Hope you sleep better tonight Jelly, and that JJ is better quickly, poor lad!
We had another lunch trauma with Sam. I tried him with a proper lunch, lovely stew, which he wouldn't touch, just dribbled it down his chin. So I gave him a dairylea sandwich with a few organix cheese puffs. He ate the cheese puffs and two fingers of sandwich, then threw a screaming wobbler. I put him in the pram, said night night and he slept for an hour. We went for our swim, then we were going to our friends to see her girls, taking a happy meal each, and he ate 3 horrible clown nuggets and some chips without a peep. Hello terrible twos. We're making homemade quiche tonight, DH and I, so I am hoping to get a slice of that down him tomorrow with some potato wedges. What an awful age in some ways!! Archie at this age would only eat fishfingers and/or beans. Joyful!!!!!!!!!
Hope we are all well tonight. xx