot until 7.00 when she starts to stir, then I put her in bed with me and she goes back to sleep til 9.30 so we get a nice lie in! Eventually I'd like to start pulling it back a bit, so she goes to bed a bit earlier and then wakes a bit earlier, but for now it's fab and I'm getting lots of lovely sleep! 6 or 7 weeks ago I was still sleeping on the sofa for a few hours here and there as she wouldn't sleep anywhere but the carrycot on the living room floor, so I'm seriously counting my blessings!

Also, I've been following the principles of the EASY routine (eat, then have some activity, then have some sleep which leaves time for you!) and it's great. I don't follow a schedule or anything like that as I don't like it, I'd much rather her dictate what we do when, but I like not having to second guess what she needs when she starts crying. It works like a gem. If she's had a bottle, we have some play time for around and hour to 1 1/2 hours and then if she starts crying, I know it's because she is tired, so I give her a cuddle and she goes to sleep every time. She'll then wake up and if she's not quite due a feed, she'll sit in her bouncer chair for a bit. It's great and she seems so content at the moment. I'm really pleased!

Me again! Twice in one day! Can't be bad! Thought I'd hop on before bed!

Sam still has a problem with dry skin/acne type spots, especially on his face. We do use Johnsons stuff, but his body is fine, so I don't think it's that. Need to start with the E45 junior again, it's really effective for him.

Louise, lovely news about DH not going out to Afghanistan. Must be a big relief for all of you. xx

I've just used the TT closer to nature bottles I had in for Sam, and he's taken 3oz again tonight, then topped up on the boob. I think he's only taking enough to tide him over, which is fine, as then I can be back to feed him up! It was lovely to feed him after the bottle and see him all snug and cuddled up on the boob!!

Emzy, we follow the EASY routine too, flexibly, but I think it helps to read the baby's cues. I like the idea of trying to loosen the feed to sleep cycle, as it was a BUGGER to break with Jack. That said, Sam is a more settled baby in general, and happier to settle himself quite a lot. I guess he's 3rd baby and settles more as I have to sort the other 2 aswell.

I've completely lost my train of thought now, had loads to say!! Grrr. Going to go to bed and try and sleep, having rubbish sleep at the moment!!

Night night all xx
hey guys,

we noticed a bad rash on her chest and back as well, loads of small white head spots... we think its johnsons baby stuff... so we are now getting rid of them and going to look for something else. If it is the johnsons stuff its scary to see how bad it has made her skin...

Funnily enough it was when i used the top to toe wash that James' skin flared up that was all on his upper chest back and neck too even on his ears!

aw Becs that's lovely of your mum and dad!

I forgot to say that Holly has seemed to have found a new favourite sleeping routine. She goes to sleep at about 9.30 downstairs with us in her carry cot. She then has a feed somewhere between 10.30 and 11.30 and we take her up with us and she sleeps in her carry cot inside the cot until 7.00 when she starts to stir, then I put her in bed with me and she goes back to sleep til 9.30 so we get a nice lie in! Eventually I'd like to start pulling it back a bit, so she goes to bed a bit earlier and then wakes a bit earlier, but for now it's fab and I'm getting lots of lovely sleep! 6 or 7 weeks ago I was still sleeping on the sofa for a few hours here and there as she wouldn't sleep anywhere but the carrycot on the living room floor, so I'm seriously counting my blessings!

Also, I've been following the principles of the EASY routine (eat, then have some activity, then have some sleep which leaves time for you!) and it's great. I don't follow a schedule or anything like that as I don't like it, I'd much rather her dictate what we do when, but I like not having to second guess what she needs when she starts crying. It works like a gem. If she's had a bottle, we have some play time for around and hour to 1 1/2 hours and then if she starts crying, I know it's because she is tired, so I give her a cuddle and she goes to sleep every time. She'll then wake up and if she's not quite due a feed, she'll sit in her bouncer chair for a bit. It's great and she seems so content at the moment. I'm really pleased!


WOW well done Mummy!! :) x
Asher I think that is the main thing, breaking the feed to sleep association. She always used to fall asleep on a bottle but now she doesn't and she doesn't need one to go back to sleep. She does however need to be cuddled to sleep still, but we'll deal with one thing at a time LOL x
I've just used the TT closer to nature bottles I had in for Sam, and he's taken 3oz again tonight, then topped up on the boob. I think he's only taking enough to tide him over, which is fine, as then I can be back to feed him up! It was lovely to feed him after the bottle and see him all snug and cuddled up on the boob!!

Thats what i do and i agree with the lovely feeling u get when he is back on the boob!! xx
I think you tend to know when they are hungry or tired, they have different cries and whinges!! I ts lovely now Hope is so much more awake in the day, its brilliant chatting away to her and playing with her and hearing her cooing and giggling!!
My daughter has eczema on her face and 2 great products that the doctor recommended which isn't rich on baby's skin are aqueous cream which you can use to moisturise and also use to wash baby with I swear by this and cheap too as junior oilatum and Johnson's stuff was too rich. Another great moisturiser which you can get over the counter is Dipro Base which is a great moisturiser and not rich. I still use these products on myself and my daughter as aqueous cream is a brilliant moisturiser.

Just thought I'd add my two penneth!!

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