Just popping in to say hi, my account had been signed out which is weird, I always leave it signed in as its only me and dh use it...hmmmmm?!
Emzy and Teeny hope your little pink bundles put in an apperance soon!
Sorry not catching up too well!
Mmm, Blob, Know where your coming from but I am no good advising, I said no babies, then said just the one, then said no more after 3 babies, then I said no more after age 35,and still had another 2, so I have found life has kind of a way of choosing for me, I keep moving the goal posts around it!

Hi Asher xx
Emzy, bump changing all the time! Still growing, still looking good!
Puppy this week, kids go away friday so we are having pup for a quiet weekend to settle her in, dh is so going to spoil her! I have bought her a pink food mat and matching bowls, a rattly toy and a squeaky toy and one of those cones you put treats in, I want to give her plenty of cuddlies to snuggle up with in her beds, she is so teeny, she has already bonded with dh, we have been to see her since 2 days old, and she knows him now, she is not bothered by me, but thats good because I wont have the time for her like dh does! Getting exited now!
Right off i go for now, hope everyone ok, back soon xx