September Stars

Aw thats so good teeny! Holly has turned into the devil child lol Actually I'm being a bit unfair there, she's settled down a lot but she has days where I'm sure she is the actual devil. We've been using the naughty step for violence on BTPs recommendation and it works really well, now normally the threat of the step is enough to stop her hitting/kicking. Saturday we had a really bad day. She threw tantrums literally every 10 minutes, we were out in town and she kept throwing herself on the floor so we put her in the pram and she kicked off, broke the raincover, etc. In Asda she was kicking up such a fuss that I said I'd take the girls to the cafe for a drink whilst Matt did the shopping. After that I took them to the baby change to change both nappies and whilst I was changing Holly she just went nuts. She started kicking me and scratching me, digging her nails in and pulling my hair. She literally took chunks of skin out of my arm! I have no idea what was wrong and I just had to wrestle her clothes back on her and put her in the pram. I went back out to find Matt and burst into tears in the middle of the cafe! I just dont understand it, we've never smacked her or anything so I have no idea where she is getting all this from or why she is doing it.
Probably because she is nearly 2!! The terrible twos my love. With my eldest, he was an angel baby... He hit 18 months and was replaced by the devil!! It passed though, but it was tough. Xx
Horrid isn't it. My sweet little girl is no more! Hope she comes back soon! She's actually very nice to Evie, it's me she's horrible to! I'm going to make a little reward chart later on see if that works for her :)
Hey ladies!!!

I will be back for a proper catch up later!!!

Just after some advice, Hope has been a shit to go to bed for the past week or so now, she point blank refuses to go in her cot, we took the sides off and still she refuses! We have left her up there to cry it out and she just gets too upset and takes her hours to calm down! SE will only sleep in our bed! She has never had real issues up til now, she used to go up with her milk and fall asleep and not wake up will 7! It's getting a real battle, she is so stubborn and strong willed!! We have tried moving her across once asleep but she wakes up so we are back to square one!!!
I am at my wits end now, I am so hoping its her going through a phase and just testing the boundaries!! It's like she has been replaced by a devil child!!
Becs Holly went through a phase like that whilst I was pregnant. To be honest, I started off leaving her and checking in on her etc but she would scream for ages, then I got too knackered to argue with her so I just let her do what she wanted and then she stopped! Two nights of letting her come back downstairs and I think the novelty wore off and she went back to sleeping fine after that. I really thought that I'd be making a rod for my own back but it did the opposite. I let her back downstairs, gave her a drink and let her sit with us for 10 mins then I think she realised she was tired and not missing anything fun, as I asked her if she wanted to go back to bed and she said yes lol
See I had this with Lilia a couple of weeks ago but only at nap time! I did the opposite to Emma though and let her cry it out, it was a long 30/40 minutes one day then 15 the second then about 10 seconds the third and never had a problem since! It was after I got home from my weekend away and her dad had been putting her to bed.. I don't know why she did it but I think they will just generally try to push some boundaries!
Tag team hell yes ! I know the feeling !

I am currently trying to get them to go to sleep our various bedtime routines have changed over the months as they have got older but basically we bath and go downstairs after as bath always hypes them up and have books then we take them up and say goodnight and we take turns alternate nights staying up as they both will start coming out of their rooms to try and we simply now put them back into bed over and over until they give in , they would happily stay up until gone 10.30 so I aim for a 9.00 all asleep time , it's currently 9.07 and dare I say I haven't heard little feet for 5 mins ! Layla apeared last dragging her life size tigger with her it did l
Look pretty funny I tried not to laugh at that one !
Dh is downstairs tidying up the toy mountain I can hear the broom under the sofa being used :)

They are very much copying each others bad bahaviour at the moment !
Here's my latest puzzle Amelia constantly takes off her nappy thus evening over and over and just laughs at me , what can I do ? Other than except she loves to be naked :)
GG - It is my dread moving JJ into a bed as I cant see me having the energy at the moment going up and down to put him back to bed. Hes addicted to Balamory at the momet and gets so upset when I stop it for him to go to bed bless him.

GG could you not gaffer tape the nappy on :rofl:
I have to say Harry's really good at going to bed generally. Once he's in bed he will stay there - sometimes he'll cry but he won't get out. It's brilliant! At the moment he doesn't want to leave my side so hates me leaving him which is tricky at bedtime. X
Congratulations Ann :) I actually think its lovely having the same - tabs says she's in team girl :rofl: so you are just going to have a house of team boy ;)

Thanks for the birthday messages ;) robin sent flowers and then the proper shock (not his doing ha ha) he arrived off the rig the night of my birthday because they needed extra beds :rofl: so today we went out for a really nice lunch and ooooh my girls behaved so so well. My best friend surprising me the night before my birthday was AMAZING!! :)

Rosalie is a devil too I cannot wait to get my gorgeous smiling girl back :lol:

GG we actually did duck tape the nappy on to Tabs for quite a long time :rofl: also try pjs that are zipped at the back??
Ahhh sounds like youve had a lovely time Blob, so pleased to know that Robin came home. When is he going back to rig?

Your cakes are looing fab, you really are good at it
Im having confidence issues with the cakes because I think they are shit :( am totally scared.
Oh my Blob, How can you think they are shit? They are truly gorgeous! X
So glad Robin was back for your birthday too. What a lovely surprise. X

Riley is still on his cot as I couldn't trust him not to get out of bed! Is anyone else's toddlers still in a cot? Or am I being slow with the transition? X
GG, perhaps she is ready for potty training?? X
GG - Are your girls still in sleep suits or are they in pyjamas? Jayden used to take his nappy off a lot at night time because he was in pyjamas so we put him back into a sleep suit and then he couldn't take it off. If she's really clever and taking her sleep suit off as well then i would suggest getting some that do up from the back.

Blob - Aww what a lovely surprise for your birthday!
Your cakes are fab i really wouldn't worry! I've got Jaydens cake to make soon and i'm being a little ambitious so it'll probably turn out rubbish i'll post a pic so you can all see. It'll make you feel so much better about your cakes lol.

Tyler was a nightmare at bed time for about the first 6 months after moving him to a bed so i changed his routine and we now take him them all up for baths, bath the boys together then i will go and get Tyler in his pyjamas read him a book and sit with him for a while then when i leave he goes to sleep. Then i go and read to Jayden by the time i've done that Tarron has bathed Alyssa and is giving her her bottle and they all sleep brilliantly now! But they were all a nightmare to start with its just trial and error.
Blob I'm so glad robin got back for your birthday! And you're a wally, your cakes are absolutely gorgeous! I show them to everyone!!

Teeny Lilia is still in her cot and I have no intention of moving her any time soon unless I need to!! I actually struggle to get her in and out some days because of the SPD so will have to see how it goes... When my friend looked after her when we were in court, she out her down for a nap in her little girls toddler bed. Lilia didn't sleep (it was when she was being funny about naps) and she threw all the toys off of the bed but she didn't get out of it so I'm hoping she'll move over ok when it happens!
Hollys still in her cot! Her bed is in there too but she wont sleep in it lol I'm not bothered, whenever she's ready is fine. I've actually just bought a cot off my friend for Evie as hollys managed to break the catch on hers and it wouldn't be safe to use with the mattress on the top setting, so she can stay in it as long as she likes really x
Thanks for the Tips about the nappy dh thought of taping it on too :) I will think about pull ups too ! She is becOming more aware of her toileting and does sit on the potty but isn't ready yet I don't think !

Amelia loves her bed just doesn't want to spend too long it :) Layla if you remember hated her toddler bed so I changed back a few weeks later and all she started doing was climbing out often head first ! So that's why she has one side off and she is fine with it now no screaming :) just testing ! I would much rather still have one in a cot :)

They are both napping a rare thing at the same these days x
Blob so pleased you had a good birthday! I like Louise, I show your cake pics to everyone, in fact only yesterday I showed dh a pic and we bothed ooo-ed and ahhh-ed. You are very talented. Have faith. xx

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