Omg I have had to lock myself in the toilet to write this lol
Fb, hope baby comes soon, I had loads of twinges with Rosie then suddenly it just took off, good luck, hope you have a nice speedy labour in keeping with Emzy and Teeny!
Louise, that is exactly the journey I did to keep Ben in his school, 50 miles a day, and then fuel was cheaper, it was costing £50-£60 a week 2 years ago! And time we had to leave at 8am where now we leave the house at 8.30 ish! I did it for 3 years all through my pregnancy with Sophie which was hell and up to the July before Rosie was born, so babies, toddlers, pregnancies the lot, and I would not wish it on anyone!
Really hoping this whole thing gets sorted for you soon, it must be crippling on you all as a family and as a couple
Sorry I am rubbish in here, struggle with my phone and an ultra clingy Rosie, dh says leave it before we move her til summer hols, which makes more sense but she is so clingy I get no rest from her, unless I lock myself away! Literally in the kitchen she stands in front of me screaming and pushing me away from the kitchen sides, I do all cooking and washing up with her screaming at me! Lol
Time to go, back soon xxx