We went to a jubilee party on Saturday, Holly had a lovely time playing with these little union jack flags and brought 11 flags home with her lol She keeps holding them all above her head and spinning round going weeeee! lol
She's still a little unsure of Evie, but is pretty good with her in general. She won't give her a kiss or hug her without coaxing but she says "crying!!" whenever she cries and gives her a blanket and tries to give her a dummy lol She also reads her stories and gives her toys, so she's warming to her
The breastfeeding got too demanding, Evie wanted feeding allll the time. For example, we had a photographer come here on Friday to take some photos of the girls. The shoot is up to 4 hours long and Evie fed constantly for 3 hours!! The poor photographer just sat there LOL She never seemed content and I couldn't hold her or anything without her wanting to be on the boob, so I decided to start expressing and see if that helped. So now she's having mostly expressed breast milk and some formula in a bottle and she's much happier and so am I! I know it's normal for a breastfed baby to want to feed a lot, but it was too demanding what with having Holly to give attention to as well. Poor Holly was getting all upset as every time I went to play with her or anything, Evie needed feeding. I'm quite enjoying expressing and have ordered a medela swing electric pump, so that should come at some point this week which will be easier than the manual pumping that I have been doing, as I'm pumping every 3 hours! I'm just glad that I can still give her some breast milk and that I've actually got some this time!!

Evie was weighed yesterday and after her initial loss (she was born 8lb 7oz and wa 7lb 13oz at 5 days), she was back up to 8lb 8oz, so we've been discharged by the midwife now

Can't believe she's 2 weeks old already.