hello all,
Sorry not been here, our laptop is a nightmare and wont log online for days, then you switch it on and it connects straight away

Louise, glad your bleed was nothing to worry about, after 12 weeks they should have scanned? As you heard the hb a bleed so soon after that would suggest it wasn't coming from baby as it would be quick, placenta will possibly do it a few times so try not to panic, naughty baby hiding from doppler!
Becs sorry to hear you are so isolated, and poor Hope and you are poorly,

feel better soon x x
Thanks genies, i am ok, just busy, and too fiddly to post from my phone, which i hate so much! I really worry how i would use it in an emergency because i cant navigate it in a hurry!

Fishy, i am sorry the sickness is so bad, I can totally sympathise with you, i was sick with the first, bad but managable with 2 and 3, although closely avoided hospital, then 4 was a nightmare, sickness, and horrible taste, i had to spit constantly!
Right sorry i have to go, internet going on and off and i dont want to loose what i have done!
Hugs to all, not long for those next babies to be born now teeny and emzy
Glad baby Noah is home xx