September Stars

Blondie I used to use aqueous cream when I was little. Both my mum and I have a skin condition called ichthyosis and it's the only thing I could tolerate on my skin when I was young. Since I've got older I've found I can also use Nivea so I tend to use that but when my skin gets really bad I still use aqueous cream. And you're right, it is cheap and an excellent moisturiser! The only thing is, it is quite thick and gloopy so I find I can only really use it at night so I don't have to get dressed right away!

Morning all. Having a very lazy day today as there's no rush to be at school early! The heating is on, and the kids have only just got dressed, and are only in joggers and t-shirts today. Even Sam! Am going to try and plod and do a bit of cleaning if I get chance but not stress if it doesn't get done.

I did a naughty thing this morning and spent a load of money on a changing bag. Ooooops. I have done my research and knew what I wanted, so I ordered it!! Gorgeous!!

I feel bad but good! I hate spending excessive money, but wanted something really functional, and I've got a friend with one of these who finds it really organises her! And it will last! Eeeeek!
Asher I think that is the main thing, breaking the feed to sleep association. She always used to fall asleep on a bottle but now she doesn't and she doesn't need one to go back to sleep. She does however need to be cuddled to sleep still, but we'll deal with one thing at a time LOL x

I hadn't even thought about that, I was only thinking yesterday that I wished JJ would sleep stright away after a bottle ........ I take that back now, i'm going to do some activity with him each feed now :thumbup:

I think you tend to know when they are hungry or tired, they have different cries and whinges!! I ts lovely now Hope is so much more awake in the day, its brilliant chatting away to her and playing with her and hearing her cooing and giggling!!

I agree Becs I love JJ when he starts interacting in the day, started using his activity mat this week he loves it xx

I did a naughty thing this morning and spent a load of money on a changing bag. Ooooops. I have done my research and knew what I wanted, so I ordered it!! Gorgeous!!

I feel bad but good! I hate spending excessive money, but wanted something really functional, and I've got a friend with one of these who finds it really organises her! And it will last! Eeeeek!

Asher I looooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeee it .... Just wish I'd seen it when I was pregnant. I love the idea of the seperate pods as when I go out briefly and know JJ wont need a feed I still carry all his equipment as I dont want to keep taking items in and out incase I forget at a time when I will need to feed him. The look of the bag is nice too. :thumbup::thumbup:
Heya everyone – hope your all good

Asher – awww I know what you mean about being sentimental with things – I have little boxes called ‘memory boxes’ with random bits and bobs i just cant throw lol I think ill do the same with all Roxy’s stuff – wont want to throw any of it away lol!

Louise – glad to hear DH isn’t going to be deployed! Yay!! Wow Lilia is getting lots of sleep then! Bless her! I bet your knackered throughout the day though!

Sarahkka – awesome weight gain!

Becs – glad your feeling better about the birth now! Thats so nice about your family – bless them! Bloody tumble dryer’s! Pain in the bum – so bloody expensive aswell!

Emzy – thats sleeping routine sounds awesome! You lucky thing! We have been following the EASY routine aswell – think its rather good! We let her eat when she wants though and do the playtime thing then sleep – works every time – she gets fed, has fun and has sleep so its a winner!

I find alot of the baby products are a bit harsh – especially pampers wipes!! OMG they have ripped layers of my skin off from under my eyes – makes them go bright red for about a week, then it scabs and everything – not good lol so I wont be using them on myself let alone Roxy! She seems ok with the johnsons stuff atm – she just seems to get reactions to peoples perfumes and heat though – she always seems to have a heat rash on the side of her head where shes been lying! It fades though, so I know its not an illness rash type of thing.

Well Roxy was constipated yesterday :O she didn’t go to toilet all day – she only goes once a day anyway, but she hadn’t gone, and started getting really irritable, and crying ALL evening – tut I was at my wits end lol i ended up doing her legs in a bicycle motion for 2, yes 2 hours, singing “bicycle bicycle bicycle, bicycle bicycle bicycle , let Roxy have a pooooo, let Roxy have a pooooo” well it seemed to keep her amused anyway lol but its very hard to say bicycle consecutively over an dover again for 2 hours, I ended up laughing at myself – but woooo hooo she had a pooooooooo! Finally lol
She’s now playing on her mat, laughing at her minnie mouse, so I will try to watch Natalie Cassidy – becoming mum thing on 4OD.

Oooo p.s – has anyone else noticed that the pampers nappies have a smell to them? Or is it just me? It seems Roxy constantly smells like wee, even after having a bath and fresh nappy! Its the baby dry ones? I tried her reusable ones, and just dont trust they aren’t going to leak, so have decided to stick with disposables! xxxxxxxxxxx
Yes i notice nappies smell, we are getting on fine with huggies, but i remember at certain times the nappies smell horrible and changed brand.

As for skin, i must admit because Rosie was so dry i hardly bath her, if i do she has top to tail wash, but only do it once a week! The rest of the time i just damp sponge her over or just wash her hair, her skin is lovely now xx:hugs:
How on earth do you break the feed sleep thing :dohh: Its killing me :haha: I did this with Tab too :nope:
Pampers defiantly smell, very chemically. I agree huggies don't smell but unfortunately they leaked so changed brand..... Maybe I'll give a different type a go

Blob I can imagine the feed sleep thing harder if breast feeding because IRS slot mire comfortable and snug for them when being fed. Sorry can't help xx
If i use any sposies I use huggies :lol:

Yea she always falls asleep :dohh:
Pampers do have a funny smell but they are the best ones we have tried, altho I bought some Boots own make the other day so going to give them a whirl!! The best wipes we have tried have been boots own ones, the unscented ones. They are lovely, come out of the packet well and nice and thick!! OMG just realised how sad that sounds!!!

We do the EASY routine as much as possible, sometimes she just falls asleep on the bottle but most of the time she is awake now, she tends to cap nap alot more now but is contented just sitting in her chair or under her gym!!
I have not tried boots wipes, i find huggies pure and natural care impossible to get out the packet! Johnsons babycare wipes seem to come out one after the other fine but i have not tried them on Rosie's skin yet.
I love the smell of the huggies natural care.
I found boots nappies leaked really badly, but that was with an older baby, i never used them since, they were the worst i had ever used! Tesco own brand are quite good, and sainsburys do a natural range that biodegrade much quicker than standard nappies and my friend tells me they are good too.

As for night feeds, i don't know really, it is hit and miss, i have had babies that slept through from birth to ones that have not been through til 15 months and are still difficult at night at nearly 3yrs!
I think all i can recommend is a good routine, even simple things to repeat only at night like using a certain blanket only at night.
Atm i feed Rosie til she doesn't want any more then she has a sleep sack and a blanket, our room is dark and quiet with a night light, she seems to know if i creep out of the room! So i stay and go to bed myself! (from about 10pm)She sleeps til usually about 4 but she has slept til 5'45 and i am hoping she gradually manages to go later and wake b4 the alarm so i can do a morning feed b4 i get up!
Her one feed she has a boob and by the time its empty she is asleep again.
It really is just how your baby is, like i say some will respond to things some wont, if you know baby is not hungry, thirsty, needs a change, cold, hot or anything else that causes them being unsettled then if you don't mind a scream then try just not getting them us as soon as they start crying, it may just be a disturbed sleep, and they settle again.

Time to go, Sat night tv, facebook to check, and i have the munchies, i just feel greedy not hungry, not good! :shrug:

Back soon, sorry not to catch up too well, its been quite busy on here and i forget unless i quote, then it gets a bit long! xxxxx:hugs:
i think huggies wipes r terrible to get out of the packet, i use morrisons nappies now because i found huggies a bit gapey so leaked and i dont like how pampers stick to their little bottom...they make James sore!

I love that bag Asher but i think it so organised i wouldnt be able find anything hahaha! x
Thosed huggies wipes are naff!!! They fall apart if you ever manage to get them out of the packet!!!

My little munchkin is fast asleep in her cot, just had some ice cream with a bit of sticky toffee pud!! It was very yummy!!!!
grrr I wrote a long message before on my phone and it didn't post! How annoying. Anyway, yes I noticed pampers smell and for the price they are crap! I found Huggies leaked as well so I now use boots own and I think they are fab. I've not had one leak so far, even at night and they contain the poo explosions too! I use the comfort dry ones and get them on 3 for £10 so good value too. I also use the boots wipes and get them on 3 for £2.50! Also if you're in the parenting club you get 10 advantage points per £1 rather than the usual 4, so I'm racking up the points for a Christmas pressie! I also quite like Asda nappies but Sainsbury's are crap. Not tried Morrison's or Tesco's yet!

Can't remember everything else I wrote... grrr! Holly's asleep in her carrycot in the living room and we're watching xfactor! Hope you're all having lovely Saturday nights!

Evening ladies!

Well, I have a very poorly big girl tonight (my 5 y/o). She has a temp, and hasn't eaten any tea... calpol doesn't even seem to be bringing it down. She's in bed now asleep, but I'm checking her every half hour and have put the baby monitor in her room incase she's sick. Izzy's got a bit of a temp too, but she keeps chewing her hands/sucking her dummy furiously so I think she might be starting to get her teeth through.

As for wipes, I use washable ones. They're just like mini flannels, they're by junior joy and if you're using cloth nappies then they just go in the wash with them. 2 are more than enough to deal with poop too. And because you just use water with them (in my top and tail bowl) then I know there's nothing funny going on her bum. Ok so they're a bit more fiddly when you're out and about, but nearly every baby changing room i've ever been in has a sink to dampen them, and then they just go in the wet bag with my nappy. Simples :winkwink:

Louise, great news about your hubby... I was worried about him going for you because I'd hate for my OH to have to leave. I really admire any women whose OH's are in the forces, it must be so hard.

Well, i've just managed to get out of applying for a job :winkwink:

Oh cut it out of the paper for me, and tbh, it is pretty perfect. But, I don't wanna go back to work just yet. Ok, so we're a bit skint, but I wanna stay off with Izzy for a couple more months. Thankfully when i've got the job details, it is an 8am start about an hour's drive away. Great stuff... no way i'd make it on time. :thumbup:
Evening ladies!

Aw Optical, I hope your little girl is okay. It's awful when they're poorly, and it doesn't get any easier just cos they're older. Big :hugs:, hope Izzy is okay too.
I love the idea of your washable wipes too. It's not something I've ever used, but I like the idea. I'm starting to get back into the real nappies now, a couple of Sam's new covers arrived today, and he looks super cute in them. First lot of nappies is in the washer now on a start delay so they'll be ready for drying in the morning. Gotta love the fluffy bum!

I am so excited about ordering the Pacapod! I keep forgetting and then remembering and getting all giddy!!

The EASY routine is pretty good. Blob, the basic idea is about breaking the association between needing to feed to go to sleep. OMG I did it with Jack as it was the only way to get any peace or any sleep. I am trying so hard not to do it so much with Sam, but it doesn't always work! It's basically about turning the usual on it's head, and making a feed make the little one happy and ready to play. Then you pick up on their cues for being tired and help them to go to sleep by whatever they need, but trying to make them "independent" by keeping the help to a minimum (I am crap at this, I will try the dummy, rocking, the whole lot!). Then the little one should sleep and then wake ready for a good feed. In principle it's fab! We have good days and bad days with it.

I am watching the Take That documentary, as a die hard fan... it's winding me up. I was never a Robbie fan and I wish he'd kept his distance and left them alone with their success. I was also a big Gary fan, but I am liking him less watching this documentary!! Argh!!!!!
Reuben has bad, red dry skin too, it is round his eyes, face, neck, ears and under his ears. Don't really know what to do about it, I was using e45 junior but it just got worse and worse so stopped and now I wipe his face with cotton wool dipped in warm water mixed with baby oil. Don't know if I should carry on, change to something else or just leave him be? It could be eczema but it is only on his head no where else and I don't think it's an allergic reaction because before I only wiped his face with cotton wool and plain water before dipping his body in the bath. Any advice greatly appreciated and needed.
Cafferine it might be worth just calling your HV or your GP this week to see if they can give him anything better. When Jack had it bad as a baby, they prescribed him some cream. I have found that olive oil works quite well on Sam's, but he's more dry than anything, not red. Jack's was red, scaly and angry looking, and stayed that way for a good while.
:hugs: Optical have you tried calprofen and calpol together? That tends to be what i use on Tab :flower:

Cafferine, Tab was really dry skinned and she got given stuff for the bath? Also have you tried the E45 bath oil its amazing stuff :thumbup:

Rosalie is a great baby really i mean at night she sleeps pretty much through (unless she's ill) then she sleeps in the car, pram and carrier but i'm really worried about her just needing to feed to sleep. I let Tab do it and then i couldnt get her to sleep without being fed :dohh: At the moment i'm battling letting me put her down to sleep in the day :lol: but going to keep going. No way she'll stay awake when she's been fed though she closes her eyes pretty much as soon as she starts :haha:

My favourite wipes are the Jackson Reece ones Mmmm smell SOOO good!! But i also use washable ones and Johnsons sensitive :)
heya everyone - I did write a whole long message - I do it on word and then copy and paste, but as I got distracted, I thought I posted but hadnt and got rid of it :( ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I cant remember anything apart from reusable wipes - ive been using the brand 'cheeky wipes' as well as johnsons and asdas little angels,

tut - thats all i can remember :( sorry girls - will be back on with personals later

ive been really busy and havent managed to post, ive been reading at night though on the ipod i dont like huggies wipes they drive me mad when you cant get them out the packet!

The girls are doing fine , Amelia today has what looks like conjunctivitus and her poor eye keeps getting stuck shut, ive been bathing it with cotton wool and water .

We went out to a party last night it was 80s fancy dress it was so much fun my facebook will be full of photos :)

The morrck baby hoodies wraps for the buggy arrived , id ordered them at the baby show i just love them made my life easier not having to fuss with putting on two lots of coats, ive got a code for free postage if anyone was ever thinking of buying one.

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