Fb, glad you are feeling well and Rosie is home. No1 is defnetly the hardest and subsequent babies are much faster to recover from if it's been a 'normal' delivery. Xx
Genies, yes I know I have a snapping point, my ex was an alcoholic and I stuck with him through thick and thin, including court appearance for assaulting me, but one day he said one thing and it was like someone had flicked a switch, the second before he said it I was in it for the long haul then from that second on there was no going back, I found a place, and took me and the kids and never looked back.
It was trivial but tipped me over the edge!
I think I consider he could be worse, abusive, alcoholic or other! He is just a cheeky sod that needs a kick up the arse, but who's to know my breaking point!

Got migraine today, it's just simmering, recon it will be full blown tomorrow, I may stay in bed!

Sorry I have forgotten everything else, fuzzy head atm, back when it's cleared!