Hope I don't miss anything out so here goes !!!
GG : Sorry the cotbed didn't work out hun. She clearly wasn't ready 100% so I think your wise to just keep her in the cot for a little longer. xx
F&C : Did you get a MW appt hun ? I saw mine at what would of been 4 weeks and then booked 12 week scan at that appt. The hospital wouldn't do an early dating scan this time round (but they said this was just a new thing for our area though. Grrrr @ your rubbish and rude Dr though. xx
Louise : How are things going with the boys ? Are they both now with you ? xx
Jelly : Yay for AF !!! How is JJ doing now hun ? Is he any better ? xx
FB : Yay for good MW appt. Yours, Emzys and Teenys pregnancys seem to be flying by !! xx
Kara : And a Yay for baby making in July !! Really glad that results were good hun. xx
Re : Tantrums, Olivia has also been pushing her luck this last week or so. I am just completely ignoring any hissy fits and leaving her to get on with it - I quite often leave he where she is and go out of the room. This must be a "stage" as we seem to have a few stars that are pushing their luck !!
Does anybody want to update everyone for me when baby arrives. I want to let you girls all know but there will be a delay before I put it on facebook as want all family to be informed first before we announce it on there. xxx
Hope I haven't missed anything.

to anybody if I have and apologies. xxxx