I'm slightly jealous of you girls expecting your pink bundles !! I feel so sad knowing that I definately won't be doing it again. I always wanted 2 girls as hoped that Olivia would get to have a close sisterly relationship like me and my sister.
FB : Hope baby girl stays put and fingers crossed for thursday. xx
Emzy : You have my number hun. Feel free to text me anytime as you happily did it for me. Hope your not waiting too much longer until you get your newborn snuggles fix. xx
Teeny :

for you. If only wishing them here was enough. The end is in sight though for you and you'll finally have your pink one !! xx
GG : Sorry the girls are poorly. xx
Jelly : And poor JJ too. He really doesn't have the best of luck does he. My youngest niece seems to be constantly unwell and my sis is finding it really hard. Hope he's improved over the weekend. xx
SR :

for OH coming round to the idea. xx
Becs :

so happy you have your Ian home. Time for you to relax my lovely. xx
F&C : So sorry for the rubbish scan. It really does put a dampner on what is supposed to be a wonderful experience. I hope the next one is better and you both get to be there with a nice sonographer. Are you finding out the sex at your 20wk scan ? xx
Asher/Kara/Optical : Hope your all well, you have all been quiet lately. xx
Louise : I loved your being called "mum" status on FB. Are you finding out at your 20wk scan also ?? xx
BTP : Hows the pup settling in ?? xx
I hope I haven't missed anything/anyone. My brain is seriously frazzled at the moment. Olivia is massively miserable with teething (she has 5 or 6 coming through at the moment) she continues to be amazing with Noah though. She is so protective and gentle with him. Makes my heart melt