September Stars

Blob, she will get the hang of it all of a sudden, then you wont even remember how you did it for the next time!:haha:

Wowzers there are some big babies, my little tiddler was weighed wrong at her 6 week check so at reweigh she was 9lb 4oz, she is still in newborn, but is quite long.
At her hip scan yesterday everything looked good, really weird to see such a big leg bone when the anti natal scans are so teeny!
All is perfect and as it should be, there is family history on dh's side of hip problems, the scan was supposed to be back too but they didnt do it, because she is kicking and wriggling there is clearly nothing wrong with her base of spine, and no other signs of spina bifida so no point in looking at a normal back! :happydance:
The lady did say make sure there is plenty of room in the feet of the baby grow as it can cause hip problems wearing tight grows as they cant extend the leg without it pushing, i had loads of foot room in her grow, but i think it may make me change her grows for bigger ones sooner, she seems happier in clothes that swamp her anyway! Just thought it was interesting, she said if it was a problem just cut the foot part out of the grow if you wanted it to last longer!

Got things to do today, dentist for me, and my toddler has a hole in her tooth, it is really clear its a hole, but her dentist keeps saying come back in 3 months! I want something done b4 it gets too much to deal with without anesthetic, i am annoyed because i said ages ago it was a hole, the dentist said leave it and now its bigger!
She had a milk intollorance as a baby so is addicted to fruit squash, it is all she will drink, and so her teeth are suffering, i dont like sugar free as the sweeteners may be kind to teeth but are really bad for the tummy, i would rather bad teeth at this stage than problems with her stomach, especially as i think she has inherited my hiatus hernia and weak stomach valve.
So i hope my dentist will take a quick peek at her and possibly pop something in, its a front tooth with a front hole, i have had some stuff painted on b4 to seal a bad bit so i wonder if she could as the enamel is non existant on her main front 2 at the top, and i can see they will rot if nothing is done.

Back later xxxxx:hugs:
btp- glad all was well at the the scan

we have hospital tommorow for the girls to get there hips checked, i was told that it was hospital policy for breech babies but a friend of mine didnt have to go? but a fun afternoon at the hospital for us then.
Hi ladies - I haven't abandoned you - just spent ages writing a post and have lost it. I don't have time to re-write it now.

Scarlett had her injections yesterday and she has been upset and grizzly since. Some Calpol helped yesterday but she appears to be teething which means she is a little out of sorts and is sleeping a lot. I've checked and she doesn't have a temperature so I'm letting her sleep it off. I've bought her a Mam mini teether that goes in the fridge so I'm going to try her with it when she wakes up. I was signed off by the doctor yesterday but my uterus still hasn't contracted fully so I have to have an ultrasound to check what is going on.

Lilbumpblue - I'm still bleeding at nearly 9 weeks although it's mostly spotting now. I had a fresh bleed when my last course of antibiotics finished 10 days ago which may have been a period for all I know?! As there hasn't been a day when I've had no blood at all it's impossible to know whether I'm still bleeding from the birth or whether it's a period. As I'm exclusively breastfeeding I am assuming I haven't had a period but the Doc said it's a myth that everyone's period's stop if they breastfeed.

YoungMummy - do you have a Sure Start centre near you? I know it's daunting to go out on your own but I'm sure you will soon get your confidence up if you pluck up your courage to do it. I braved a bus the other day and I found it quite daunting despite the fact that I'm 35! It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be. Scarlett is sleeping really well and I'm sure it's due to the fact that we keep busy during the day and she is getting plenty of fresh air and socialising with other babies.

Genies - Scarlett was breach as you know and she had a hip scan 3 weeks ago. It was fine - very quick and literally involved her laying on the bed while the sonographer put the probe (like the ones we had for our scans) over her hips. We were in there for no more than five minutes while they took pictures of each joint.

Sorry there was loads more I wanted to say but I can hear Scarlett stirring and want to head her off before she goes into a full wail.

I'll try and get back on again soon x
Hey girlies

Just popping in to say hi! Holly slept really well again last night, 11 til 9.30 so I got a lovely lie in! I hope to start pulling her bedtime back a bit one day so she gets up a little bit earlier, but I'm happy with how it is at the moment! It doesn't seem like that long ago that she didn't sleep at all at night lol A friend that I used to work with has just had a baby and she has been messaging me a bit. I'm quite worried about her as she has been putting quite negative things on her facebook, when people have said congratulations and ask her if she is enjoying being a mummy, she just says things like all her baby does is cry and whinge... I know we all say things like that, especially on here, but she just doesn't seem very happy iykwim? I've been messaging back and forward with her and said to let me know if she needs anything, but I don't really know her well enough to ask her outright if she's struggling. I feel sorry for her! She had a bit of a time of it by the sounds of it, she was induced and had 24 hours in active labour then a C-section and she lost lots of blood. Poor love!

Hope you're all well x
F&C i snuck a look at the feeding photo sooo beautiful!!
Teeny Weeny what a gorgeous photo of you & Riley!

genies girl go you, bathing & putting both girls to bed by yourself sounds like you have a fab routine with them!

YoungMummy wow great bargin!

your not a failure hunni & there is no shame in feeling overwhelmed
remember the dr's are there to help & not judge, sometimes i carn't settle Ollie & i get really upset about it especially when OH comes in & picks him up & he settles straight away for him.
like becs said been a mum is the hardest job in the world & no two days are the same :hugs:

BTP really pleaed the scan went well thats fantastic news :happydance:
thats is interesting what the lady said about the baby growers i think i will be putting Ollie is 3-6mth one's soon coz he is soooo long! looks like i'm going to be the short arse of the family :haha:

Genies good for tomorrow xxx

:hugs: to all the babies who have been having injections poor lambs :hugs:

emzy im so jel :blush: Ollie go's down at 7/8pm then is up at 1/2am for feed then 5am ish for another feed then up at 7:30am!
our daughter was sleeping thru at his age 10am untill 6am! carnt complain he use to be up every 2hrs for a feed :wacko: least we get some sleep now:thumbup:
sounds like your work friend is having a hard time bless her, does she live near you? sounds like she could do with some company, hope she is ok? xxx

nothing much happening here, Ollie still teething, i bought some teething keys (ones with the gel in) Ollie hates them lol he rather chew on his hands :wacko:

thanks for sharing what pushchairs you all have :flower: my ebay hunt continues, thank F&C ive looked on gumtree too! i would love to buy a new one but with only 6weeks untill santa comes, it's just not gunna happen unless santa thinks ive been a good girl this yr :winkwink: xxx
F&C i snuck a look at the feeding photo sooo beautiful!!
Teeny Weeny what a gorgeous photo of you & Riley!

genies girl go you, bathing & putting both girls to bed by yourself sounds like you have a fab routine with them!

YoungMummy wow great bargin!

your not a failure hunni & there is no shame in feeling overwhelmed
remember the dr's are there to help & not judge, sometimes i carn't settle Ollie & i get really upset about it especially when OH comes in & picks him up & he settles straight away for him.
like becs said been a mum is the hardest job in the world & no two days are the same :hugs:

BTP really pleaed the scan went well thats fantastic news :happydance:
thats is interesting what the lady said about the baby growers i think i will be putting Ollie is 3-6mth one's soon coz he is soooo long! looks like i'm going to be the short arse of the family :haha:

Genies good for tomorrow xxx

:hugs: to all the babies who have been having injections poor lambs :hugs:

emzy im so jel :blush: Ollie go's down at 7/8pm then is up at 1/2am for feed then 5am ish for another feed then up at 7:30am!
our daughter was sleeping thru at his age 10am untill 6am! carnt complain he use to be up every 2hrs for a feed :wacko: least we get some sleep now:thumbup:
sounds like your work friend is having a hard time bless her, does she live near you? sounds like she could do with some company, hope she is ok? xxx

nothing much happening here, Ollie still teething, i bought some teething keys (ones with the gel in) Ollie hates them lol he rather chew on his hands :wacko:

thanks for sharing what pushchairs you all have :flower: my ebay hunt continues, thank F&C ive looked on gumtree too! i would love to buy a new one but with only 6weeks untill santa comes, it's just not gunna happen unless santa thinks ive been a good girl this yr :winkwink: xxx

Try preloved to hun x
Evening ladies xxx

It has taken me 2 hours to finally settle Hope tonight, I am sure she must know that Ian is not here, she has been a bit unsettled since he has been gone! I ended up losing my temper tonight and shouting at her, I feel so guilty, she wouldn't stop crying, I had tried everything, and the fact that I was up with her for 3 hours last night and she has been super clingy today and I haven't had time to eat all got to me. I feel such a bad Mum, I don't know what came over me, I was just so upset and frustrated with it all, I even phoned Ian while she was screaming, f knows what he could of done, I guess I just needed him to calm me down. I feel totally awful about it all.
Hi ladies!

Youngmummy I agree with the other ladies, don't beat yourself up about the crying, it happens to all of us! Often I find the problem is that she's fed up of being handled! SO now when she gets grizzly, I'll lie her on her baby gym or in her bouncy chair and she'll settle immediately! Maybe your baby is like her and gets fed up of being held quite quickly? Speak to your doctor or Health visitor, it's what they are there for and they will not judge you xx

I had Lilia weighed yesterday at 10 and a half weeks, she is now 10lb 15oz which is still bang on the 25th centile line, so I'm happy that she's having enough food now! I think I'm going to up her bottles to 7oz and give her the option to have a little more... she's obviously a guzzler and not a snacker, just like her Mummy!

I'm going to baby massage tomorrow for the first time, very excited, I missed the first one but tommorrow they are doing belly which apparently is good for wind so should be fab. She is still on infacol and if we miss it out of just one feed, she really struggles to get her wind up and ends up being grizzly and sicky for ages after. Think she'll be taking infacol before a pint on her 18th birthday at this rate!!

I am also a bit jealous of those who are still BFing. I really wanted to do it for the long haul, still feed guilty for stopping as I feel I was selfish! THe realistic part of me says that I had no choice though, excrutiating pain through feeds then pain for the 4 hours between feeds meant I dreaded every feed.... does not make for a happy mummy and baby!

Hope everyone is well x
Aww Becs, don't feel bad about it, we all have times where it gets stressful and that's when you need OH there to just take over even if for a few minutes.. if Ian is away you didn't have that option and it IS hard, Wayne was away last week and I know how you feel, it is difficult to know what to do. She possibly has noticed that he's not there, but maybe she's just having a growth spurt or a funny couple of days? Lilia had a whole day a couple of weeks ago where nothing anyone could do would settle her and she refused point blank to sleep. Don't beat yourself up about it, it's gone and forgotten about now, pour yourself a glass of wine! x

(Don't forget I'm not too far away now if you want a coffee!)
It was johnsons which brought up the rash, its almost gone now just leaving dry skin.. i am shocked that something for babies can do so much damage to her skin !!! thanks guys for your replies...

It seems some of us have been hit with the OCD of anti clutter.. think its the need to have space and be organised.. i never have any dirty clothes in the hamper or dirty dishes out, anything i dont want or wont use gets chucked out , sold or in the loft. I have always been a minimalistic sort of girl.. so im not keen on all the baby stuff out on my rug in the living room, and i try to get everything coloured coordinated... but i lost the fight with hubby when it came to play gym as he said she would have problems if everything she looks at is cream and brown.

HV and doctor thinks paige has reflux or colic so on the gaviston and it seems to be working... we still get two hours when she just wants to sit downstairs with me and not be in her moses.

no personals im afraid... its paiges lets scream for two hours for no reason time of the day xx
Evening all! I'm early for me! Have just been finishing off my Xmas pressies list, as I'm going shopping with my mum after dropping Jack at nursery tomorrow afternoon. I'm not doing too bad with the shopping really!

Becs, don't feel bad. It's hard!! I used to get super frustrated with Jack, and the only thing I could do was put him in his cot, shut the door and go into my room and scream into the bed covers! It sounds stupid but it really helped with the frustration levels!!

Louise don't feel bad about the BFing. You have to do what is right for you and your baby!!

I am going slightly mad with Sam at the moment. He won't take a bottle of expressed milk and he won't take a dummy, and I am IT! I am feeling quite trapped because he needs me and only me. I am trying all types of dummies, and he just gags and spits them out. I am at my wits end now! I have literally just been up to settle him now, and he is attempting to suck his thumb but not able to coordinate himself. He obviously needs to suck, but can't find something he likes apart from a boob, and then when the milk comes out he gets really mad. Help anyone? Please?!! The not taking a bottle thing I can cope with, he can have a sippy cup soon so it's not such a big thing. It's more the soothing himself thing. It would be fine if he were an only child, but I can't have him hanging off my boob for comfort!

Sorry to be all moany and whingy!
Lady K, I am the same about clutter!!! Never have no washing up and my laundry is always done!! Hope's toys are annoying me being out lol!!! I guess we will get over it in the end!!!

Louise, thank you xx I think she has noticed as he is the one that normally puts her to bed so I guess she is out of her routine.

I hasd mine and Hope's 6 week check today, all went well and I told the Dr how I was feeling and she said if I felt like it alot then I should go back! Tbh I don't feel depressed and most of the time I am fine, just the odd moments. She weighed Hope and she now weighs 13lb 12oz!! She is on 91st centile and 98th for length!! Bless her 3-6 month sleepsuits fit her perfectly!!
Asher, poor little Sam, must be so hard for you. I dont know what to suggest, sorry xx
Aw becs don't beat yourself up, it can be really hard when they won't settle. I shouted at holly once when she was colicky and I cried all night as I felt so bad. Hugs hun Xx

Asher holly will only take one type of dummy, the Phillips avent ones, anything else and she spits it out. Have you tried those? My friend was having the same problem so I gave her one of hollys to try and the baby took it! X
Asher: James will only take the tommee tippee dummys he gags on the avent on...babies r funny lil things lol! Do u think he could be teething?

Awww becs keep smiling hunni, dont starve yaself hun if Hope is crying and its ur lunchtime pop her in her bouncer/chair in the kitchen with you and make ur food and let her be honest if James is crying he stops just by me taking him to another room! ...alternatively turn the hoover on next to her and go off and make ur lunch lol x

Glad u are well Louise x
Lilbumpblue - you read my mind! I was going to ask if Sam was teething too? I bought a MAM teether today - it comes on a clip and you can put it in the fridge. It really helped this evening when Scarlett was grizzly.

Becs - I find putting the Hoover or my hairdryer on settles Scarlett. If I need to eat or go to the loo I put her in her swing or in her cot under her mobile. You need to eat for her sake as much as yours so it's better Hope cries for a few mins if that's what it takes. Sometimes I make things in advance and put it in the fridge. I also make sure I have fruit and some breakfast bars - anything I can eat one handed but keeps my energy up

asher, afraid you may have to try different ones.. paige hates the closer to nature ones, but your LO may love them.. must be so frustrating.. apparently boys are more boobie loving babies than girls... they use it as a comfort thing... really hope you find a solution soon xx
Thanks everyone, it's so nice to have some support!! A couple of my American friends on FB suggested a couple of different types, so I'm gonna give them a go, also going to try your suggestion of a teether MrsJ. Thanks again everyone! I'll be moaning when he's 2 that I can't get his dummy off him!!

Becs, hope sounds chunky like Sam, just not quite so chunky! At 7 weeks he was 13lb 4 I think, then at 10 weeks 15 2. I might take him again next week, but I think he is slowing down a touch now. He doesn't appear to be noticeably bigger than he was, where a few weeks ago you could see the difference every couple of days. I agree with the others about getting stuff done, I just tend to pop Sam into his chair or under his mobile if I NEED to do something. If he cries, I go to him as soon as I can, but if I really do need to eat I let him cry while I get something ready. xx
Hi girls

I agree with the others about eating. It's not so bad now as she will happily entertain herself in her bouncer while I make food and eat, but not so long ago I could never put her down. Matt would make my lunch the night before when he made his to take to work and I'd do what MrsJ does and get loads of one handed bits in that I could snack on if I couldn't make food. If I need to do something in my bedroom I put her under her mobile in her cot, any other room she comes with me in the bouncer. If she is being cranky in one room, moving rooms is usually enough to distract her for a while anyway!

I've got some ebay posting to do today. I made just over £100 from my maternity clothes so I'm really pleased!

Hi girls

I agree with the others about eating. It's not so bad now as she will happily entertain herself in her bouncer while I make food and eat, but not so long ago I could never put her down. Matt would make my lunch the night before when he made his to take to work and I'd do what MrsJ does and get loads of one handed bits in that I could snack on if I couldn't make food. If I need to do something in my bedroom I put her under her mobile in her cot, any other room she comes with me in the bouncer. If she is being cranky in one room, moving rooms is usually enough to distract her for a while anyway!

I've got some ebay posting to do today. I made just over £100 from my maternity clothes so I'm really pleased!


thats how im losing weight... just dont get time to eat....have to get some more snack food ... well done with the selling, i sold a lod of stuff andf made 300.. its all gone now though !!! bloody car needed work done just as i was thinking i was 300 up !!!

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