September Stars

lilbump Holly pulls a face in her sleep like she is going to cry, then smiles but that's the first time she's let out a hysterical laugh in her sleep! was a bit scary really!! lol

I think I was being a bit of a cow about my mum lol Now I've thought about it a bit I reckon she's just trying to be nice. With my mum there is a fine line between being nice and taking over. I think I might suggest writing my own list and comparing it to hers and then she can do the online shop if she wants to. I'm still going to get my own goodies though lol I dunno, I guess that this is our first christmas in our new house as a proper family... last year we were married but we spent it at our friends house so this one is really our first proper 'grown up' christmas so I kind of wanted us to 'host' it ourselves... does that make sense?

Does anyone have any plans for new years yet? We usually go out or have a party or go to someone elses party, but will be a bit different this year! Last year I'd just found out I was pregnant so we went for a meal with a couple of friends. Not really sure how to celebrate it this year?

Oh by the way Matt has updated his blog for the first time in ages for anyone that wants to read it!

Oh and also, he is doing Movember! If anyone would like to sponsor him his page is here. Not impressed with the moustache lol

aw blob I love those! I so am getting some. Do your ones have feet? Or is she wearing socks? x
Give her a list hun and tell to order send you mine too! hehe xx
Ha ha good plan!!

Sorry I'm taking over the thread today! I've just been posting on my thread about the lack of support from my Health Visitor and I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on it. This is what I posted:

I had a visit from mine who turned up unannounced on my doorstep when Holly was 2 weeks old. She stayed for 10 minutes as she had to get off to another appointment and then said she wouldn't be my HV anymore anyway as they were restructuring. She said I'd have to go to baby clinic once a month to get her weighed and speak to the HVs there or I could request a home visit if I had a problem. I have never heard from my new HV I don't even know who she is! My friend who lives a mile up the road on the other hand has had visits at home every 2 weeks (her baby is the same age as Holly). She belongs under a different clinic and I was at her house the other day when the HV came. I asked her HV why it was so different and she said "Oh I just visit her frequently as her baby has had colic" and I said "well so has mine and I tried ringing my clinic but no one answered the phone" and she just said "oh" lol My friend later told me that when she saw her out her HV told her the reason she gets regular home visits and I don't is because she breastfeeds and I don't, which I think is terrible!!


How much contact do you girls get with your HVs?

Emzy – thanks! Aww bless your mum! I would just say that you want to do the shopping as your cooking the food and want to do it special for her and your dad, so doing the shopping goes along with that and how you like doing the xmas shop! Maybe suggest doing it together? I understand what you mean about it being your first proper xmas. This is our first xmas being married living together and of course having Roxy, but we still have to do the rounds and go to everyone elses houses. I don’t mind, as I would miss my mum something terrible not having xmas with her, but the DH wouldn’t mind not going to his mums, as they go to another family members and just eat all the food, so he has none, and get drunk, so they are coming to ours to see Roxy in the morning and then we are going to my mums for dinner and everything. I think we are just gonna stay in new year, maybe have a glad of wine and enjoy the fireworks!! Thats shocking about the HV!! Mine came a few times, and after I had a go at her she hasn’t been since, just told me I have to get roxy weighed at clinic at the times it says in my red book – they’re pointless lol

Blob – belly laughs are awesome!!!

I breastfeed and mine has only been twice i think and then said i have to go the clinic now to get James his 6 week check she booked to see me on the 2nd Dec to discuss weaning but he wont be old enough then anyway...funny thing is i advise parents on weaning at work! lol!! x

James has become very vocal today he is laying on the sofa kicking about laughing at the ceiling and babbling! x
When i got home from hospital i saw the midwife for about 5 days, then a hv for about 2 days then i can go to a drop in clinic or i dont see anyone, then i get a doctors 6 week check which was as you know crap, then we get a hv visit and ceck up on baby some time between 6and 12 weeks and then its back to clinic visits if i want to, so not much contact really!:hugs:
As for family, i think she was trying to be nice, i certainly wouldnt complain if someone wanted to buy my christmas food, but i would want to know what so i could get goodies of my own.
I can see you would want your own 'first' christmas, my older children are away and i wanted just me dh and our little 2, but dh has invited mil, and the thing is she wont contribute at all, i feel mean saying it but i have to make 2 extra dinners and share my family, dh has to drive her home and i dont want him out on christmas day!
Its all just family stuff! hope u find a happy medium! :hugs:
Jelly you can ask for someone to carry out a ceremony in any location you like really but we decided to make it less formal. We invited all the family from both sides and asked 4 people to by Harry's Guide Parents. I got some nice flowers to decorate the house with (my folks place) and a personalised guest book for people to write messages to Harry in. We then called everyone together and I said a few things. Will happily PM it to you if you like? We then toasted Harry and tucked in to the lunch buffet. Yum.

Here's our little man on his big day!
Thats a gorgeous pic Fishy, we are getting Hope christened at Easter, its kind of a family tradition!!
Thanks girls, she is really trying to be nice so it's a bit mean of me to complain. It's not really about the Christmas food, it's more a combination of things that my mum does when she takes over!! I'll get over it lol

Fishy lovely photo!! We are having a christening for Holly next year (I think). I am not particularly religious but Matt is catholic. When we got married he agreed not to get married in a church as I didn't feel particularly like it was right with me not being religious so we had a civil ceremony. However it's really quite important to him to have Holly christened, so I'm happy with that as long as I don't have to act like I'm religious! We need to go talk to the local church really. If not then we will be having a naming day too. How is Harry doing? Is the colic any better now?

anyone use gaviscon for infants? it says for breast fed add to 15ml of water and give with spoon or bottle but if bottle fed add to no less than 8oz of formula.. I wanted to add it to 1oz of formula as she is breastfed but we give a oz of formula at night and dont think she will drink it with just water..

Baby acne, when does it clear up, i remember everyone talking about it when paige was first born...she also has small white spots over her chest and back...

Ha ha good plan!!

Sorry I'm taking over the thread today! I've just been posting on my thread about the lack of support from my Health Visitor and I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on it. This is what I posted:

I had a visit from mine who turned up unannounced on my doorstep when Holly was 2 weeks old. She stayed for 10 minutes as she had to get off to another appointment and then said she wouldn't be my HV anymore anyway as they were restructuring. She said I'd have to go to baby clinic once a month to get her weighed and speak to the HVs there or I could request a home visit if I had a problem. I have never heard from my new HV I don't even know who she is! My friend who lives a mile up the road on the other hand has had visits at home every 2 weeks (her baby is the same age as Holly). She belongs under a different clinic and I was at her house the other day when the HV came. I asked her HV why it was so different and she said "Oh I just visit her frequently as her baby has had colic" and I said "well so has mine and I tried ringing my clinic but no one answered the phone" and she just said "oh" lol My friend later told me that when she saw her out her HV told her the reason she gets regular home visits and I don't is because she breastfeeds and I don't, which I think is terrible!!


How much contact do you girls get with your HVs?


MW came the first 3 days then signed me off, then HV came a week after she was born but not seen her since.. we go and get her weighed at the health centre and there are HV there to talk to.. HV coming tomorrow for her second visit.. i dont think second time mums get as many visits, i have started breast feeding since her last visit. dont think its right if it makes a difference..

Here's our little man on his big day!
awwwwwwww how cute.. love the outfit
Blob i love your pic, i know i feel abit sad when i look back at photos he looked so ickle lol he's a right little bruiser now :)

aww look at Harry, beautiful f&c!

andrew is at work for new yrs eve & day :( (any1 want to babysit? lol) so mine will be quite this yr just me & my baby's :cloud9:

Christmas day we are spending it at home for dinner just the 4of us, then afterwards we will be going to andrews auntys for the yearly family gathering.

Ollie has a little chuckle but i carnt wait untill he does a belly laugh!

ladykara we started using it, (we bottle feed) but it made his milk way to thick & it wouldnt come out of even the fast flow teats, so we stopped.
we were told to add a sachet to his formula (can half them) (add to at least 4oz feed,115mls) we didnt try it any other way, at hospital they mixed it & gave ollie it in a syringe so that could be worth a try??

ollies spots have gone they cleared up just after 4weeks, have u changed washing powder or baby bath? ollie got spots on his tummy after we changed his baby bath so we switched back & he is fine now, you could take her to see the dr if your worried hun just to rule out a virus.

right i'm off :hugs: to all xxxx
We then called everyone together and I said a few things. Will happily PM it to you if you like?

That would be good thanks F&C. Looks like you all had a lovely time

Baby acne, when does it clear up, i remember everyone talking about it when paige was first born...she also has small white spots over her chest and back...

James has started to get small spots on his face the past couple of days I'm just using water and cotton wool to help clean them up, hope they go soon too

How much contact do you girls get with your HVs?


My MW came 4 times across 2 weeks then HV came once afterwards for about an hour. She told me they used to come at 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months however due to cutbacks they now only do one visit and I have to take James to clinic to be weighed. She gave me a contact number incase I ever had any problems or queries and they would visit if I needed to for a problem.
Hey ladies!

Let's see what I can remember...

STMW - :hugs: Thankfully my MIL is lovely, but she sometimes gets on OH's nerves telling him how to do stuff. Thankfully she knows better than to tell me!

LadyK - I don't want Izzy to get bigger either. I'm gutted every time someoned says how much she has grown! And we're well into 3-6mths clothes now too :cry:

BTP - my 6 week check was rushed and rubbish too.

Emzy & Jelly, I haven't been asked when i'm due yet, but BIL (in his usual tactful manner) asked me when my belly will go down. I wouldn't mind, but he's 26. And i'd spent all day that day doing my hair & makeup and I thought I looked pretty nice.

Emzy - I never see my HV. Izzy's only been weighed once at baby clinic, and that wasn't my hv.

Great christening pics ladies! :thumbup: I need to organise Izzy's, but i'm so busy wedding planning to even think about christenings! Emma isn't christened, so it'll be a joint ceremony.

Izzy also has spots on her arm today. They've just appeared, and she's a little warm. I'm gonna give her some calpol, and if she's no better I'll call docs later. She's been poorly recently, so hopefully it's just the same virus going.

As for NYE, last year I got my BFP, and me and OH went for a meal and stayed in a hotel in Leeds. This year, OH is on call, and mum is a back-up babysitter, so I'm out with the girls! :happydance: I feel a little bad that OH will be on his own, but not bad enough to stop me going out partying :haha:

Right I think that's it.. Izzy is fussing so i'd better go and see what she wants.

Speak soon :flower:
I am crap at the moment with my catch up! I'm just stealing 5 mins on the computer before we go off to collect the boys from school and go for a swim!

Fishy, lovely pics of you all. x

Hope everyone else is okay apart from all the nasty bugs and colds going round.

Sam slept in his swinging crib last night for the first night (he's had the carrycot in it so far) and slept not too badly. He has been resisting sleep all morning and finally nodded off at 1 in the car seat and is still there now!
I've been expressing a bit of milk here and there and trying him with some in a bottle too, and he has been screaming with rage at the bottle, until last night when he sunk 3oz in one go! Bless! And then he latched straight on and had a nice feed with me, so that pleased me!

I've started putting a couple of things on ebay that Sam's not using any more, but I can't bring myself to put on my maternity clothes or the babygros and clothes he's come out of. Also, if he's no longer in the carrycot, I need to put that on too, but I am too sentimental. DH just laughingly said we might have another baby, and I got all tearful and told him not to even joke about it. My hormones are rife, and accepting that Sam is our last baby is soul destroying at the moment!!!

Right, will really really try for a proper catch up later. Am off to get the boys from school. xx
Yea she was wearing socks :lol: I love them need to get more i think :)

Rosalie's seemed to get better every bath she took (her spots)

Gorgeous photo fishy :cloud9:

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