Hi, Sorry I am rubbish, this laptop is rubbish, plus our internet wont always connect on it. My phone i can read, just, but multi quotes are out of the question lol
Midlands is 3 hour drive from here to I assume the closest part to here, Its doable and i just hope Rosie sleeps as she is such a bad traveler 20 mins is her throwing up by limit

It would be great to make one meet up, it was great to see ladyk, but that seemed so long ago now, Ladyk, if your about again this year let me know!!
Genies, I have a stomach problem, i was born with a weak stomach valve and hiatus hernia, the weal valve lets food that should be digesting from the stomach back up the tubes and out, so too much food in the stomach and the lot comes back, or just the wrong thing and it all comes back, the hernia traps acid in a little pocket, and is worse with certain foods, it can cause pain, indigestion, acid, that sort of thing, I was diagnosed when my mum didnt believe i couldn't eat certain things, but the nhs was a bad experience, at 11 a pretty dodgy age to be poking about, i was upset by the whole thing, the next stage was camera down the throat and I still refuse to go through that!
Anyway i don't want the children poked about when if they have my problems, which Rosie it would appear has, the treatment is little meals often, and avoid foods that trigger foods, which with me was fatty foods. The operation at the time was pretty severe and not a chance I would put her through that when she can learn to live with it.
I have always watched them for symptoms, but Rosie is the only one its fairly clear there is 'something' wrong, but she is growing, I was teeny from birth and carried on that small curve like Rosie, my mum always called me the little dolly, and so many people say to Rosie 'Isn't she a little doll'
Her trousers that fit perfectly atm I looked at the labels in her clothes, she is in 6-9months jeans and leggings, tops about 9-12 months.

Louise, I am with you totally with dh's, I think its such a combination of things, and all made harder with you being pregnant, I have had to make some allowances, like my dh being like another child most of the time, but if i accept certain things wont ever change I can cope!
I have had to get to like him again, as at one point i didn't even like him, and had be been a boyfriend not a husband he would be long gone, only so much crap you will deal with from someone your not married to!
All I can say is be patient, do tell him where you can that he is being changable, and everyone needs consistancy.
Dh is up on the x box most of the time, until i drag him out to do something, but i am not pressured to do anything, and if i kick him up the bum he will do small things, and he has his good points which i have had to find again, and there are many 'ands' but we have found our way back to a parellel to where we were before things kicked off...that has taken nearly 2 years, as I was 5 months pregnant with Rosie when things all kicked off.
Ym, I would certainly ask everyone to wash hands and I would also have a gel hand swab stuff also kept with her before anyone touches her, and no there is nothing at all wrong with that. I made everyone wash their hands before they held any baby of mine and i never thought twice lol.
I was dealing with the girls the other day and mil went on into some public toilets, so i went in after her and as i came out she was just before me, not realising i was in there she came out the cubicle and straight out the toilet without washing her hands, dh is SOOOOO fussy about hand washing, i didn't have the heart to tell him as she shared her crisps with him after, and she ate them with her dirty hands, as I declined the offer to one of her crisps lol

OMG, It makes me realise how fussy I was around the children, I think I am a bit ocd with washing hands, mine get really dry as i wash them all the time and hand wash seems to be a bit harsh, the anti bac one I use the aloe one, its lovely
Lol, Rosie does the babbling thing too, and pweese.
Asher, good on you sending Eggs back, It says something more than word do!
Well sorry my catch ups are so poor, I do post my individual comments on facebook where I cant here!
Yes your all my 'friends' although its odd most of us have never met lol, it feels odd because you would have expected to meet peoplewho know so much about me! lol