Fishy I feel your pain hun, my body just doesn't do pregnancy very well! I have shed a fair few years over the past couple of months feeling so poorly and useless! I'll pm you my number and if you want anyone to rant to/with or a moan at someone other than your oh you can moan at me! X
Becs bless you I've been there and know how horrid it is, especially when your family are far away! My mum spent a lot of time down visiting me when Wayne was away x
Laura do happy Noah is home, when do we get to see a photo of your handsome littl man
I can't remember anything else sorry.. I was really hopeful I'd get a bump earlier on in this pregnancy but it seems it's not to be.. Again! I didn't have a proper bump till about 36 weeks with Lilia and I wanted a nice obvious bump this time but nothing really yet, I did notice a bit more rounding today bit morning anyone would notice! I know it's still early yet but come on!! Not fair having bad sickness but nothing to show for it!