Morning girls
Becs, Holly can throw the mother of all tantrums too! At the mo she is doing about 1/2 big tantrums a day, but we had a phase recently where is seemed like it was every 5 minutes! I think it's because they get frustrated. At the same time as the tantrumy phase, she kept waking in the night and I gave her milk too, so maybe it's just a phase they go through! It lasted about 2 weeks for us then she went back to sleeping well again. Bedtimes have got later for us too. She normally is in bed for 8, but it's been more like 9 recently! Matt's been getting back later from work, so we've been eating later and doing everything else a bit later. I don't mind really, just means she lays in til 9.30 the next day so I get a lie in ha ha!
Genies glad your Mum's check up went well, fab news

Yes, we've chosen Evie Grace for our baby
Ooh Kara a summer house! I know, I've been playing the drawing game as well, sooo addictive!! July will be here before you know it, this year is actually flying by!
First bean love your names shortlist! All gorgeous names x
We've been spending lots of time playing in the garden in this lovely weather. Yesterday though, Holly was coming out of our back door, which has quite a high step, but she's usually quite capable of climbing down and she fell right onto her head

Felt like the worst mother ever! Came up in a big purple egg straight away and she was fine after 15 mins of crying and cuddles. I kept cursing myself for not helping her down! Then her friend came over to play and fell and scraped her knee. Then she fell off she steps on the slide! It was toddler injuries r us! Think today we will do some finger painting outside, less chance of accidents lol