Aww, I have only been on time once, my waters broke a day before due date and she arrived a day after due date, I was 3 weeks late, then 1,1,on time and 1, so I have spent 3 years 9 months of my life pregnant and 6 weeks overdue!
I also was expecting to run over each time, but it makes it no less boring, I just wish I was one of those 38 week pregnancy people, but Im not, nor am i pregnant and only put on a few pounds either lol
Teeny, pup seems to have settled right in, last night no crying she slept through, and as that's what he can cope with she is looking good to stay,just dont like her as a weapon, seriously though after he took her out today and had every female that passed us from 19-90 stop and coo over her he would never give back the opportunity of so much attention!
Poor ds, I felt for him today,school have been saying for ages he can play an away game of cricket if he is good, then after a full day at school feeling poorly, including an hour of cricket after school they tell him he cant do the away game tomorrow.. I see why as he can be unpredictable, but why say he may ne able to do it and tell him at the very last he cant.
So not a very pleased mum, plus i spoke 2 weeks ago to the school about anger management and him being able to remove himself from lessons he feels he is not coping in and they have still not got back to me

So i am booked in tomorrow to talk to deputy head again, and i am taking ds with me to explain how this cricket thing has made him feel, i am going to make them listen to him like it or not!
Anyway, enough from me on my broken laptop, guessing all the letters!

To expectant mummies, hope your babies dont keep you waiting much longer!
Waves to all, lovely day today, sunshine at last!