September Stars

I would probably suggest meeting close to wherever blob is going to be, purely as she'll already have driven hours and hours to get to there and I'd feel awful making her drive even further!!

Wayne's in a better mood today, I sometimes wonder if he reads this as it always seems to improve a bit straight after I have a rant!!
Jelly - We dont know.... she may never have bowel control and its more than likely that everytime she wee's, she'll do a poo! She'll be toilet trained later and will have accidents more frequently! The thing with this horrid disease is that it affects everybody differently!

They was so optimistic about Pippa as she had passed some meconium and done a small 'poo' at a week old so they thought it wouldnt be as severe, but it was!

It's all a massive waiting game and to take each day as it comes!

Quick question regarding Pippa -

When she does come home, she needs to stay as sterile as possible due to her hickman line! Now, I know ALOT of people are going to want cuddles and things when she comes home...but I dont want to sound mean and tell them no so how can I put it to them that they need to wash and sterilize their hands before they do cuddle her?? I dont want to be rude and be like WASH YOUR HANDS!

Kimi is loving her holiday and has been chasing around ducks trying to catch them and stroke them apparently!!!

She can now say... yes, no, coat, cat, dog, hi, bye, night-night, mum, dad, grandad, nanny, narna (alanna), juice, bubba, Pippa, up, bed, whats that and a few others!

She also does the actions to row your boat, twinkle twinkle, wind the bobbin up and a song my sister taught her!!!

Anyways, I've rambled on!!!

Catch ya all soon

Oh ym, poor baby, you've both had so much to deal with over the past 6 months :( will her problems ease when they close it up after she's 2 or will she always have difficulties?
Poor pippa she has been though so much! In sure people will understand the need for hygiene around her ! Ym I think your brilliant ! X

Louise hope things with Wayne stay good x

Emzy how was holly in her bed she sounds just like Layla ? X

We are off on holiday to Dorset tomorrow so may not get on much x
Evening girls

Laura- just caught up with what happend, I am so sorry : ( looks like he is doing well, hope he can be home with you soon x

I'm so sorry for the lack of posts, I promise I will make more effort. Will try and catch up with all the missed posts and report back ; ) xxxx
Fishy / Louise - at the moment I'm only confident on the motorway for short distances ( 10-15 minutes) and only driven with JJ once since the accident. I'd like to think I'd be more at ease in couple of months but can't say for sure. At the moment I think I would have to be counted out as the thought of even being a passenger for that long would be too stressful, sorry.

GG - have a great holiday hope the weather holds out for you

Emzy - how has tonight gone with Holly and the bed?

JJ is finally starting to improve and has even had a normal temprature a couple of times today. Fingers crossed he'll be back to normal tomorrow as he's been very very very clingy the past few days wanting constant cuddles etc.
Hello lovelies!
Just spent three full days hosting our penguin exhibit and feel like I could do this all summer without getting tired of it! Those birds are really incredible! LOVE them!
Here is my suggestion for a meet-up: someone wins the lottery and flies everyone out to Calgary on a charter luxury jet complete with toddler cargo service (that's right - toddlers travel in the baggage compartment and parents are served wine and nibblies for the duration). Once here, I will host tours to the Rocky Mountain National Parks, the dinosaur provincial parks and museum, and our fabulous Zoo!
So come on! Who's in? Who's going to win that Golden Ticket? !!! :)
Honestly? I'm still grumpy that I'm off the Africa trip and don't get that chance to meet you guys. I also refer to you as my friends all the time in conversation. :hugs:

Tobe update: still only semi-words. I'm not going to be worried until he hits two years. Asher - it is really good to hear how your second and third kidlets were a bit later with speech. Tobe is very much the same - excellent comprehension, but not expressing himself with words the way Simon did. He is very expressive with faces and gestures, though. With both parents dabbling in theatre, I would not be surprised if this little boy has a certain genetic predisposition for ... scenes? :haha: Even his tantrums have a certain impressive dramatic flair! :)
Anyway, must go attend Simon! :kiss: to all!
Sarah that sounds like the meet of a lifetime!! I'm in! Just need someone to win that ticket!!

Lilias speech is good I think, she has always been very vocal but she has very good understanding, she has so many words. She does lots of babble sentences which are likely to be gobledegook however I'm now noticing that there are some words dropped in there so think she's picking up on the sentences idea! Something like: 'mummy,' (pause for you to acknowledge her) then 'dagaba doodle daddy doodle shoes thank you?' ( oh yes, it always sounds like a question with Lilia! She says please now (peeese) so if she's about to scream because she wants something I'm able (at the moment at least) to calm it by saying 'say please' and she does. She was quite late with her walking I think so she must just be a vocal baby! She's only in the last few weeks started running!

Oh, does anyone else's LO try to stand on tiptoes a lot?? Her dancing is now standing still and going up onto tiptoes and back down over and over! Weird!!
I think Lillia has always been ahead of JJ with the walking and speech. I know she's a month older but even so she started younger. JJ has quite a few words now and he's definitely making more sense but doesn't try and make sentences yet. He has started at dancing at everything musical that plays which is very cute.

Sarahkka - I love the idea may we should all start a syndicate to have more chances if going over lol!

We got a gorgeous lay in this morning until almost 10 o'clock and JJ is asleep again now. I thought as he's feeling better he would have been sleeping less ? His temp is pretty much back to normal now but his appetite still hadn't totally returned. He's refusing food which he's never done before.

I should be doing office work but still feel ill and sore ears myself so have decided I'm not bothered! JJ was meant to be going to a birthday party today (so I thought) until last night realised I'd got the wrong month it's in may! God lucky I text my friend.
Hi ladies, am going to make it quick as on the iPad.
I may be up for a meet up, depending on when and where. The midlands would be okay for me probably. I may do a train as I'm not a motorway girl. Mrs Anxiety!!

Ym, glad to hear Pippa is improving. Re the sterile thing, I say go for it! There's nothing wrong with asking people to wash their hands before cuddling. If they were visiting her in hospital, they wouldn't take offence to washing their hands, so why should that be any different in your own home? Especially given all the complications she's had. Good luck! X

Jelly, hope JJ is better! Poor lad!

We've had a nice Easter. The boys were mainly given money from family, so we had a little trip to toys r us this morning. Archie got the usual Lego, he knew what he wanted before he went in. Jack got the octonauts octopod, and Sam got some vtech thing or other. They are happy, so that's all that matters, given the awful weather!!
The stupid ignorant bil and sil sent 3 Easter eggs via mil on Saturday. We both decided enough was enough, so dh got in his van and took them back, they weren't in so he left them on the doorstep. Nobody has contacted us, dh rang mil this morning, and she didn't mention it but was "frosty"... Dh says he doesn't care and is sick of being the monkey! So we'll see what happens.....

Sam has been asleep for 2 hours. We were out at some friends until late last night, and he's teething and tired, so I am just leaving him to it. I hope he perks up, as I am away at a conference weds-fri this week! All on my own! In a bed where I won't be woken up by kids!!

Hope everyone is having a nice easter Monday, catch you later. Xx
Hi, Sorry I am rubbish, this laptop is rubbish, plus our internet wont always connect on it. My phone i can read, just, but multi quotes are out of the question lol :haha:

Midlands is 3 hour drive from here to I assume the closest part to here, Its doable and i just hope Rosie sleeps as she is such a bad traveler 20 mins is her throwing up by limit :sick:
It would be great to make one meet up, it was great to see ladyk, but that seemed so long ago now, Ladyk, if your about again this year let me know!!:hugs:

Genies, I have a stomach problem, i was born with a weak stomach valve and hiatus hernia, the weal valve lets food that should be digesting from the stomach back up the tubes and out, so too much food in the stomach and the lot comes back, or just the wrong thing and it all comes back, the hernia traps acid in a little pocket, and is worse with certain foods, it can cause pain, indigestion, acid, that sort of thing, I was diagnosed when my mum didnt believe i couldn't eat certain things, but the nhs was a bad experience, at 11 a pretty dodgy age to be poking about, i was upset by the whole thing, the next stage was camera down the throat and I still refuse to go through that!
Anyway i don't want the children poked about when if they have my problems, which Rosie it would appear has, the treatment is little meals often, and avoid foods that trigger foods, which with me was fatty foods. The operation at the time was pretty severe and not a chance I would put her through that when she can learn to live with it.
I have always watched them for symptoms, but Rosie is the only one its fairly clear there is 'something' wrong, but she is growing, I was teeny from birth and carried on that small curve like Rosie, my mum always called me the little dolly, and so many people say to Rosie 'Isn't she a little doll'
Her trousers that fit perfectly atm I looked at the labels in her clothes, she is in 6-9months jeans and leggings, tops about 9-12 months.:kiss::hugs:

Louise, I am with you totally with dh's, I think its such a combination of things, and all made harder with you being pregnant, I have had to make some allowances, like my dh being like another child most of the time, but if i accept certain things wont ever change I can cope!
I have had to get to like him again, as at one point i didn't even like him, and had be been a boyfriend not a husband he would be long gone, only so much crap you will deal with from someone your not married to!
All I can say is be patient, do tell him where you can that he is being changable, and everyone needs consistancy.
Dh is up on the x box most of the time, until i drag him out to do something, but i am not pressured to do anything, and if i kick him up the bum he will do small things, and he has his good points which i have had to find again, and there are many 'ands' but we have found our way back to a parellel to where we were before things kicked off...that has taken nearly 2 years, as I was 5 months pregnant with Rosie when things all kicked off. :kiss:

Ym, I would certainly ask everyone to wash hands and I would also have a gel hand swab stuff also kept with her before anyone touches her, and no there is nothing at all wrong with that. I made everyone wash their hands before they held any baby of mine and i never thought twice lol.
I was dealing with the girls the other day and mil went on into some public toilets, so i went in after her and as i came out she was just before me, not realising i was in there she came out the cubicle and straight out the toilet without washing her hands, dh is SOOOOO fussy about hand washing, i didn't have the heart to tell him as she shared her crisps with him after, and she ate them with her dirty hands, as I declined the offer to one of her crisps lol :haha::hugs:

OMG, It makes me realise how fussy I was around the children, I think I am a bit ocd with washing hands, mine get really dry as i wash them all the time and hand wash seems to be a bit harsh, the anti bac one I use the aloe one, its lovely :hugs:

Lol, Rosie does the babbling thing too, and pweese.

Asher, good on you sending Eggs back, It says something more than word do!:hugs:

Well sorry my catch ups are so poor, I do post my individual comments on facebook where I cant here!

Yes your all my 'friends' although its odd most of us have never met lol, it feels odd because you would have expected to meet peoplewho know so much about me! lol :hugs::kiss:
Hello girls!

Sorry I've been a bit crap keeping up this last few days! Back from my Mum's now. Had a lovely baby shower and got some gorgeous gifts :) Glad to be home though lol

A meet sounds fab! It would depend on how confident I feel travelling on public transport with Holly and Evie... might have to drag Matt along with me to help me if that would be ok? If I can get there by train, then I will do my best to get wherever :)

YM poor Pip :( I would just tell people it's really important to wash hands every time they handle her, people will understand.

The Holly bed attempt didn't go well... she was hysterical!! I really didn't think she'd be afraid of it, but she was. I tried again last night but she was absolutely hysterical. Tried putting her back several times, sitting on the floor next to her, rocking her to sleep but she woke up as soon as I put her in! Eventually she got so worked up that we put the cot back in her room. The bed is still in there too, so she can get used to it and play on it, etc. We will try again in a few weeks, she's just not ready I guess. We won't need the cot for a good few months anyway as we have the crib and the moses basket for Evie before she moves in her own room.

Sarah, I am sooo up for your idea of a meet... now who's winning the lottery??

I always refer to you guys as friends in conversations too! Some of us have been talking for 2+ years, so I feel like I know you so well! I have been fortunate enough to meet a few of you as well and it's funny, as everyone is exactly how you imagine they are!

Holly's speech is really coming on leaps and bounds now. We worked out that she can say around 40 words now, but she didn't start saying much until 18 months. She now regularly says things like Hiya, Bye Bye, bee (please), ball, bubble, wower (shower), balloon, Mummy, Daddy, Holly, Nana, Yes, No, The bin (lol), bus, car, Ouch, Uh oh, Oh wow and she can now talk in a few sentences such as "where we going?", "going out", "what's that?", "Me do it", "don't know" (accompanied by throwing her hands in the air!), "where is it?" and "get down". I'm so surprised at how quickly her speech is coming on now, after being a bit worried that she only knew around 5/6 words at 17 months. She's a little parrot now and copies what we say! She seems to learn a new word or 2 every day! She also babbles along in her own language all the time lol

Jelly glad JJ is feeling better x

Hey lovely ladies xxxx

YM thats fab news about Pippa xxx

Louise, men just dont have a flippin clue xxx

Emma, glad you had a lovely shower xx

Hope is too at the eat what SHE wants not what I want her too lol!!! I just think if she was hungry she would eat it, its a phase and I know she will get over it!! I think the more you get worked up the more they are stuborn!!
Had a lovely Easter at home and hated coming back to my empty house, I hate coming home when Ian is away!
Hope has been up to bed and is yet again back down, she is a little Madam and so bloody independant, she has changed so much since Ian went, she says loads of words and we actually have a conversation, its lovely!!
Were home - finally as a family of four !!! Can't wait for the sleepless nights and midnight feeds again. I'm feeling on top of the world at this moment.

Olivia has been so good - she keeps stroking his head so long may it continue !!

Will catch up as soon as I can. Love to everyone. Xxxxx
Laura that is such great news. Hope you have a great first night all together. How are you recovering after the birth ok?

Emzy Im sure one day Holly will just switch to the bed without even realising its good you are able to have both in the room. Loved the new crib picture

BTP - Rosie really does sound tiny bless her. DH amd I were looking at films of JJ last year around that size and we were thinking how diddy he was then . Its so quick to forget.

Fishy sent email to generic email address for my order however title says two pieces but should actually be 3 pieces, 2 pandora charms and 1 necklace - hope it makes sense.

Cant believe Easter is over already I feel like I need another 4 days off to recover after being up all hours of the night. The dreaded diet starts again tomorrow. bleugh
Jelly, my diet starts again tomorrow, I have just over 5 weeks to lose half a stone!! Davina is ready to go, I have made myself so ill with chocolate, so I am now not wanyting any!!! I am back to healthy eating and exercising, sick of slimming world and not getting anywhere!!
Becs Im going back on slimming world lol its the one diet I have most results from. Weightwatchers was rubbish but cant need some guidelines . Good luck Im hoping to lose about 10lbs in the next 5 weeks. You can do it !
Aw Laura that is FAB!!!! :hugs: so happy for you!!

YM I wouldn't even think twice, I would make everyone wash their hands as soon as they came in the house and anyone wanting to touch her has to have some anti bad. Now I have to add Im the least fussy about muck (I live on a farm it's part of it). But if my baby was ill I wouldn't even think twice! Your poor baby :flower:

Sarah, that sounds AMAZING!!

I'll be between Lincoln, Nottingham and possibly Chester... Then possibly will visit my other relatives in the north. So I'm driving all over... If it could be not more than a few hours (as I'll have driven 7hrs down and on my own and I can't catch up on sleep). Like within 3 hours maybe ha ha that would be fab. Might see if I would have enough money if I could stay the night somewhere if it's really far away.

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