Fishy, ring the MW or antenatal unit. I am sure they will ask you to go in and be checked over. I hope everything is okay though, try not to worry. Xxx
Louise, good to hear you are on the mend. Xx
Genies, I think there is a time when people do have to think about themselves a little more. It is hard, but sometimes it's the only option. Xx
And thank you for asking Genies, I am doing okay surprisingly!! I was so fed up a few days ago and now I am thinking she'll come when she is good and ready!! I am tired and quite uncomfortable but nothing major considering I am carrying a fully grown baby in my belly!! Lol xx
Blob, is Robin coming home this weekend? Xx
BTP, as per your FB status.... Super woman once again!! Xx
Off to shower and pick up the baby monitor we ordered and forgot to pick up yesterday! My DHs BBQ may even be in so I may be able to pick that up too!! I love BBQ food.